Was what happened really that bad

Look at this pic. I know what Omar did was bad and all, but maybe he was just a little right.


Other urls found in this thread:


Can you guys stop posting this disgusting image all the time?


But it shows those disgusting gays from that night club being degenerates. I mean killing them may have been excessive (no it wasn't) but they're disgusting. Freaks.

It was a win/win

Was killing them really excessive. If it prevents gays from going to clubs is it really bad.

>Still posting this fake tweet

It was taken just moments before that disgusting faggot got btfo. Lets not lose sight of who the victims were...this is a picture of the victims in their place of empowerment, as Obama likes to call faggot bars

It might not be from the club, but that shit was probably going on.

actually pretty impressive...

I have literally no problem with what that faggot did on the private property of someone who wanted that behaviour to happen on their private property.

Not in a public area? Not something I disapprove of.

>muh private property
I guess fucking kids on your private property if it were legal would be a-okay too, right?
Fucking degenerate.

Yes, it was excessive. Bullets are bad. Should have fire bombed them. Did God use bullets? No, he used fire and lots of it. Lots of boiling fire.

Should have just Launched a fire bomb in the midst of them and shoot anyone who made it outside. Could have kill a hundred easy.

Dude's could have been degenerate faggots in the safety of their homes but no, they had to share with others their depravity. fuck 'em.

You don't like the male body?

Faggots =/= little kids

It doesn't matter, both are disgusting and have no place in civilized society, regardless of whether its on """private property""" or not.

No, most faggots are pedophiles though. Kill them all.

>Muh EGDY Muh!


Why are you so obsessed with what they do at gay bars?

Let them do whatever they want as long as its in the confines of their private space. If they do that shit in public there's a problem, but otherwise there isn't.

Muslims are closet homos since theyre so obsessed with what gays do.

Who gives a fuck?

They're doing it inside of an adult establishment. I seriously don't give a fuck what consenting adults do in private. And if you do then you need to literally check your privilege.

>le greasy half-blood gook CANCER LMAO XD

So what would you do? I'm certainly not in favour of wasting money on the police peeking into the bedrooms or hunt for sex clubs.

Nah, once the pride parades stop, I'm fine.

>They can do it at home. Doing it in giant groups legitimizes their degeneracy. Honestly if terrorist attacks only targeted degeneracy like this I would be fine with it.

Pride parades need to stop. Openly gay bars need to stop. Have you ever been near a gay bar. The shit that they do in their leaks from their prolapsed ani out into the streets.

I laugh at liberal and gay tears. AHAHAHHAHA

I am so fucking happy.

Protip virgin: gay bars are the best place to go drink with your woman. You don't have to worry about some dickhead trying to start shit with you (they know you're taken) or your bitch. You can literally drink and dance all night without having to worry about being fucked with.

I like this guy

>So what would you do? I'm certainly not in favour of wasting money on the police peeking into the bedrooms or hunt for sex clubs.
Neither am I, but at the very least force them deep, deep underground.

If you can walk right in from a street, or see fags smoking outside, it's too public.

>mfw when user doesn't realize he's an actual fag.

Go enjoy your standard fuck party bitch

Get a load of this faggot trying to lure straight men into his fag bar so he can poz their neg holes.

Sucking yourself off makes you gay?

Wow. Just fucking wow.

I'm a mod of reddit and every fucking hour I have seen constant and persistent fucking Islamaphobic spam all over our site from piece of shit Drumpf supporters for hours now. They are blaming the entire shooting on the muslim community which is wrong. I asked where they're coming from and someone mentioned this place.

I cannot believe my fucking eyes, what the fuck is this place? Are you all being fucking ironic?

I seriously hope you assholes are being ironic because 95% of the posts I'm seeing here are blatant hate crimes. I've logged all of your IDs and am putting together a report for the police.

I'm shaking with fear and anger, I cannot believe this place is allowed to even exist. I hope you all burn in fucking hell.

I cant believe all the hate for Muslims and homosexuals I am seeing. I wouldn't doubt it if the shooter was a regular poster on Sup Forums

Stay the fuck away from my Reddit or you will regret it.

lol, this fucking peter popper

IDs are thread specific you fucking nigger.

Sorry sir. it wont happen again

No. Gay bars are the best place to pick up women, but not a good place to hang out at. Fags always drag their straight lady friends there. But if you're already with a woman, she'll just be chatting it up with fags all night while you sit in a corner sipping your Manhattan.

Look at these virgins.

If you ever date a woman that likes to dance and go to a regular club you'll notice a few things, the first being that a majority of patrons are single douchebags trying to pick up women (and you may be part of this demographic).

So, being full of testosterone, they try their hardest to hook up with anything with tits. It never ends well. Don't believe me? Leave your moms basement and go hold up the wall there one night.

At gay clubs, you don't have to worry about anyone eye fucking or messing with your girl. Back when I was courting my wife, we hit up Blakes in Atlanta a few times a year. Last time we went there the bathroom (unisex) had a massive line. My wife got in it and every gay guy let her cut all the way to the front.

I don't give a shit what they do in their bedroom. I've been around them plenty to know that they're not the big bad bogey man.

You align well with ISIS desu

Holy shit, nice pasta

>Don't talk to me or my subreddit.

great flexibility tho

This sandnigger killed Americans in America.

That is the only thing that matters.

Might want to reevaluate your game, senpai. Says more about you than her. Doesn't sound like you're all that interesting.


So justice was served today?

Sounds like you're just an inferior male terrified of your girl swinging branches (and for good reason...you sound like half a fag). You'd rather dance among the fairies then run the risk of having to show some backbone and authority.

No, he killed faggots. Had a killed a bunch of everyday heterosexual folks then yeah, I'd be raging along with you. But faggots are none people, so nothing of value was lost.Sure, It's kinda sad they died before making recompense and cleaning up themselves. But for who and where they were sadly, I don't care.

pastaing for next thread

Was Omar right? Which community has Sup Forums's favor? There is no none of the above option. There's a war on and it's time to decide which side of the wall you stand.


Repressed homosexual detected

how do i upvote this?

Yes. The faggots died. A few parade bombings and maybe, just maybe, they'll disappear and be as scarce as they once were decades ago. Poor mentally deranged things that were too high strung therefore they had to be brought low, unto ruin.

Sounds like an accepting wife

Letting you go the gay bar cause you're BI

Oh yes. Let me tell you. I'm ready to risk all my assets in a civil suit because I had to kick some guys ass for cat calling my woman. This ain't Hollywood, man, you don't just go all Billy badass and save face. Right or wrong, there are consequences. I don't have time for that shit. I'm a grown ass man.

I hope you and everyone you love gets a bullet in their brain

Do you believe masturbation is a sin? All the fag in the op did was masturbate in a private area.

Would much rather a self-sucking faggot, than an evil religion-pushing piece of shit like you Muslims.

Day of the rope is very soon, my tanned friends. As soon as the military has a call to arms for Vietnam 2.0, i.e. purging Islam from Europe, I'm going to be the first to enlist.

Britain is leaving the EU, Germany is waking up, America just got shot up, and even leftists aren't defending you child fuckers anymore.


that man is a dedicated scholar.


hope you don't cut yourself on all those edges

Lol enjoy hell

Wow. Just fucking wow.

I'm a mod of reddit and every fucking hour I have seen constant and persistent fucking Islamaphobic spam all over our site from piece of shit Drumpf supporters for hours now. They are blaming the entire shooting on the muslim community which is wrong. I asked where they're coming from and someone mentioned this place.

I cannot believe my fucking eyes, what the fuck is this place? Are you all being fucking ironic?

I seriously hope you assholes are being ironic because 95% of the posts I'm seeing here are blatant hate crimes. I've logged all of your IDs and am putting together a report for the police.

I'm shaking with fear and anger, I cannot believe this place is allowed to even exist. I hope you all burn in fucking hell.

I cant believe all the hate for Muslims and homosexuals I am seeing. I wouldn't doubt it if the shooter was a regular poster on Sup Forums

Stay the fuck away from my Reddit or you will regret it.

its ok the police are already watching us. no need to waste your time

They may have been faggots,but they were OUR faggots.I don't look down on ppl for what they like to fuck. 50 cockslurping queers got killed,and I'm mad,because Islamic terrorists.

Its not funny or interesting anymore. Instead its just a sad reminder about your failed, pathetic life, that you continue to piss away, drooling on the internet in a mindless self perpetuating cycle of OCD that is reinforced by repetitious Sup Forums posts. You feel the need to share that cycle with others, which is tantamount to you sitting in the corner, rocking back and forth, singing "Brown bear, brown bear" until someone forcibly medicates you and smacks your bottom.

Please, log off, and get help. This is not a healthy reaction to life. It indicates a serious problem. I'm not sure what sort of abuse you suffered, or what trauma you lived through, that drove you to this point, but it doesn't matter. You can get help, there are places and specialists that have devoted their lives to aiding people just like you.

you can make a break from your sad, failed life, and live something approaching like a normal life. You may never be totally human, but you can at least experience society in a context outside of a computer monitor.

- your Sup Forums friend.

Even if I were, even if I dreamed of cocks flowing into every hole of mine, wouldn't it be prudent to kill every facet of homosexuality outside myself or at the very least clamor for treatments and therapies to cure people of these degenerate feelings. Even if I were a closet faggot overwhelmed with the idea of raping some guy's ass and getting aids from his stinking ass, even if that were my sin, wouldn't it be prudent to see what happens to faggots whenever they allow the sin of faggotry to overcome common decency? Were it me infected with that fuck i would want to be saved. Could you imagine the unnaturalness that compels these fucking people to behave such depravity? Fucking disgustingly sad things, they are. Were it me, I'd want to be saved. My God, I'd want some one to attempt to save me. That's why I hate enablers. For it is they that should be killed. Killed the diseased faggots user, for most faggots have the decency to keep their filth at home. But the public fags should be slaughtered like the roaches they are.

I support the act, but not the actor. Muslim for taking charge but he's out to kill Christians and to destroy the Judeo Christian West, so it's not like he's going to be a friend later.

Just yous public fags. I want you to seek treatment though. I want what's best for you. Maybe shooting you or killing you is too harsh, but water boarding, electro shock therapy and sensory deprivation along with letting a fine lass rape you daily, may very well cure you.

Welcome to Sup Forums...
Ah and see you in hell m8

Then stay the fuck home and be faggots. Publicly you're in other people spaces and no one deserves to be exposed to that fuck.

>immigrate to burger land
>faggots everywhere
>flip out
>decide to shoot the degenerates
>go to gay club
>see this
I bet that shit pushed him to reach higher body count.


Almost got a parade attack

how do i upvote this?

So many edgelords in this thread...


Well...technically...he wasn't gay since he was having sex with him self and not another man.

If I could suck my own dick I would never leave the house even more

Fuck you nigger.You can't even into civilization.

Sadly he was foiled. Who knows, maybe there'll be more attacks. Fingers crossed.

>So many fag enablers in this here thread

At least the fags has an excuse being mentally fucked, you however are an entirely different kind of creature aren't you, Ms SJW?

Florida sure is a terrifying and confusing place.

I note how edgy everyone's being, and this makes me a fag enabler and an SJW...

Go home, kid. You're drunk.

Is that the best you've got

>Fuck you nigger, you can't into civilization.

Surely you can do better.

so many omar sympathizers on Sup Forums. i always knew this was an islamic board.

is there any proof that confirms that video was taken a few mins before the shooting?

I used to be a #trump support but your post turned me into an #isissuicidebomber.

Such an uppity nigger. I wish you were in front of me right now so I could see your face when I lynched you.

As much as i dont like fags, they were fellow americans, they didnt deserve to die that way. This is america god dammit.

It's till gay though
You're sucking s dick still, even if it is yours

So can you,bitch.


I'm a bit older than a child but it made me smile something fierce when my people voted NO to Gender Equality. Fuck faggotry in all its forms.

Tried to get our women to buy into that Cultural Marxist fuck, and happily a great many women preferred the Judeo Christian Patriarchal Traditionalist system.

The Homocaust is off to a great start

>Stay the fuck away from my Reddit or you will regret it.
Tell that to to fucking ledditors that post here, my dude. Get their faggots asses out of here.

>this man did something i dont like on private property, that means I'm allowed to shoot him!

Natsocs are the most mentally diseased and selfish people on the planet.

so masterbation should be gay too right? your touching a dick even if it still yours. GTFO

this coming from a male that used to suck himself off when he was younger

What? You'd rather see they fucking animals since bestiality is now legal in Canada???

Masturbation is pretty gay though

I mean think about it, you're jerking off a penis

That's pretty gay

It's just another form of masturbation. I used to autofellate all the time.

You can't deny that if you could, you would do it.

This is the gayest homophobia i've ever read

as Christians we must give others the chance to repent. God draws the length of the yarn and we are not allowed to cut it. in war, such as we approach now we win by killing all of the enemy. don't know about you but I want to win as quickly as possible to reduce the death and destruction of my people and my shit. I would like to ask Poland, the protectors of the Church, to meet the Christian armies of America in germany/ french border. to all, take the spoils of war for yourselves. the plunder will be epic! no slaves of their women. this blight on mankind must be eliminated.

and jerking off till the cums touches your own body, no less

You're the kind of apathetic cunt that's ruining the world. Please do us a favor and kill yourself.
