Thanks, video games


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Why should the whole world stop for some shitskin gunman?

The left is starting to sound like the religious right.

Because liberal ideology thats why

what, they should fucking call off e3 because some violence happened?
spoilers: violence happens every single day


That's been going on for a while now, especially with them trying to censor everything

The next Muslim terrorist should wear a cape, so finally we can have a year without shitty superhero movies.

EA, I demand an Orlando gay club level

What the actual fuck. First it was religious right that wanted to take away my video games becouse they made Baby Jesus cry somehow. Now it's the left becouse it makes gays cry. Why can't people just let me play my video games?

none of the games were even set in a modern time when Muslims are an enemy
you had Titanfall a futuristic shooter
Star Wars shit
and Battlefront 1 a WW1 shooter
none of them were even remotely related to the tragedy so why mention it?


They are EXACTLY like the religious right was a few decades ago.

I don't think sandniggers play videogames.

you're not allowed to be outraged if you're being paid for it

what is even the point if it's expected and predictable

>EA panders HARD to the SJW audience this year
>Still not good enough, they get fucked by liberals

And they still won't learn a thing from this.

holy fuck I forgot E3 was starting today. Who gives a shit about Orlando, Our shill of a president has already done the "blame guns, not religious extremeism" dance, so the narrative is already played out.

Jesus Christ. Their game couldn't be further removed from this shooting. Fucking nonsensical jibber jabber.

if you blame muslims or guns you might not be retarded

if you blame videogames you're beyond retarded

They know that tragedies way more horrific than 50 dead faggots accrue in the world on daily basis, right?

There was a TV show that had a muslim bombing in Paris
It was to air 12 hours after the Paris attacks...
I think it was Legends

Around 7,000 people die every hour, should we just halt all together as a society? These people are fucking idiots.

Nothing tragic happened

5,000+ u.s. citizens die every day.

Looks great to be honest

>gameplay trailer
>no gameplay

That sarkenstein bitch was basically the second coming of jack thompson.

The Ottoman empire was a major combatant of WWI.

Not that I agree with them. But just so you know, there were loads of Muslims fighting in that war.

There is midway to the end.
They showed multiplayer gameplay too, and it looks pretty fun. More like BC2, or BF3 than 4 or HL...

Fucking liberals, making me defend EA. Fuck that pieces of shit.

There is no such thing as "pandering" to SJW's. In the mind of the SJW, you are either doing what you are supposed to do, or you are violently raping them.

There is no kinder extreme than simply acting in a way they feel is a default expectation. This happens when you have an entire movement made up mostly of the unemployed gestating in hug boxes.

what are you talking about, there's a shitton gameplay, just without HUD

Battlefield has just looked that good for some time now

Actually looks pretty cool

Sup Forums needs a hero! Go there user! Save us from the kino!

Why single out video games? Aren't there violent TV shows, movies, books etc coming out soon? Should they all be delayed to be sensitive?

Some of the comments are blaming Trump & using the even as an excuse for why we need more gun control. How fuck does Trump get blamed on for something that a sand nigger did?

but is there a videogame where i can pretend to be a goatfucking anchor baby where my goal is to shoot up a gay club with only about 100 rounds of ammunition?

yea lets fucking not sell niggerfield 1, watch niggers 2 and niggerfia 3.
I fucking fine with that fucking negroids.
thanks niggermerica for ruining video games... and ym fucking country goddamn niggerloving cocksuckers

>people blame and condemn video games as a problem before even attempting to talk about Islam

Why are people such fucking pussies nowadays? I just don't get it. Is talking about something that is so obvisouly a problem bad? Goddamn retarded left.


I'd play that. Hell I would even make a twitch-stream about it

>How do you sell violent video games after a tragedy?
Buy ads quickly on the news before they stop talking about it

Hansmed are you alright?


Does same go for violent books and mobies too? What makes games so special.

When we are at it we should only let government sanctioned officials to discuss use of force. Reporting police misconduct is disrespectful for victims of violence all around the world.

>post shill article
>dont offer any comment or opinion
>dont say anything in the thread
>more shills bump the thread to first page with meaningless comments

Sorry i'll add "really makes you think" next time so you can save yourself a greentext-filled shitpost.

Except for this time the media took it a lot more seriously.

Sad thing is Jack Thompson genuinely seemed concerned about the youth becoming violent, (((Sarkeesian))) was just in it for the shekels

after 100 meaningless comments you get called out and make your first appearence and this is your defense, lol

What is there to get called out on or defend? Post image / article / shitpost on Sup Forums, if people reply they reply and if they don't they don't. Sorry people decided to post meaningless comments here instead of whatever post you made that was archived.

>the verge

>video games are an immensely influential aspect of our society and cutlure
>There's no way this mass murder commited by a Muslim who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State and acted in accord with the beliefs professed by his faith had anything to do with Islam

>world war 1 has anything to do with a muslim killing gays


This is what completely pushed me away from leftism. They sound EXACTLY LIKE the hard-hitting conservative religious right they claim such disdain for.

Okay that looks pretty fun, but unless they announce that the campaign is +12 hours then fuck that.








No one buying shooty powpow videogames gives a shit though

Shooting imaginary people.

They like to forget that part.

How do you act like faux intellectual after a tragedy? Pretend like it wasn't Islamic terrorism.

These people are barking up the wrong tree. We've gone down this road before, and will travel it again because apparently people need reminding.

reminder that isis uses videogames as training, planning and attack simulations

really makes you think, huh?

>implying shooting people isn't fun

Excuse my ignorance but what's the point of a zeppelin, can't you make those crash easily?

i bet they can't get a decent k:d because they just suicide with c4 jeeps

fucking snadniggers

But a mosque near ground zero is perfectly kosher.

Primitive aerial bombing and surveillance.

>ww1 biplanes freely aileron rolling

yeah cause sandniggers spend all their free time playing MW2 in their mud huts. oh wait...

Just to spite them I'm going to commit genocide in fallout tonight

they look fucking rad

They look cool and they're a pulp staple. Also they can stay in the air pretty much indefinitely.

Do these people think the world fucking stops when something bad happens in murica? Fucks sake. I'm probably gonna go out and fuck a girl silly tonight without a care in the world, also I was literally jacking off when the news broke on Sup Forums, and I finished my fap before bothering to care either.

This one is especially retarded. Killing people IRL probably is even more fun than doing it in a video game, regardless of morals. Just like doing anything IRL is more fun than in a video game. Which is why games should only do what you can't do IRL. I think at least some PTSD from war is being being guilty that they enjoyed killing someone while feeling disgusted by it at the same time.

Your brain releases chemicals during the hunt and at the thrill of a kill. This includes human targets, such as those in war. It's an evolutionary thing. Trying to make killing and violence seem not fun would be like trying to make a car race seem not fun. We've all seen movies where art fag directors try to do "not sexy" sex scenes and we all know we got a boner and fapped to them anyways.

> Video games cause shootings.

Why won't this meme die?

too bad liberals think nature is holding hands with flowers and shit

"Game Journalists" are people who review toys for a living. It's only natural the politicize everything.

>White men who Shoot, Kill, Exploit for pleasure
>Fucking WWI

>Let's blame everything other than the fucking mudslime who did the shooting.

Fucking liberals.

And they say that liberalism isn't a mental illness.

I'll never forgive them for ruining Mass Effect

not gamers fault a Tusken Raider murdered gay men before an event that was scheduled a year ago, showing games that have been atleast 2 years in development

This faggoty world is in dire need of a good cleansing.

>playing battlefield for the campaign


Nature is brutal as fuck, liberals want to live in a fantasy hugbox and pretend it's nature. They don't like real nature.

Have these people never heard of combat highs that men get in battle? It's literally like a drug for them, all the killing and hunting each other in the deadliest game played out on such a large scale. I imagine being in a legit firefight and surviving it with a kill would be one of the greatest experiences a man could ever live through, it would be better than sex. This is why you get guys doing multiple tours over and over again and nothing in civilian life can compare anymore.

Exactly !
Pretend like it didn't happen is a good marketing strategy !

>lets take away more things that people living in 'free' countries love as a response to terrorism

I almost want video games banned for a few years just so people realize it makes no fucking difference. That and it would kill yearly franchises for a while and we'd get some fantastic games once the band ended.

my god, superhero movies need to faze out already

What else is there? Getting called a faggot by 16 year old autists while running around the same 5 fucking maps?

They know this showing was already planned months ahead, right?
I mean, it's even a WWI shooter and a space giant robot action game. Not even close to a "shooting people is fun game" like Postal or Hatred.



There's only four maps.

Why couldn't ww1 biplanes barrel roll?

not built to fly upside down?

can we play as a german soldier in the campaign? If yes, then yes =] if not

fuck the campaign, and bring me the MP

The left is worse, they can find anything offensive, including non-violent kids games and toys.