Be Brotier Sikh

>Be Brotier Sikh
>Stumble across Sup Forums
>Red-pilled, start hating nigs, Mudslimes and faggots
>Realise Sup Forums is always right
>Feel sorry for the whites as the degeneracy in their culture is rampant and their culture is being ripped apart
>Sorry bros


Other urls found in this thread:


do you have sisters?

fuck off mohammed

are sikhs really brotier or is that just a forced meme?

Yes, they are redpilled. One told us a Mudslime was trying to hit on her. We found him and beat the fuck out of him.


Felt I could join Kebab Slaying Valhalla like my forefathers.

This is why people like Sikhs.

Educate yourself. That is kebab slaying tier. Above brotier.

Nah, they're pretty brotier.

>We found him and beat the fuck out of him.

>tfw too white to get away with beating pakis

sikhs are shittier who are trying to distance themselves from other shitskins cause they realise the white population around them are waking up.

they are opportunistic parasites.

>Feel sorry

fuck off you special snowflake shit skin.

all sikhs do is cry for special status while taking advantage of our system.

you all have to go back.

Hey Sikh faggot when are you going to apologize for this:

That kirpan knife you carry is to slit our throats, don't lie.

>>tfw too white to get away with beating pakis

>TFW you a call a Muslim "a dirty fucking Muslim bastard who needs to fuck off back to ISIS" in front of a policeman
>TFW the policeman only says "Oi, calm down with the language"



Hey cuck faggot, when are you going to apologise for this:

nah proud christian

but I do admit that I´m a endangered species

well if you really feel bad then you better tell you sisters to be extra nice too white dudes

I´m not even trying to be mean or anything but I seriously expect a full fledged brown skinned holocaust across all of the west soon.
and I doubt that the average european is going to know the difference between a Muslim and a Sikh when that time comes

>seriously consider disguising myself as a paki for a split second

TFW you realise you can't spell "Canuck" without Cuck.


Maybe you should stop breeding like rats, then you can feed your people.

It doesnt take much to bring out your true colours shit skin.

It's an exaggeration about the ones in the west because they're being compared against literal dogshit tier Pakis and Muslims.

Apart from hating the Muslims, they're pretty average as far as immigrants go and will take advantage of positive discrimination/political correctness like most others.

Everybody on Sup Forums loves Sikhs except fellow Leafs because we're the ones that actually have to deal with you stinky motherfuckers.

So do Brits, you cucked Canuck




Pajeets need to go back to their shitting streets.

Is it true the kirpans you all carry are specifically for killing Muslims?

Exactly they have turned brampton into a curry nigger hell hole.

Why do leafs hate Sikhs so much? All the ones I've come across irl were pretty based

You raped them for 400 years and plundered their shiny baubles. Theyve got no business infesting us

For anyone who starts on a Sikh. As it's usually Mudslimes, yeh.


I'm confused. Are you so racist that you don't differentiate between varying shades of shitskins, or are you so cucked that you hate Sikhs for oppressing certain "protected" minorities?


Fuck sikhs and the crappy "bro tier" maymay

if it ain't white, it ain't right.

Pajeets clean their arses with that fucking leaf of yours.

Cucked Canuck.

Nobody care about your opinion, fucking sikh.

Sikhs are our Muslims. You know how Pakis cause all the crime in Britain? Here the Pakis are in second place behind the Sikhs

because i've lived in brampton and actually had to live around these curry niggers

>implying sikhs clean their asses at all

I dunno about elsewhere, but Sihks in my Pennsylvanian neighborhood are based as fuck.

Shut it, you fucking Arab.

eat shit mohammed

Quads confirm based sikh bros. LISTEN TO THIS MAN KEK SPEAKS THROUGH HIM!

Sikhs are sub human and regardless of what you post it will never change that..

Jews have slay Muslims all the time, but they get no love.

You can be sure that when they do, it's that fucking leaf of yours.

US bringin' the bantz.

>flag is still UK

If you're so "redpilled" then fuck off back to India, shitskin

He's man enough to stand for what's right, not a feminized beta cuck like most white men I'm afraid.

>Theyve got no business infesting us

Look at the degeneracy rampant in your culture. It is you, who are degenerates.

Komagata Maru incident

T.Sikh who's so redpilled and alpha he can't go back to the shit hole he came from..

Oh, are the Sikhs raping your young girls in an organised manner too?

Dont you have a street to shit in raj?

Gee, I really wonder why.

Besides, that's not even exactly true.

Most sikhs are degenerate wanna be thugs fuck off with your forced meme

> TFW my grandfathers fought in WW2 slaying Japs in Burma and Krauts in Italy
> TFW 3 of my great-grandfathers fought in WW1 in Belgium and France
> TFW my family have shed blood for this nation


I know nothing about this (Quebec here) but there is really no difference between Sikhs and other Indians, except that Sikhs seem to need the White Man's approval more

i appreciate your point of view. don't listen to the retards.

brampton fuckin sucks now, whites are actually just a huge minority

Don't you have a school or club to get shot up in, Chad?

>I know nothing about this (Quebec here) but there is really no difference between Sikhs and other Indians, except that Sikhs seem to need the White Man's approval more

I know they force this fucking meme while infesting our cities with nothing but sub humans who spit on our nation and cry for special status and if they dont get it cry racism..

Welcome to the right side Sikh bro.

A couple of Sikhs and a few of my friends saw a few of those "peaceful refugees" hitting on and berating a group of three women.
I said, "keep your eye on this, those cunts are about to tell them to fuck off and we might need to step in." I was right, "Fuck off! You're not getting laid tonight!" and not even before the 'tonight' part came out the bitch got atomic slapped by the fucking Muslim.

Sikhs were right on my side running towards, we beat the ever living fuck out of them. Ya'll are pretty fierce once the peaceful side gets torn down.
10/10, would go out with the Sikh mates again.

>except that Sikhs seem to need the White Man's approval more

>trying to pass it off as a bad thing

Canucks are truly cucks.

Sikhs and gurkas are protect the british empire tier bros.

good to hear you are culling the mussies.

not even going to be triggered by the valhalla comment because you guys would fit into the ideology of the norse quite fine.

>Besides, that's not even exactly true.


>Canucks are truly cucks.

Dont worry the hate is mutual.

IDGAF about Canada. I'm about British Sikhs. Significant difference.

British Sikhs immigrated in the 50s/60s/70s

Canadian Sikh immigrated in the 00s/10s.

Completely different generation, different mindsets.


Cucks shouldn't be hated, but pitied.

They need to be put down quickly to end their suffering.

I love you Sikhs!

>British Sikhs immigrated in the 50s/60s/70s
>Canadian Sikh immigrated in the 00s/10s.

That could be true.

Sikhs here are fucking scum.




They're fellow Deus Vult tier

One day all faiths and cultures that have been rfucked up by Islam will unite to destroy it. Hindus, Jews, Sihks and Christians will destroy this plague of filth once and for all.

From vikings to nordic crusaders to...well..Sweden.

What happened?

this reads like a fanfic by some faggot pajeet

But your blood will never be of that nation.

>Tfw everyone in town is armed to teeth and hates anything that isnt white

Come find out whos the cuck

Great, go be proud of that in India

What's worse, the kid you hate who outright hates you or the annoying kid you hate but who wants to be your best friend?

If I shed blood, my blood will stain this nation. Stain it with glory.

>proud christian
Keep doing it, bud.

We Christians need to hold out this degeneracy.

If there are any actual Brits left in the UK I'm sure one of them would dispute this


Some Sikhs are definitely bro tier. At the moment, that is.
I grew up with a few of them and they were absolutely based even when we were young.
They absolutely hated Muslims and loved a bacon sandwich every now and again.
It's anecdotal sure... but in my experience they definitely respect British culture and customs and essentially maintain a balance between continuing their religious beliefs somewhat privately and integrating into society more or less seamlessly.

Each generation of them become less and less religious also. It's like the opposite of Muslims where you'll find the parents are the ''less radical'' ones of the family... It's the ''new generation'' that go on to become terrorists, etc.

In my opinion: Sikh's are bro tier in a ''Yes, a small number of us can live in the same country and not fuck with your customs, bacon or women''
But, things change fast.

>le brotier may may 8:^)

Chicano here. I feel the same

Come home white man. I would love to experience 50s America. We need you. Illegals,mudshit niggerdom need to gtfo of my country

basically this
they're normal immigrants so to speak, it's just sad that nowadays being mediocre is enough to literally elevate you to being "brotier"

but hey, i dont really care much either way. as long as you behave and generally respect the law of the land, then im cool with it

Brotier Brit.

Not being biased but they are the best of immigrant groups. But too many degenerate Sikh are coming over now.

I saw a Sikh at the grocery store the other day. Made eye contact and gave each other a nod, it was like he was saying, "I'm on your side, brother."

Some of the most bro-tier shit I've ever experienced.

This probably happened with 100 times the autism in reality

i love this brotier maymay

Know what that nod meant?

He is signing up for the Crusades

God fuck off with this forced meme

You fuckers fucked it up. TWICE!

Europe wouldn't need immigrants if it weren't for you, you monumental failures.

TWICE you set out to achieve something great, TWICE you fucked it up. In the process you rid Europe of over 100M+ European men...

Fucking idiots.

People here like Sikhs too, our fucking Minister of National Defense is a Sikh

There's just too many leafs on Sup Forums trying to look cool. You sound like stormfags, and it's the same ones in every thread.

You people are the reason people hate leafposters now.

On the Muslim side

Fuck off hat

t. Sikh

t.turban headed cow piss guzzler

They act like niggers in Canada, but some of them are pretty cool

I bet you're a self hating Pajeet.

We lost to many wars and had to adopt a more peaceful way of life.

>Swedes and danes fight for generations
>Sweden eventually gain upper hand and becomes a great power
>Sweden gets rekt by Ruskies
>Meanwhile Danes want revenge but gets rekt by Brits.
>Broken and exhausted the scandinavians begins to reform into peaceful trading nations. >Suddenly WW2
>all the jews gets driven into sweden
>post war boom allows welfare states to develop
>Jews promptly use the welfare state to try and cuck the natives
>the succes is proportional to the concentration of jews