I kind of want to wear sunglasses all the time now. Will it be weird? Shades pulled it off pretty well

I kind of want to wear sunglasses all the time now. Will it be weird? Shades pulled it off pretty well

Other urls found in this thread:


>character wears sunglasses all the time
>call him shades
>mariah is black
>call her black mariah
What did they mean by this?


>character once drew a diamond on his back with a crayon, as a kid
>they call him Diamondback

>character stuffs cotton in his mouth and muffle-sings jazz covers of Carpenters songs on weekends
>they call him cottonmouth




>Can't see shit in poor illuminated indoor rooms
>B-but I look cool guys!

What sunglasses are those?


I wear sunglasses a lot indoors because I get migraines

It makes everyone think I'm an autistic asshole.





I feel so much more confident wearing sunglasses but I don't wear them because I don't believe in them

Yeah but you need a cool nickname to go with your sunglasses.

What about Blackout?

I hate Stevie for doing this. It looks so stupid and he didn't even just do it for the movie. So annoying to talk to someone and you can't read their face, he'd probably be bumping into people at night, retard


Wearing sunglasses everywhere like an asshole

It's Ray Charles....not Stevie Wonder....regardless both are blind black men.....some people stupid as fuck :\

be more subtle

nevermind, I never should have doubted you user

He's humoring me, he's a good egg

>nevermind i'm an idiot who thinks you trolled someone when it's obviously some stupid shit who thinks he can pretend to take the bait

I don't understand how people can't realise a simple fact that things that look cool in movies or on a stage on a professional actors/performers with teams behind their style will never look cool on random nobodies such as themselves.
Oh wait, that's because Hollywood is an industry of selling those dreams of coolness to nobodies, so nevermind

Corey Hart humps his jail bars at night

whatever you have to tell yourself


My mom says I'm cool :(

Sounds like a vigilante name.
I like it.

Just ordered a pair. Fuck it. Gonna try it and see what happens.

Rock on, Blackout.

I unironically liked Shades. He's somehow being a try-hard with his "cool cat" persona and signature shades but pulling it off in a weird way. His voice is also really pleasing to listen to.