The Uziii nein milimeetuh
The Uziii nein milimeetuh
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Why did he ask for it if he was just going to kill him anyway?
Path of least resistance.
You know your weapons, buddy.
Don't want him to get to rusty
Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range
Nice night for a walk ey?
God bless this user
clearly written by a terminator
Not ending with some variation of terminating the shop keeper.
So close.
foodi faif longslide with laser sight
someone has a small penis
Make the store owner give him the best shit instead of finding it for himself.
>sees gun
>thinks penis
Why would a terminator need a laser sight on his gun?
because it was the 80's
user here. I am the one who wrote that. About a half a year ago or so... My only copy+pasta that actually got saved by other anons...
I was completely faded and it was 3 AM, I wrote that all out giggling to myself in a sleep deprived state. I knew it was autistic as all hell but I said fug it. The rest is history.
Really warms my heart to see it circulate.
Heres to (You).
When I get really high I have these intricate inner monologues that sounds really smart. But whenever I start typing my brain just blanks out. This was one of the rare occasions where I sat there for 30 minutes at least and worked it out.
This was my only failing.
I never meant for this to be copy+pasta, now that it is... I feel like I belong to the ages. Just another faceless user who has contributed to the growing cesspool.
You want an uzi nine millimeter pal you're gonna have to pay for it
It was just bantz
And a lasersight gun because I'm a really shitty future robot with the worst fucking aim imaginable famalamadingdong
for you
I thought he was just messing with the dude before killing him. Or one dude theorized he was seeing if he was in the correct timeline. If they have lasers, you muffed up
Did the Terminator only kill the shopkeeper for him saying he couldn't load the gun in the shop? Did the Terminator interpret that as an impediment to his acquisition of the guns and his mission, or was he just going to do it anyways since the shopkeeper was no longer useful?
>both dudes on the left mirin that laser
I highly doubt the robot had any money. All those punks combined had a total of like 13 dollars, some change, and a used needle.
It's not like the Terminator had cash, and if he walked out the store owner might try and stop him or call the cops or something.
By walking in and asking, there was no harm, he caused no panic or got no resistance, and he got the best gun available in that year, after that he terminated the shop owner.
Seeing what technology was available at the time. Asks for it to see if it is what it says it is, then he tries for the techno gun.
He's a big guy
I prefer the term "artificial person".
How else would he have known the the .45 long slide with laser sight is a good gun that just arrived in the store?