Wtf ?
I hate white people now
Wtf ?
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Egypt is in Africa so, yes, blacks were kings and queens.
Do you know who sold all those horrible white men all those slaves? It was the other Africans or are you so stupid that you think a couple guys on boats showed up and caught blacks in nets despite being outnumbered by literally millions
But the egyptians enslaved hundreds of thousands of negroids from subsaaran africa to make them build their pyramids...
See how much egyptians hate this fucking "we wuz kings and shiiiieeeet" meme?
I've been trying to explain this to /pol all this time
But these racist ass crackers are uncivilized and keep calling me with racist slurs such as "nigger" or dindu
same with Carthage and the moors they were black too
Wait.... so we wuz kingz and shit?????
Pic related
Don't forget the Rhodesians and Afrikaners! And the Vandals!
Not everyone was a king, 90% of the population has always been slaves, whether literally or metaphorically, it hasn't disappeared in the modern age.
Africans - yes. Negroids - no
The Egyptian black kangz were the ones who came from Sudan long after Egypt's golden age and completely fucked it up.
Why do black people get so happy that some Egyptians were kings. You don't see white people saying we wuz royalty n shit.
My great-great-great grandmother was born in Vienna, so I Wuz Habsburgz n sheeit
It's one thing not to have the information it's another thing to have it and still be retarded
Also this
>it's another thing to have it and still be retarded
That is exactly why niggers in my country don't go around claiming to be kings and shiiiieeeettt. They are tought at school their humble origins as african slaves, and get explained how we just traded booze and a few fancy european hats for the slaves.
You should add to the picture his latest plan to recover the country economy, by selling all of the wild animals in the animal snctuaries of the country to "private collections", claiming to be doing it because of drought.
A drought in Africa? No shit, not like that is a yearly natural event...Oh wait, it is...
>A drought in Africa? No shit, not like that is a yearly natural event...Oh wait, it is...
I find it amazing that year after year they have droughts since humans began and still there is no system in place to adequately deal with it.
"White folks was in the caves while we was building empires, We built pyramids before white people even knew what architecture was… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it."
-Pharaoh Kangs'nsheid as the white hordes were besieging Memphis
>there is no system in place to adequately deal with it.
Oh there are plenty of systems for that, they are always built by whites and when blacks take the land they just don't maintain it and fuck it up badly.
Just look at what the kikes do to fix this shit:
It is simple and easy to implement, yet negros will never figure it out, even if we teach them how to build and maintain this kind of technology they will just fuck it up and go back to waging tribal war and blaming whitey for their problems.
Why do dindus find it so amazing that they had a ruling class like every other fucking race ever?
do niggers not realize that ancient egypt thrived off mass slavery?
They also dont realise that egyptians were not sub saharan africsns