Saw this on Sup Forums, didn't see it on here, so igniting Trump hate thread 2016

Saw this on Sup Forums, didn't see it on here, so igniting Trump hate thread 2016

He's right though...

So were Obama and Hillary's calls for gun grabs not political statements?

really makes you think...


The fun thing is that anyone who complains about is is using it as a political tool against Trump

It happened at 2 am if you're implying a time discrepancy

so I guess all politicians about the matter should be silenced?

Trump is so fucking based!

>time stamps
>simple math

He's right. It could have been prevented had liberals actually listened to him. If Obongo or Hillary made a post, I'm sure Sup Forums would call it brave.

"I warned you this would happen"

Every politician does it, see Obama and Hillary's call for gun control after every shooting (including this one)

The difference is, Trump is right


>Political statement
Meanwhile Obama and the Democrats make a political statement about banning guns

I saw this in the other thread:

>he claims radical extremists will eventually find their way into the country
>they do

>he claims it will rain somewhere this year
>it happens

>everyone is impressed

Trump is a puppet, you fucking sperglords. Literally wouldn't matter if a cat was elected to be your next president. Mongol out.

The first tweet Trump made about the tragedy was a sympathetic tweet

>trump hate
>Sup Forums
But seriously every politician exploits the latest tragedy de jour for publicity. It's one of the reasons they're widely regarded as scumbags

Then what the fuck is Hillary?

Liberals are claiming the opposite will happen

>confusing politics with concern with the loss of human life

if trump stayed silent you would whine about that, too

This fact will be completely ignored as the lie is spread over Facebook and feeds the useful idiots the lines they desperately want to hear.

Die, faggot.

>bussiness man
rest assure his mentality is selfish and opportunistic, do you really think he care about anyone but himself? wake up pol dont let this man fool you and turn you into sheep with words and promises

>Trump is a puppet

for fucking who

he pays for his own shit

take your dumb ass european opinions out of US politics

come on this is the shittiest bait I've seen today
though it's only 0:34 so whatever

Not even trying anymore

>what are timezones

>Saw this on Sup Forums
Then you need to go back

>'I don't like him, so he's controlled opposition' meme

Fuck off

Why don't you post his first tweet of the event?

Then on top of that he said he doesn't want congrats, but toughness and vigilance.

Fuck off, roach

>Fuck off

fuck you

>you are a scum fuck
You sound like a butthurt 12 years old

Great answer

Jeb left

ma stai zitto, moccioso

Stupid conservashits, Hillary is the better choice. Why would you want a certified racist in office? What will he do for you? Hillary is at least knowledgeable and was secretary of state for the longest time.

Now tell me, would you rather make history and have the first female president?

Or do you want to be the standard racist white male that votes for Drumpf the bigot?

>Implying racism is a bad thing
You're a good goy. Maybe we welcome you in Zion.

>Or do you want to be the standard racist white male that votes for Drumpf the bigot?


>Posting shit tier bait
Why won't the mods ban obvious shitposters like this guy anymore?

>Racism is bad
Where do you think you are?

commenting on a current event?

what kind of monster does this...

>not having any better argument besides her vagina

baiting much?

Any Quran-obsessed muslim who has the opportunity. Do you know what they do to gays in 7 of the muslim countries? I'm sure you can guess.

Try looking at all the tweets chuckle fuck

>you actual visit Sup Forums

get out

Hows it feel being yet another typical virgin voting for Hitler Reincarnated? Stupid Drumpf kids. Shame!

At least she doesn't brag about her big dick, when in reality small dick drumpf was just appeasing to you virgins

>trying to shill for hilary
>in Sup Forums

I don't what the problem is? Gun grabbers are doing the exact same shit.

It's funny how you can't stand the taste of your own medicine. Hope you cucks hang yourselves when President trump starts fixing this shit country.

Oh yes I do. At least on here, I can try and redeem you poor fools, whilst on that Reddit website, the dumb Drumpf virgins would just dislike my content which would get me banned. Wheres my free speech? Typical drumpfkins.

>if Trump uses the event to highlight radical Islam
>fucking scum fuck
>if Obama uses the event to highlight gun control
>it's about damn time
Fucking liberals.

Second one.

*tips fedora*


You know we are just laughing at your shit b8 and desperation for attention?

Even online you have zero influence.

It's beyond mental gymnastics.

They are at some olympics-tier mental fucking acrobatics now.

You have to actually be clever and have a point to convince anyone. I would recommend you redeem yourself by not defending this senseless violence and get on board with the wall.

What could I do to get you dumb drumpfkins to do whats right for the country and vote for Hillary who actually cares about her country? Honestly, I'm wondering. Drumpf is only in it for the money and is racist against muslims and illegals. Did Drumpf tweet out happy Ramadan? No, instead he was a typical white supremacist and posted about D-Day instead.

>how can i convince these people to vote my way?
>i know ill keep calling them dumb, say theyre racist and spew buzzwords at them

here's your (you) retard

You must go back. That attitude is what's killing your home website

Nothing, there is nothing you can do because Hillary is an objectively worse choice given the predominant ideology of the people of this board.

>saw this on Sup Forums

You have to go back

Trump is the only candidate not cucking for islam. Why the fuck should i support islam? It's a gay religion populated with disgusting shitskins. Fuck them. time to send these dirty pieces of shit back to the shithole middle east where they belong. #YesAllMuslims

>Hillary who actually cares about her country

well meme'd

This happened because of Hillary and Obama selling weapons to Saudis Arabia and destabilizing Yemen, Libya, and Egypt. She creates terrorists

How can I contact the administrators of this website so I can get trolls like you banned?

Explain yourself Drumpfkin. I know dumb former kkk members such as yourself like your guns, but in all reality, guns kill people, how hard is that to understand? A good example is the shooting this morning, over 50 people's lifes ruined because of a gun, imagine if that was you in front of a pistol, hmmm?

this looks fake

Slow and steady

dude your b8 is stale as fuck, lurk for a bit and try again.

Your autistic levels are through the roof. If you can't troll on Sup Forums then you sure as hell can't troll here.

Go die, Drumpf supporting bigot.

Oh please, are you just mad that Drumpf failed to get the support of such important companies? Dumb typical Trumpkin.

At least she did something instead of being a hollywood director for the Apprentice. Hillary simply has more experience than Drumpf. He should just go back to Hollywood and do more movies and tv shows.

Too bad for you, tweets like that are winning him the election. Most of the country doesn't live in the leftist/elitist echo chamber and are tired of our PRESIDENT not naming the enemy. What did he do? Made a smart ass comment about gun control is what he did. Trump made it about STOPPING terrorism, Obama made it about pushing his fucking agenda, once again, just like San Bernadino.

>certified racist

Please give examples faglord

Sup Forums รจ soprattutto una bacheca italiana

Those people weren't voting Trump anyways, tweets like this are targeted at fencesitters. Independents who look to the President for leadership and guidance after an atrocity, and get nothing. The only guy TALKING ABOUT THE PROBLEM isn't the President yet, and they're starting to wish he was. I've had a half dozen center-lefty family members call up and say something to the effect of "Trump is right" today.

You are trying very very hard. You could get a real job with that effort. Your trying to force your shitty meme, we get it. Nobody here has a chance in hell of voting Clinton. People were killed this morning because of this attitude that Islam isn't violent. You correlate inanimate objects with violence. I correlate the violent message of Islam with violence by its followers. I own multiple firearms and statistically should be in prison or dead. I exercise what others here exercise. Common sense and objective truths. You should do the same. How about...
>Benghazi gun running
>real estate fixing
>Goldman Sachs campaign law workarounds
>protecting pedophiles and laughing
You must realize you have free speech. But you are a drop of oil in a bucket. You won't sway anyone. You will never assimilate into this crowd either. Enjoy your 0.02 cents per post. The blood on her hands also stains yours.

I'm not a Trump supporter, but I'm certainly voting for him to keep KILLARY out of office. You should reevaluate your position if you are gonna hold the beliefs that you do.

>50 dead faggots

>its a reality hurts liberals feelings episode


Hillary guarantees WWIII. KYS

Oh so now you are not only another typical racist drumpfkin, but also a hobophobic one, why are conservashits such bigots?

B8? Haha Drumpfkin wants to vote Drumpf when he doesn't even know "b8" isn't a word. This is the typical Drumpfkin, folks. You probably failed High School literature I bet.

Trump actually posted his condolences and concern first, m8

This is an excellent post - finally someone brings a truly rational argument to Sup Forums. Not only that but your style is in the vein of a journalistic article. As a result of this post, I've switched up and will now proudly vote for Hillary in November!!!

*tips fedora*

Somebody's getting uppity after they were BTFO by today's events.

Also, you have the keystroke of a normie/baiter, so posts disregarded.

So did Obummer finally call out radical Islam or not?

Reddit shitposting in full force as usual
Saged and reported for garbage



>saw this on Sup Forums

Fucking really? The argument of this SORORITY GIRL is that Obama has shilled gun control after Muslim terror attacks, so therefore it is okay now after the BIGGEST one? Holy shit why didn't Harris call her out? You could tell she disagreed, Murdoch must have issued the gag order.

Here's what Obama said
"Or we can actively do nothing, that's a choice too".
How ironic, considering that's his exact stance on National Security, it seems. I hate this fucking nigger.

Okay, whatever. Vote for your racist overlord. Just know, Hillary will win regardless. Benghazi wasn't as big a deal as you were saying, nobody cares about it, get over it. Meanwhile, Drumpf has filed Bankruptcy 4 times, and refuses to release his tax returns. Emails aren't even a big deal anyways, WHO CARES?! Drumpf is a misogynist racist, but again, vote for Hitler 2.0. Lets see what happens when the poor mexicans and refugees end up blowing up your dumb wall. If we simply get rid of guns, cartels will never exist, criminals will be defenseless, and most of all, we don't have crazy lunatic drumpfkins like you having a weapon with a 30 round clip.

Not muslim

Texan born and raised, recent college grad, and someone who has simply researched and witnessed the horrors that America has committed in the name of justice and its hypocritical ideals.

Also, sending his condolences beforehand doesn't justify stroking his dick over social media about how right he was about him claiming rain would fall

...Do you hear that?
That's the sound of your democrat voter base you were relying on running out the door, and towards the only person they can rely on.
It is comically stupid to keep repeating that a person who does not care about the country all of a sudden has made a reversal.
Keep shilling, nobody believes you, faggot.

Go ahead and disregard my posts delusional drumpfkin, get your tear bucket ready when your Bigot lord loses the election and silently loses revalence.

ooh you're learning
now youre throwing projections around and assuming things about me
keep it coming you need to earn those correct the record shekels, goy

>recent college grad

That explains it.
Sorry about your brainwashing.
Next time use that brain to do some research next time.
I know it's hard to think on your own little one ,but give it a try.
