Well, Sup Forums!?
How hypocritical and bigotted are the left honestly?
Aww you poor oppressed minority... I know you better than you do :(
oh look another fucking twitter cap
>Wants to fight ISIS
Yeah Trump is such an shitlord amirite?
Only person in your horrible country to have the balls to outright say it.
>it's not true unless it fits my agenda
lmao is liberalism a religion?
Duck walks and sounds like duck but isn't actually a duck
He's kind of right. It's not isis fault it's gays fault. They should kill themselves and things like this won't happen. You can't blame anyone except the glitter fags.
>claims he is an ISIS terrorist
>ISIS confirms
>shoots up a club in a terrorist attack
Nah, definitely not a terrorist
If Obama had been there he would have talked and reasoned with the assailant. He would have sat down, had a beer with him and enlightened him about alternative lifestyles. They would have hugged. The subject would have handed over his guns/ammo and this whole thing would have been prevented.
>man identifies as a women
>he's a woman
>Islamist identifies with ISIS
>he's not ISIS
I'm convinced our universe has half-slipped into a bizzaro dimension.
>I'm with ISIS
>ISIS: Yep, he's with us
Guys, he's still not with ISIS
>le two opposing sides are actually working together because they justify each other's existence so we should just get rid of both of them meme
He's a super star at the gay bar.
If Trump said that the Sun is white, people would be jumping down his neck shouting "YOU RACIST THE SUN IS YELLOW!"
>just because he says he's with isis doesn't mean he's with isis
The cuckposters on twitter are out in full force today.
thats good lets call it that instead of the bernstein effect since its more like that.
Call it the Bizarro Effect.
inspired vs directed
apples to oranges but then again thats basically this board's MO
No individual is at fault for any action, it's always society's fault.
I can walk and sound like a duck
right and that's why another planned attack was snuffed out.
It is true, though. They even admitted it.
>jews invented everything
Race war when?
By the actions of the people who are liberals, I'd have to say yes
>Blind to all facts that are contrary to the liberal line, IGNORE
>Mindlessly regurgitate liberal lines without examination
>Engage in group think