Will you people PLEASE read at least one work of an author associated with Frankfurt school?
Seriously, I'm fucking appalled at how much you meme about them yet you have literally no fucking idea what they wrote about, besides someone telling you it's ''cultural Marxism'' and ''attack on West''.
Just one work. For fucks sake, if you did you would literally realize that you agree with them on some things.
Frankfurt school
Other urls found in this thread:
its heterodox marxism.
It applies marxist critique on economics onto culture.
go back to /leftypol/
Well yeah. They are some of the most intelligent men and women in the world. The problem is, they want to make the world in their image, and they don't care if the world population isn't on board, which makes them the enemy of the world as it exists
If you have any common sense at all, you will agree with a lot of what Marx wrote too. It doesn't matter. It doesn't mean that this is the right course.
But did you READ any of their works?
You just heard something you don't even understand.
Enlighten me then on what the Frankfurt School stands for.
its not one solidified ideology.
look at @
>you are wrong and I'm not going to explain why
What was the point of this thread?
what can you expect from the social sciences?
I've read Dialectics of Enlightenment, Minima Moralia, Negative Dialectics, and One-Dimensional Man.
Sup Forums is retarded. They're a convenient scapegoat because they were kikes
>implying Sup Forums is ever wrong
Here are some primers on why as a conservative you should read this work
please don't talk about shit you don't understand.
Because this is all too difficult to distill into even one book. You have to read the material.
Might be the same guy that was here last night about Milton Friedman....
present us just one of your theories that can be falsified.
They are.
Adorno was a snob, whined about the 'degeneracy' of mass culture, the shittiness of jazz music, called the Negro inferior in Minima Moralia, was socially conservative, was against identity politics, etc.
>one of your theories
>as if i'm a marxist
Literally just read at least this link mpcdot.com
>Sup Forums is one person
you dont even try.
Shut up monte negroid, we don't need commie kraut politics.
>please don't talk about shit you don't understand.
cognitive error pointed out by Chris Hedges.
You claim sole ownerhip over the one Truth.
Wow. What an Ego you have!!
So... we should all be quiet, give up rights to question and speak... while you assume the throne of truth. Wow man.
do you actually pretend to not know the origin of the frankfurt school?
9 out of 10 people on here seem to believe the nonsense about the Frankfurt School.
He's a Serb. What so you expect?
He has never read a book by these writers and thinks he has a grasp on what they are even better then they do.
Its fucking dumb. I'm going to keep pushing this link because it is literally the one thing you should read to understand why you are wrong about this mpcdot.com
Why does that even matter? We're talking about the content of their work.
Listen, we are not marxists.
We are not social conservative either!
We are not republicans!
Sup Forums is a ethnic nationalist board.
We may also have fascists, or libertarians lurking as well.
are you missing jugoslavia slav?
>Implying I ever implied any of that
>Sup Forums is a ethnic nationalist board.
>Implying Sup Forums is one person
Understanding that many of us are nationalists, or fascists, or even libertarian (or just politically incorrect) why do you think we will be receptive to Marxist? Or marxist inspired ideology?
fuck off retard
this cunt will argue that adorno have very little to do with that book.
Because believe it or not sometimes our ideas intersect with marxists as OP stated. Best example right here salo-forum.com
we are not fucking conservatives!
jesus christ.
conservatives are cuckservatives to us.
>you will agree with a lot of what Marx wrote too.
Marx was completely wrong about a million things.
When I was younger I was big into Erich Fromm.
Frankfurt School is unscholarly BS.
There's a reason none of them were in hard sciences.
They're highly intelligent hoaxers setting out to trick you, so "giving them a chance" is dumb. It's like saying you cannot criticize Scientology until you are clear of all body thetans.
Read Roger Scruton's Fools, Frauds and Firebrands.
>we are not fucking conservatives!
>Sup Forums is one person
Even then conservatism intersects with fascism or whatever the fuck you are too. Really even as a nationalist or fascist you should be more receptive to this stuff.
>sponsoder by the American Jewish Commitee
Lmao I didn't even know that when I posted it
How did they try to trick you?
Current Franfurt School inspired research into conflict research, especially into drone warfare and warfare is fucking fantastic and groundbreaking.
I've read quite a bit of their work, most of it was kinda shitty. And seriously OP, don't even bother. Most of the people on this board don't even know what a journal is.
You continue to act as if any one who is a conservative can ever be affiliated with Sup Forums
Conservatives face even harsher attacks on Sup Forums
see how Jeb Bush is treated on here.
There's one thing about Marx that is the key to the whole thing, the one guy on Red Ice mentions it: Marx spent hours upon hours at the British Library, realizing that you could say the same thing a million different ways. He was a master paraphraser who learned to lie through his teeth and make it more compelling than any truth. You can identify a certain device in Marx, the idea of sarcasm as merciful wisdom, the flourish "oh well you know what's really moral and best." Other than that, he comprehended nothing of Hegel, kicked out his maid having gotten her pregnant, and could not graph demand related to supply.
People should read, yes, but not because of the reasons you've just said, but because youth must know how shitty is their ideology and how nocive it is to western society. You must know your enemy very well.
Post-modernism isn't marxism, it's even worse. At least marxism tried to get it right. Enjoy being a mind slave of neoliberals.
what marx the dumbest jew alive when it came to economics?
This shill is going autistic mode!
>he comprehended nothing of Hegel
He did.
Everything they do, every single fucking sentence they write, has to do with the characterization or judgement of human action, and they not only set that up to be leftist or to make leftoid conclusions more logical, but also create mountains out of molehills and apologize for or deny real problems.
So in other words just like a cult.
Consider Freud abusing his patients and seeing incest everywhere.
Consider the anti-gun people who know nothing about negative rights or the philosophical aspect, and have just been hypnotized by emotional arguments.
The Frankfurter is always eager to talk up the existential crisis the capitalist West finds itself in, through its own fault, but has nothing to say about far worse alternatives.
And then you've got simple, outright lying, which almost all the great Jewish intellectuals indulged in gratuitously without any penalty. Look at Lloyd deMause's description of great (and often non-Jewish) but always progressive anthropologists: simple liars, who lied, covering up horrifying brutality or calling child rape consensual and even enjoyable.
Look, if I'm lying, the "intellectual" thing to do is not to dive headfirst in and choke on my every punctuation mark -- the truly intellectual act is to reject my lies outright and not get caught up. I am not the one with the obligation to make Roland Barthes make sense, or stop his reflexive genocidal hatred of the French Christian heterosexual majority. Barthes is.
I know you think the "responsible" thing is to "give them a chance," but you're just creating delay, because now or much later, in time you will get it. This is not an intellectual issue, it's street smarts, it's recognizing a cult.
Okay. That's how he came away from a militant Monarchist Christian Patriachal Occidental and said the solution is to burn it all down. I'm sure Feuerbach really helped.
Look, Marx actually misuses terms like "dialectic," how could he have possibly understood anything if he is misusing terms?
I think the guy was encouraging people to read them so that people would give up this nonsense conspiracy theory that is leveled against them
>At least marxism tried to get it right.
Marx was absolutely insane and his theories constantly contradict themselves.
Marxism is worse than scientology.
I'll just respond to you, I don't even agree with all they wrote, nor do I share their general outlook, but I'm fucking perplexed by how many illiterate drones here spam KULSHURAL MARXISM without even knowing what the fuck are they talking about.
Frankfurt School has literally nothing to do with what's happening in West today.
They weren't some cabal that made devious plans to ruin West.
And if these fucking idiots read a book in their life, they'd understand that and maybe I even get them to read so they learn something and stop wasting their life on retard-tier conspiracy theories and oversimplification of everything.
His dialectic is a materialist one, not an idealist one like Hegel.
He understood Hegel perfectly well, and made his dialectic a materialist one.
so what have you read, and what is it that Sup Forums shares with some of the works of FS authors?
he thinks we are cuckservatives that whine about muh culture.
He doesn't realize that we are ethnic nationalists.
Start by reading the "Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception" essay
Nobody wants to read any illogical marxist bullshit.
That sounds intellectually honest and ideologically convenient
the frankfurt school is kiddie pool tier criticism anyway. but you're wrong. you've simply ignored the works of theirs wherein the subversive nature of their project is most obvious, like these:
Yes Sup Forums, an atonal music guru and a Jewish mystic-turned-Marxist literature critic destroyed western culture by critiquing art.
"Cultural Marxism" is a bogeyman popularised by breivik.
Google trends "cultural marxism" and you'll see a peak when breivik released his manifesto in 2011 followed by a steady rise in interest up until the present day driven by guys like yourselves.
Marcuse etc went out of fashion in academia by the late 70's. And was well and truly superseded in the 80's.
If you want to look into what "theorists" influence sjw's, left wing students, multi culturalism etc you need to look at what they actually study.
In my time studying social "sciences" and humanities (including politics, sociology, social-anthropology etc)in various uk universities (2007-2014) I seldom came across Frankfurt school shenanigans and when I did it was treated as a historical artifact..... Derrida, Foucault, Judith butler, zizek etc however were unfortunately very popular.
Know your enemy. Stop being lazy and complacent by relying on half-assed buzz-terms like sjw's do.
Do the ground work.
The main author of that work was Levinson, and Adorno's actual thought is much better seen in Minima Moralia and Negative Dialectics.
You can start with Fromm and Escape from Freedom, it's a nice work for getting started.
>and what is it that Sup Forums shares
To be clear, I'm talking about nationalists here, not lolbertarians.
And to answer that question, read this:
Most of Sup Forums, even if they don't understand that (yet), are rejecting liberal capitalism and things that stem from it. Fascism, true nationalism for start, it's all a rejection of liberal capitalism.
Where ideologies/ideas differ is what to do. But basic premise and questions are quite similar, for both Marxism and nationalism/fascism, especially today.
Talk for yourself. I'm a cultural nationalist. So are many here. Entire world is not America.
Frankfurt School has nothing to with Marxism or any of the socialist states that have existed. It's a stupid boogeyman.
This is the essay that makes Sup Forums go: da joooos.
Notice: Benjamin's RELIGIOUS critique of progress is something Sup Forums could easily get behind. Too bad every time his name is brought up they immediately resort to: "ZOMG CULTURAL MARXIST KABBALIST MODERN ART SABBATIAN-FRANKIST!!!!"
Not to mention, Fromm is relatively easy to read.
it doesn't fucking matter
he believes in insane marxist theories
it doesn't matter that he has a few "okay" opinions
fuck him and fuck all marxists
Never again
Except Benjamin wasn't even that much of a Marxist. He certainly wasn't a dialectical materialist (something Adorno called him out on numerous times), and his work/methodology is far, far more inspired by the kabbalah and Talmud.
ITT: a bunch if kikes bitching about no one on Sup Forums liking them, Episode #9879834534