Why do I keep coming back here? This place just makes me sad. All the news about unfairness to the whites. Chimp outs, shitskin murdering and bombing everywhere in white countries. Who /cypher/ here and wants to be plugged in to the Matrix again? I was so happy as a teen. Unaware of white genocide. Can't un/pol/...
Why do I keep coming back here? This place just makes me sad. All the news about unfairness to the whites. Chimp outs...
>ywn be able to ignore pure coincidences for the rest of your life
imagine knowing the girl who left you "believed" all the same things and you know she probably still comes here.
мoи coбoлeзнoвaния
Mate... I had my first red-pill when I was a teen. I want to be fucking 8 years old again. My teenage years were fucked.
Ever slow down just so that you can crane your neck to take a peek at a horrible car wreck on the side of the road? Ever feel that irresistible urge to try and see if there are horrific injuries?
The urge to visit Sup Forums is the same thing, only with memes.
The best way to jack back in is to move into the country and live off of berries and rabbits and shit.
you're here forever... sorry...
Lol, someone actually went out of his way and wasted time to draw this. Astonishing.
You come back for a reason. You come back because, deep down inside, despite knowing that being blissfully ignorant would keep you calm, you're hungry for the cold, hard truth. And that hunger must be satiated, you feel it for a reason. You know you do, everyone here knows they do, and I know I do.
And it is this absorption of the cold, hard truth that will facilitate your transformation into the ubermensch. Once you overcome your compulsive need to spend hours here, once you develop yourself in the real world, you will have the ability to start making connections others simply cannot, because they just don't know how bad things really are. You'll always be one step ahead, and others won't have the slightest idea as to how you are.
The clock is ticking OP, your transformation is just about halfway done.
I dunno dude. For me it's the exact opposite.
Seeing all this degeneracy and decandence, sodomy everywhere makes me fucking pumped and angry as fuck.
I don't feel sad at all anymore, i feel hatred, anger and an urge to go out there and do something.
Transform your sadness into a will to fight.
>They will (((echo))) forever.
Pill #1 - Age 12, waiting for a bus that stops on a side road to the highway. Man crawls out from bushes on the other side of the way and begins walking across without looking both ways, I see a transfer truck coming.. everything lines up like magic. I watched the world turn a man into 60 feet of human spaghetti on the highway. At that moment I realized we are weak squishy creatures that are bound to an end.
Pill #2 - Age 14, I like a girl, she likes me, her ugly sister likes me too. The one I like says I should go for her sister because she's had less of luck in her life and it'd make her feel better, "No i like you femanon". Skip ahead about a week of bullshit, get a call at like midnight, crying girls. Uglier sister says she is going to kill herself, has a knife and has been crying all day and night. Sister I like says "please just tell her you'll go out with her, I don't want her to die! if she kills herself I will too!".
"Sounds good, I'll grab my knife too we can make this a blood party." They beg and cry and scream some more, "noo you can't die you're too good user" - "Imma do it" - "Don't do it!" - "was't going to, was just trying to lay the stress back on you. Now you know what it's like to be called in the middle of the night with suicide threats. This is fucking stupid, you girls are acting stupid. I'll see you at school tomorrow, have a good night." - "... o.. okay.. good night.. we're sorry"
>what's the redpill?
Women are attention whores. And will do anything even false sacrafice to get your attention
Well, do something about it. Don't resent becoming aware of the call to duty - answer it.
Meh, I come here because I'm depressed with no friends. Sup Forums cheers me up sometimes.
Ever since all that bullshit... been attending and seeking things like this.
Greatest idol growing up... George Carlin.
It's all bullshit and it's all bad for ya.
I have good social skills and real life friends...but I prefer coming here.
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
Why are you sad? I actually pretty happy that west europe get what they deserve
I can handle social interactions, it's just mentally draining for me and I can't connect with anyone.
Embrace it
Well, we aren't white in Sup Forums's book so white genocide is fun. Also this