Wait, so do we support Muslims or do we support gays?
Which is it Sup Forums!?
Wait, so do we support Muslims or do we support gays?
Which is it Sup Forums!?
Other urls found in this thread:
You support guns, common sense, and the Republic.
>common sense
bruh if we supported common sense we wouldn't be on Sup Forums
The one that doesn't smell like shit
False flagging shill detected. Sup Forums hates gays but they have the right to perform their degenerate acts without getting slaughtered.
FPBP / thread
Neither but when forced to choose between muslims and fags, then I'll take fags every time.
nice one
Sup Forums is LITERALLY one person.
Gay people aren't committing mass murder, so I think we support the gays.
>its a "liberal tries to draw a false line in the sand to really make you think but are actually trying to divide conseratives" thread.
i hope the money was safely deposited to your account.
Anyone who hates gays is just an insecure faggot themselves.
> muslims or gays
> muslims or gays
> muslims or gays
>not knowing your own values
We support the group that doesn't constantly commit acts of terrorism
To be honest guys, I'm kinda rooting for Omar a little here.
It wasn't like usual where they blow up some people at a race or a concert.
No, this guy only wanted to go fag hunting, and I think I'm perfectly okay with that.
Neither. Would you like your house infested with spiders or cockroaches?
Reminder that the president of America himself didn't name muslims or islam as the reason this shooting took place. He called it a hate crime and he is right. This man was a mentally ill fellow that was misunderstood by society. The main problem was how he got his hands on a gun that allowed him to kill the most people ever in a shooting in America. Guns shouldn't be in the hands of people like this.
Trump is outright being racist against an entire demographic. It goes against the first amendment. Muslims have the freedom to practice their religion in America and trump wants to kill them all despite the fact that most of them came to America legally. This was a lone wolf that wanted attention and was mentally ill and ISIS only claimed responsibility because they like publicity.
But you racists are going to continue advocating the dropping of bombs on the homes and families of muslims turning them into terrorists and then putting them in prisons to make sure they'll keep hating us.
Thank you Americans
I accept them both as long as they're not acting like fairies or murdering people
They're not all one and the same
It was a nightclub. A nightclub filled with faggots.
It's like the prize fight where a nigger is beating on a spic beating on a nigger.
No one gives a shit about either, they just like to see the shitskins beating on each other.
As much as we talk the talk around here, I doubt there is a single sane individual on this board who wants to actually go around and kill degenerates. Killing people for disagreeing with you or doing something you don't like is about as barbaric as you can get, Islam is a caner on this world.
I'd rather have gays then Muslims.
But I'm not racist
Gr8 b8 m8
I support the Constitution and Bill of Rights, so I support the rights of gays to be alive and their right to be degenerates in peace.
I have no problems with gays
If they want to fuck each other in the ass that's their business
As for Muslims I have no problems either
If they want to blow each other up that's their business
So long as they're not blowing me up
Gays don't reproduce and contract aids
Muslims reproduce like rats and spread their filthy religion and culture
Do you support Muslims being allowed to practice their religion?
You are a racist. You're going to destroy the world at this rate
We support Americans
>implying gays aren't degenerates who spread their own culture
Under the first amendment people have the right to practice Islam in America.
Where did scary blackman take your wife's son to the football game?
They were all Americans idiot, not that I would ever support ALL Americans
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Muslims aren't a race, gg go home
Also dude was shouting aloha snackbar and claimed the attack was on behalf of isis
If that religion is incompatible with the laws of the land, then no I'd say they have to get lost.
Yeah they do, but when taken to it's nth degree it results in death for them
When Islam is taken that far, it's far more poisonous and spreads far quicker
I do not
Islam is a theocracy, religions that do not believe in the seperation of church and state have no place in America.
But the first amendment user
Muslims are not Americans, no matter how hard the liberals try to spin it. I do not approve of faggotry, but if they're Americans then it is their right to do as they please.
Doesn't cover theocracy
Anybody born in America is an American, what do you mean they can't be American?
It's a religion though, the US funds literal theocracies like Saudi Arabia
Who specifically is born in America that you are referring to? Are you going to pretend the recent mass influx of muzzies are all American bred? Stop kidding yourself
It is a theocracy. Majority of muslims believe in shariah law, aka religious law. America believes in the seperation of church and state. Islam is backwords sandnigger death cult, has no place in America. All these mudslimes are leeching off a system they never paid into anyways, fuck them.
Like I said and lIke what the 14th Amendment says, anybody born in the US is an American citizen.
Omar was born in America.
>All these mudslimes are leeching off a system they never paid into anyways, fuck them
This is bullshit. Do you even know any?
All the muslims I know are rich as hell or I'm some very well paying profession.
They're quite good people overall.
Not where it requires death for homosexuals. The right of people not to be murdered takes precedent over mudslimes right to kill whoever they want to. Asshole.
I recommend you get off Sup Forums before the degeneracy gets to you. Being rational doesn't work here in the cesspool of the internet. Just have faith in Americans like myself who will burn this fucking terror state down from the inside with leaders like Snowden. Just give it time
>Omar was born in America.
Prove it. And even if he was born in America, this all we need to kick them all out. Can't be trusted.
>This is bullshit. Do you even know any?
All the muslims I know are rich as hell or I'm some very well paying profession.
They're quite good people overall.
You are full of shit. Nobody hires these inbred fangle toothed rag heads. They leech off our welfare and play us for fools. 90 fucking %
I bet you do.
You're just some edgy fuck, fuck off.
I bet you've never even spoken to one.
This is a 3 way fight, not a 1v1.
Fag hunting Sandnigger is a fucking score for Donnie Trump.
nobody wants to talk about my digits tho?
Nothing to be confused about, you support gun rights and fuck moslems and gays.
Pakistan has a problem with fuckin little boys wheres their mass shooting?
Not an argument
Hey, you guys.
You guys.
I heard about you at shul.
At shul they were saying you hate X, you guys.
So now that I've characterized you as dog excrement, how about you go ahead and make my imaginings come true.
You guys.
its like palestina/israel
It is a temporary alliance between us and the fags.
Totally, makes me giddy. After his press conference tomorrow the presidency will be just about wrapped up.
Be suspicious of muslims, ignore gays, enjoy your life
Maybe this shooting will stretch their cognitive dissonance past the breaking point.
Ah, who am I kidding?
King-loving traitor faggots don't get checked
>Supporting a muslim
Why do you have to support either?
Doesn't everyone do that? Everyone would do that while killing themselves.
I appreciate it but talking about this stuff and trying to convince people to not see an entire social group as an enemy gives me purpose and makes me feel better. Despite all the information the CIA, FBI and NSA have been gathering, they still can't stop this which makes you think why they even bother collecting information.
So who do we support? Vote here.
Everyone who is a mudslime terrorist, yes.
I'll stand next to a gay american before a straight islamist any damn day
if i have to choose i choose fags
Gays are a very clean people. Daily enemas and everything.
Have you ever tried to read the Qur'an?
I assume you have. Now consider an American born muslim. He goes to the same school as other demographics and plays in the same neighborhood. You could install cameras and mics in his house and you'd find that his parents never told him to become a terrorist or anything close to that. Now he grows up like this. His mind is just like anybody else's. But he reads the Qur'an and around the age of 20 just like you do.
Is it likely that you're gonna be fine after you read it but he's gonna grab a gun and go shoot up people? Suddenly he just becomes a murderer just because he read it? Or maybe somebody just told him that he should kill people? You think the Quran has some magic power that manufactures terrorists? Try reading it yourself and you'll find that you're fine.
Gays will eventually die out as they can not reproduce.
Islam is a parasite and a threat.
>Qu'ran doesn't make terrorists!!
I guess you're right. The fact that over 10k terrorists attacks have been carried out in the name of Islam since 2001 is just a (((coincidence))).
>source: about a thousand pages on google.
We support neither of them. We're very happy the only deaths were degenerates and mudslimes.
Not confused at all. Fifty dead faggets and a dead muzzie is a good day. I support neither.
>trying to get me to be a mass shooter
nice try
Actually, the Qur'an does have strange magics. I read it, and now I'm completely at peace with dropping a nuclear bomb on the Middle East.
Sand nigger and sand niggles wife immigrate to America, plop out a tiny goat fucker and suddenly he's American?
Fuck that. We need to end jus soli, and kick out all the foreign national evil shit skins.
This is our country, if you don't like it, get the fuck out.
None. Both are agents of Satan.
Neither; we hate both!
Muslims are the lesser of two evils in this case.
for me
>The 1400 year old boogeyman book of death!
>nuke it!
I don't give a fuck if you're gay. I don't even care if you're muslim as long as you're not a fucking shithead. But the AVERAGE muslim supports this barbaric bullshit. Maybe if they spent less time saying "not all muslims" and more time saying "yeah, lets fuck up those other shittier muslims" then I'd respect them more. But no. They have to go "well white people do mean things too!"
So fuck em. Their priorities are wrong. Bad judgement!
But the gay community is just that, a community. If they all turn against the kebab that means we have new Allies to fight the left
Muslims already hate terrorists. More Muslims die from terrorism every day than white people. They are just trying to defend themselves because people are hating all muslims indiscriminately
Fuck you
No it's still kebab killing Americans
Fuck off, cunt.
These people cheer when gays are publicly executed. They don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves.
But they were degenerate faggots