Reminder that blaming all Muslims for this attack is like blaming all Italians for the Mafia. When I told people I thought Godfather was a racist movie they laughed at me. However now we are seeing the same thing happen to Muslims despite most of them doing nothing wrong.
This is how dumb you look
>a fucking leaf
Italian Americans will willingly admit that either someone in your family was directly involved or at least knew someone involved, they never deny it.
Of course they laughed at you.
You're a fucking retard.
Not true. Most deny it because they know it's not true. Most Italians were hardworkers but were still hated at the time because of the mafia which was super over-exaggerated.
A fucking DUTCH
Fuck off Brits you guys are retarded
fuck off edgelord, people love the mafia
Are you fucking kidding me? They sold out women for money, supplied alcohol to people (breaking the law at the time) and ran illegal casinos.
Italians is an ethnic group you moron, Muslims follow the Quran, Italians don't follow Mafia rules.
But it's the same type of discrimination! One man does something bad and next thing you know people are calling genocide on them.
This actually. Who hate canada that much to compromise them?
You making trolling this obvious makes me fucking mad. go to plebbit you are not worth Sup Forums
Don't confuse the hyper-memetic tone of Sup Forums for its realistic application.
Most people don't want to ban Muslims (it would be a massive disgrace to the first amendment), but it's obvious the security apparatus(es) the US has in place to keep tabs on Islamist organizations is shite, really poorly implemented. We have all this data pouring in through the NSA surveillance network supposedly on the basis of "counterterrorism", to the point where this guy was on the list of suspected ISIS supporters, and yet nothing was done.
You had this imam come to visit Orlando a little while back and preaching about how killing gays is an act of compassion because their lives are a sin against God, and no one said anything about how that might be considered an active incitement to violence because, gee, I don't want to be a racist! Then one of his flock goes on to shoot a bunch of gays, and the head honcho imam comes on TV this morning to say "well you know you can't blame us for this it's really America's fault for reasons desu don't think too hard about this #notourfault but we're also totally going to keep bringing in guys to say kill all gays anyway baka", and everyone's just expected to sit back and nod happily to this bullshit.
We shouldn't blame all Muslims. We shouldn't ban all Muslims. But we also shouldn't stick fingers in our ears and pretend that there isn't a pervasive problem of religiously motivated murders coming from the Islamic community.
Leave troll
That's what they said about Italians.
You listed victimless crimes because you couldn't think of any occurrence where they went on suicide missions to kill as many innocent civilians as possible could you?
>Have to follow a religion that has as part of its doctrine instructions for Jihad and Sharia
>... Can be mafia or not.
>Not all italians follow the mafia bible
Wow, really made me thin
In a 2007 Pew Research poll in response to a question on whether suicide bombing and other forms of violence against civilian targets to defend Islam could be justified, (
Muslim countries:
45% of Muslims in Egypt believed it could never be justified, 25% believed it could be justified rarely, 20% sometimes, and 8% thought it could be justified often.
61% of Muslims in Turkey believed it could never be justified, 9% believed it could be justified rarely, 14% sometimes, and 3% thought it could be justified often.
43% of Muslims in Jordan believed it could never be justified, 28% believed it could be justified rarely, 24% sometimes, and 5% thought it could be justified often.
28% of Muslims in Nigeria believed it could never be justified, 23% believed it could be justified rarely, 38% sometimes, and 8% thought it could be justified often.
69% of Muslims in Pakistan believed it could never be justified, 8% believed it could be justified rarely, 7% sometimes, and 7% thought it could be justified often.
71% of Muslims in Indonesia believed it could never be justified, 18% believed it could be justified rarely, 8% sometimes, and 2% thought it could be justified often.
64% of Muslims in France believed it could never be justified, 19% believed it could be justified rarely, 10% sometimes, and 6% thought it could be justified often.
70% of Muslims in Britain believed it could never be justified, 9% believed it could be justified rarely, 12% sometimes, and 3% thought it could be justified often.
83% of Muslims in Germany believed it could never be justified, 6% believed it could be justified rarely, 6% sometimes, and 1% thought it could be justified often.
69% of Muslims in Spain believed it could never be justified, 9% believed it could be justified rarely, 10 % sometimes, and 6% thought it could be justified often.
Look up Valentine massecure. Look at what Al-Capone did he paid off the mayor of Chicago and basically made what Chicago is now, a shithole.
Delete your account.
My grandma was born in Italy, but I wouldn't hold it against a country for not accepting Italian immigrants. The Mafia followed the diaspora pretty much everywhere Italians went and many Italian Americas acted disgracefully when it came to it glorifying the mafia.
That's fucking racist.
Not all Muslims take the Quaran literally.
When people say "not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims" they're not really that far from the truth:
I dare you to spot the Christian terrorist attack in that list. Pro-tip: you're not going to find it.
Islam is quite simply incompatible with western values.
Another one? Fucking stop you fucking leaf cunt
Ok. Whats wrong about it?
Reminder that blaming all Muslims for this attack is like blaming all Nazis for the holocaust.
I don't know how many Italians you know, but this guy: is mostly telling the truth.
They DO deny it sometimes, but literally every italian family knows someone in casa nostra.
How are any of those victimless?
It's racist I just said.
That's true. I know many neo-nazis who actually like Jews and say they like Hitler but think the idea of the holocaust is disgusting. They don't believe in the holocaust but they said that it would have been horrible if it happened.
Which makes you an apostate and fit for beheading, according to that same book.
I'm Italian and couldn't find any mobsters in my family tree.
But dude not everyone follows it literally.
Many Muslims say it's the religion of peace.
Yes please Canuck, tell us more about the social climate in OUR country, about OUR ethnic group. Im sure you're knowledge about what "most" Italian Americans say will be much more insightful than what we actual Italian Americans have experienced.
Once your done here why not go tell black people about how their ancestors really felt, im sure they are waiting on bated breath for you to inform them.
most Italian immigrants who went to the new world were members of the mafia. We kicked away what we didn't want and there's written evidence for that. So in a sense you'd be right to blame the mafia on Italians in the US
>Reminder that blaming all Muslims for this attack is like blaming all Italians for the Mafia
Another retard shitpost by an Islamophile apologist for murder. Not all Italians were members of the Mafia. All Muslims are followers of Islam.
Islam is a death cult founded by a childraping warmonger and spread entirely by war. It was founded by a violent man, is centred on the teachings of a violent man, and spread throughout it's history entirely by violence.
Your analogy is invalid, you pathetic fucking cuck.
That's because you are fucking Canadian, and the mob had fuck all to do with Canada. It's hard to make a racket out of moose fucking and syrup slurping.
Ok, it's racist, but most Italian Americans glorify Al Capone, Carlo Gambino, and John Gotti for being "serious fuggin people" even though they were pieces of dog shit that ruined thousands of lives. If you can't accept that because it's racist then you're looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses.
Sure buddy, go on about OUR country you self-loathing piece of shit!
Come to East Africa and see how peaceful the muslims here are.
>That's true. I know many neo-nazis who actually like Jews and say they like Hitler but think the idea of the holocaust is disgusting. They don't believe in the holocaust but they said that it would have been horrible if it happened.
Hmmm. Well this is new for you lot, facing it head on.
Okay. Do you think that real jackbooted Nazis rounding up all the Jews and gassing them is acceptable because some of them don't agree with it, and cover for and make excuses for those that do?
Actually Nordic Anti Semite said the Mafia was the Italians who descend from NORDIC invaders from the Normans. They were the smartest and could fool other Italians to obey them. So in a way they are the superior.
That's not an argument. Are Dutchmen trying to become the next great shitposters?
you don't live in africa dumb fucker
Not true asshole.
Mob had fuck all to do with U.S. Alcapones house was from Canada and same with Rocko Perry.
Many do. Even in the west, and particularly when it comes to hating gays.
For fuck's sake we have Muslims here going around and poisoning dogs because of that fucking book.
>When I told people I thought Godfather was a racist movie they laughed at me
And now people from around the world laugh at you
>Sure buddy, go on about OUR country you self-loathing piece of shit!
What's the point when you lot made bestiality legal while your country literally burns?
Why do you shitpost so much Canada?
That peace being everyone, everywhere living under Islam.
Leafs are the worst.
They don't glorify them asshole!
Dude you're African your not supposd to be RACIST! You're probably a white corporate colonist tho
No the holocaust was horribel. And my friends said the Nazis who like the holocaust aren't real Nazis. Ernst Rohme and the pre-Hitler nazis were better.
>racist movie
Motherfucker this movie only increased my respect for sicilians. How much of a badass and based person do you need to be to take no shit from nobody and have half of newyork practicly under your control.
But what can you expect from a leaf who would value foreign cock rather than their own family. You could learn a thing or to about loyalty from Don Vito.
It's also Ethnicity vs. Religion. I can't wake up tomorrow and feel disgusted by the Mafia and cease to be a wop.
A muslim can at anytime abandon their membership to the church of the burning faggot, the only thing stopping them from doing so is religious zealots who threaten to kill them for leaving. Which isn't an argument for staying in Islam, but for wiping out those that would prevent people from leaving.
>For fuck's sake we have Muslims here going around and poisoning dogs because of that fucking book.
No where in the Quaran does it say to kill dogs
And how would they poison dogs? Which dogs? Do they break into peoples houses and kill their dogs?
underrated fucking post, the first intelligent thing ive read on Sup Forums that isnt HAHAHA JEWS XD in a long time
>Not true asshole.
What isn't true? Are you claiming all Italians are members of the mafia? Or are you referring to the undisputable facts I listed regarding Muhammad's life, character, and the history of the Muslim conquests?
Your analogy is invalid and straightforward fucking idiotic as well as demonstratic a pathetic level of historical ignorance.
Me and everyone I know is connected
But the difference is that number one "the mob" is mostly into legitimate business after the FBI purges in the 80's & 90's
The mafia only hurts people already involved in the game, they know the risks
It's not like feral niggers wandering around raising shit everywhere
Oh yeah, and we don't have the writings of a schizophrenic arab pedophile telling us ALL to kill people
No im here for real discussion
Because think about it a horse has to go it's whole life. Only the strongest get to mate. What about the 80% of horses that don't get to mate? The law of making it legal to suck the penis of a horse isn't for Beastility people it is to pleasure the horse since most don't get to mate.
>Dude you're African your not supposd to be RACIST!
You have no fucking clue how the world really functions, do you?
Pretty much every Italian American does, the only ones who don't are small business owners that actually have to deal with their black hand shit.
This is how they reacted when Gotti finally went to prison
>I thought Godfather was a racist movie
>Motherfucker this movie only increased my respect for sicilians
Oh my god you got to be kidding me? Niggers have Detriot under there control do you like negros?
Vito was a scum who thought family was more important than tolerance for other races
Sup Forums never said anything about no fucking Godfather. That's your crude fallacy to compare the two.
Sup Forums says, Islam is fertile ground for radicalization and it has to be stopped. Only way to do that is to kill ISIS and all the Jihadi who are easy to identify if you pay attention. Omar Mateen was on the FBI list ..if you're paying attention.
>Not true asshole.
Look up the reconquista. It happened quite a long way from Arabia. I wonder why that would be?
Also happened prior to the crusades, which puts a not usually spoken about twist on them doesn't it?
has Italians stayed in Italy there wouldn't have been any fucking Italian mafia in America
Why do you think folks a hundred years ago used to hate the Irish and Italian? Because they were criminal scum who shitted up America.
I know Muslims they are good people
An African wouldn't be racist since they learned what it did when they were slaves.
Exactly. OP is so desperate to apologise for murder and propagandise/whitewash for Islam that he's inadvertantly composed a racist shitpost slandering Italians.
being muslim is a choice
being italian is not
>history is racist
Get out of my country.
Reminder its not because normal italians HATED the mafia and HATED mafia movies because they portrayed Italians in a negative light. """"Moderate"""" Muslims never say SHIT about these terrorist attacks. Go fuck yourself, we're deporting all the muslims and nothing can stop us. Our national security is more important than political correctness or their fucking feelings.
>When I told people I thought Godfather was a racist movie they laughed at me
Yea I'm not surprised only a literal retard could think that
Yes I do, you fucking retard
They're a lot better than the dindu gangsters, that's for sure. The mob didn't do drive-by shootings that showered the innocent poor people with stray bullets flying through the walls.
The mob kept that shit in their own circles and didn't let it spill onto the streets. Now look what we have in American cities. Dindu crime is the most destructive crime.
Yup. Here's a handy Wikipedia article covering the manner in which Islam spread after being invented by the pedophile Muhammad. *Spoiler* it's accurately titled 'Early Muslim conquests' - as you'd expect given it covers the Official Religion of Peace. The manner in which Islam spread through Central/South Asia was identical - war, war, war.
They literally say "coloured people are animals!"
Those were probably paid by the mafia
Yeah every Muslim is on the FBI list FBI is racist and leaked documents have them use the term "raghead"
Sure buddy
DUDE! Why are you hating Italians Poles were treated even worse!
why can't things like this become pasta?
dont want them hurt,just sent back.they want us out of the desert and we want them out of the us.its a mutual thing.
fuck is your argument?
thing u fucking dont realize is if we truly cut off ties with these fuckwads they wither and die/an hero each other.
they need enemies to have purpose,if the "good" ones dont have the fucking balls to fight the bad in their own space they are worse than extremists,they are cucked faggots.
u want us to take on your faggotry losses u better consider us mercs from now dont get in here and u pay us to fix your fuckin problems.
No, you comparison is wrong.
Muslim terrorists kill in the name of Islam
The Mafia didn't kill in the name of Italian Americans
you fucking disgust me dude, to think we live in the same country, kys faggot
>No the holocaust was horribel. And my friends said the Nazis who like the holocaust aren't real Nazis. Ernst Rohme and the pre-Hitler nazis were better.
Pre-hitler nazis here thugs who would 100% have gassed the Jews. Hitler purged those people.
And since you said that was not acceptable because it was a horrific act, why do Muslims get a free pass?
You're stupid they call coloured people animals
But having a movie about SICILIAN gangsters makes people hate Sicilians more
Dude your ancestors were slaved why are you racist?
>Reminder that blaming all Muslims for this attack ...
stopped reading there
>They literally say "coloured people are animals!"
Is this whole thread b8? That's just how people talked at the time.
Hey, idiot! Islam is an ideology/religion, not a race.
>I know Muslims they are good people
Congrats on another evasive and irrelevant shitpost. I don't give a fuck who you know - we're not talking about your friends.
Tell me exactly what part of my post you regard as 'untrue' or grow a pair and concede the point.
neonazis are LITERALLY the most peaceful group on that list
what world do I live in
No, ban Canada, ban Canada
With all their beady little eyes
And flappin' heads so full of lies
Ban Canada, ban Canada
It seems that everything's gone wrong
Since Canada came along
damn us secular/ideological communists can't even kill as good as muslims when it comes to public revolt. how is that even possible