We don't speak "Hitler".
Translate that moonspeak.
i don't speak nazi
Basically, "quintessentially German".
Had a good laugh with my dad at your "German" team.
The Polish team playing before you was real Europeans.
Due to recent events: There is nothing more german than Özil and Boateng
That was a sick goal-line save by Ozil though.
They aren't wrong. Being German lost its value.
>watching soccer
>60% white
Also while you and your "dad" were watching the game your mom was probably sucking multiple nigger dick
Dont forget Northern Ireland too m8
germany is done for good
brainwashing innocent kids
Merkel needs to be put 6 feet under
Zlatan will crush germany
Also: At least Boateng sang the anthem.
Özil never sings the German anthem. He's Turkish and an oportunist who wanted to play for the team that grants him the biggest income but that doesn't mean he's feeling German or wants to be a German.
Boateng is half ethnic German
Deal with it, Nazis
then why, oh why, do you let him play on your national team, a team represented by germans.
Wie heißt der linke nochmal?
Kenne den noch von GameOne.
And he looks 100% nigger
twitch / gameswelt
I've noticed that Germans never translate things in their first posts. They're such cunts.
You're IPs have been tracked and submitted to the EU tolerance commission. Cease all hate speech related activities or face consequences.
Christian Gürnth
Sorry this is my first day on the job
So German they refuse to sing the German anthem... well they already got the self-hate part down.
childish as fuck
Did Die Welt write this themselves or is it just an article based on another thing?
I thought Die Welt was kinda redpilled?
>"MUSTAFI, son of Albanian parents!"
This fucking disgusting cuckland.
Chris "Hahnrei" Gürnth
They both barely speak German. Boateng talks like a mentally disabled 12 year old.
Are they retarded? This insults me as an actual German on so many levels.
Boateng sings the anthem
> 00:00 13. Juni
Hier is jetzt 23:34
>"Mehr Deutsch" statt "Deutscher"
>Von der Redaktion einer verfickten Tageszeitung
Bitte sagt mir, dass das kein echter Tweet ist.
>This insults me as an actual German on so many levels
und er hat ja noch früher als ich gepostet, also nein:
Albanians are white, so it's not that bad.
this meme again?
at least he's slavic, just like 80% of you.
by media*
From what I saw only the turkroach didn't have the dignity to sing the anthem. The people singing it were very low energy though.
Ich hab grad eben nachgesehen... der Tweet ist echt.
fick die wand an.
When someone looks like a sandnigger, he isn't white in my book. I know it's the only reason your country is considered 60% white instead of 20% white but no. Just no.
>everybody in the Balkans is Serbian
>rest of Europe slavic
he doesnt even have dick
>the black man is a literal head taller than the kraut manlet
>muh superior aryan genes
They're genetically similar to Greeks.
say what you want, but Schweinsteiger is as German as it gets
I speak to a few Christian policy makers here occasionally, they truly dabble in that kind of speak ''but at least we have exotic take-away food and a few good soccer players now'' (neglecting the fact Dutch total football and unity is gone now)
Was in Aurich a few weeks back, it's even worse than local Dutch cities. Place seems overrun with Syrians and Africans.
This is the only place they can be ethnocentric.
he is a tanned German from Turkroachistan
I know he must look white to you, but I have bad news
The "kraut" is a turk ...
Boateng seems like a bro and happy to be considered German. Özil is a typical turkroach though.
First time in 10 years i will not cheer for my homecountry.thanks cultural marxism.
The "Kraut manlet" is a Turk.
All Israelis are Turkish Jews. He could be your cousin.
Born west-berlin, 1988
Born Gelsenkirche, germany
well, at least they were born in Germany
Quintessentially German. That's is exactly what the new Germans look like.
Kek, i'm guessing you're one of the gypsie looking albozergs. Stay salty faggot
Reminder that East Germany was based and pure German and the modern FRG is cucked beyond belief
friendly reminder that this is the US team
>east Germany
Holy motherfucking kek, they're Slavic rapebabbies. There wasn't a single German womb that wasn't impregnated after world war II
At least your future president translates her Spanish posts to English as well, we could all learn something here.
your impotence is showing
Is number 15 Australian?
They look like the average American. Are you upset?
friendly reminder that the black german is a relatively new phenomenon in a long history of white europe, while blacks and hispanics have been in the USA since its inception
I'm sorry to dissapoint you but Albanians aren't slavic. Also Mustafi is a muzzie as you should have derived from his surname.
>Polish education
Come at me faggot
>s-sixty percent w-white!
Literally the only comeback you ever give
Yet the US manages to be less cucked than you, funny how that works.
Blacks only make up 13% of America. There won't be a light skinned German in 7 years.
>Aus aktuellem Anlass
woah... really makes you think... makes all these issues with multiculturalism... Just MELT away...
I'm a #GrünMissle now
Both were brilliant tonight
>frisian burka
there is no limit to how far these sandniggers have taken over
shit am I wierd for getting rock hard ?
>hispanics wuz in the Continental army!
heh watch this kid...
*cucks behind you*
*unleashes the bulls, raping everyone*
heh that was easy....
*goes back to cuckshed*
A lot of them are islamizied Serbs and Bulgarians. Lots of Greeks too.
Boateng has been on the team for years and is pretty good. Honestly can't hate on him. Whoever tweeted this is a grade A certified cuck tho
>less cuck
You are cucked by Mexico, that's even more funny than being cucked by multiple islamic countries.
America is a nation of immigrants, bunch of degenerate european scum just happened to be first. We expect europe to be pure senpai
(((Die Welt)))
Lügenpresse as usual
14/88 Hitler was right!
Nice dubs tho
That would mean you're cucked by fucking Bolivia, since they also illegally migrate to Argentina
And this is ignoring the part where your country is also third world
>this meme again
It was 2 million rapes at the absolute most (and most didn't result in births). In any case Slavs > Turks
This was posted by the German ministry of cultural affairs. They said that Islam was always in Germany and is more quinticentially German than Christianity. They also said Germans must mix with immigrants if they want to survive.
Serbian master race
>third world
What that's have to do with anything? In any case is even worse for you to be cucked by third world shitskins.
And yes, we are getting cucked by Bolivians but in Argentina 99% of the population call them 'Bolitas' and we are allowed to discriminate them, your population instead side with the immigrants.
>I thought Die Welt was kinda redpilled?
Yeah, talk about being lost if even you, a polack believes Die fucking Welt to be """"""redpilled""""""
>a country
>a economy
>no debts
>falkland islands
Not only nigger, also blind and dumb
This team has been playing for the last six years though