Quick question
Quick question
You are not built for the world in it's current state, Richard.
*grazes hand over scalp*
Oh gosh, my head sure is itchy, anyways, Richard... may I please ask you a question per chance?
*stares absently at the horizon*
>sends angry letter at walker
Please inform me as to why it is still proceeding.
The world in its current state is far removed from the world of the past
I believe I am a better caretaker of your kin than you might be at the moment
That is the walker's circulatory system center and its pulmonary systems.
I do apologize Otis, but I do believe that my best chance of surviving this intense situation is to leave you behind as a distraction. I have weighed all my alternatives and I must argue that this is my final decision as I believe it to be the only way to save my dear friend Richard's son, Carl.
good new meme Sup Forums
*leans forward*
okay Rick, let's get serious here. people's lives are at stake after all
*leans back*
*falls back*
*knocks politely*
small swine small swine, please allow me into your domicile
>pardon me Richard, if it is not too much of an imposition, may I posit a query my good man?
I do regret that circumstances panned out this way Richard, but your wife Loretta does not believe you can protect her children, neither young Charles, nor the unborn child whose parentage we both know is in dispute. Henceforth it would be preferable if leadership of this band of survivors of the general state of disaster into which the United States seem to have fallen should transfer to me.
>Shane materialized out of the forest at a full run, legs scissoring through the tall grass, the morning chill dragging like a cold blanket over his smooth scalp. As he approached the pastoral silence of Herschel's farm he gave utterance to a single, formidable word: