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Red pill overdose.

Based Molyneux has reached a new power level.

Was just about to make a thread on this. Stef has been going off the rails the last few weeks. I haven't decided whether I like the wacky Alex Jones personality he's been adopting or not, but I'm definitely glad that his power level is growing exponentially by the day

Stefan is evolving.


Stefan has evolved to Neo-StefoNazism!

In his longer videos he still seems rational. The newer one about 1:45:00 long about Mexicans is really good, he talks about IQ differences and wanting to lessen them, because telling everybody they're all equal makes them hate white people (and Asians, but Asians don't exist, remember) for us keeping something from them that lets us be great.

A few years ago, Molyneux's legacy would've been a thoughtful philosopher, studied alongside Aristotle and Socrates.

Now he's full fascist - he'll be remembered as Fuhrer Trumps propagandist.


Holy crap those changes in tone all over the place.
You can just feel the emotion in his words.

the hell is happening in ur pic ?

Why doesn't this guy just start wearing a fedora already?

If I remember right it's the aftermath of a store from the niggers nigging out after one of those high profile cases of a criminal nigger got BTFO.

Can't remember which one because they did that shit several times like the monkeys they are.

Somebody dropped their mixtape.

You can tell at the end his primal nativism is kicking in.

That's from the purge. BLM staged a race war riot in Ferguson, and signalled the attack with a 'let's purge' Tweet. After the tweet went out, thousands of black people rioted in the streets.

They destroyed businesses owned by white people only. They attacked white people only. They ignored black businesses. It was a race purge. People ended up dying, because the riots repeated night after night until the place looked like Fallujah.

Daily reminder that BLM is a black supremacist group, they are racist and desire to exterminate whites in a genocidal urban holocaust situation.

and people calling him cult leader might be right.
If stefan ever called out to all of his listeners that hes gonna create his own society in lets say alberta I`d fucking travel there and be a part of it.
Fuck I hate this world so much

He didn't just swallow the red-pill, he's had it fisted down his throat.

what the flying fuck is this beyond nigger saying

>or atheists
What did he mean by this? Is Stefan an atheist?

I saw Steven Molyneux at a grocery store in Toronto yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now? Would you only pay one dollar for them?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and asked her: "Do you want me shot?" and then turned around and winked at me. She looked confused and he berated her on how her making him pay consumption tax is initiating force. Eventually she broke down and told him all about the spanking she received as a child and let him take the bars for free.

I'm starting to really love Stefan. I'm considering donating to support his red pilling.

I love this

What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle?

Would he have been in a gay bar?

Don't forget to donate ONE DULLUH

i forgot what the original was.


Don't get me wrong, I am glad Stefan is evolving to our way of thinking but I am legit wondering how his an-cap beliefs jive with his new found fashyness.

How can he prop up rule of law applied to all and supporting Trump while simultaneous espousing disregarding the "state" of which we have brought forth through the same cultural values and bloodshed he is using in his argument against the left. Does he support the terrorist to be treated as an individual or not? How does he feel when he sees that photo of the police waiting outside his apartment for a search warrant to pass through red tape.

Molymeme really needs to stick to the facts. When he injects passion, he becomes horribly contradictory.

I think Stefan is experiencing the same process many libertarians and ancaps go through. We are Demonized and viciously attacked by the left for daring to want a free society, to the point that we are pushed in the opposite direction.

The recent growth of the alt-right is largely due to many libertarians and ancaps coming full circle and embracing fascism and nationalism.

t. former ancap

What is this not?

Based but should drop Scott "And heres a shill" Ott. Also needs to get on the Trump train asap.

An "e-celeb" who doesn't get his threads deleted.

>but I am legit wondering how his an-cap beliefs jive with his new found fashyness.
libertarianism could only work in societies that are majority white or Asian so a little ethnic cleansing wouldn't be the worst thing in the world


not an argument


Because he has surpassed labels.

He wishes for an-cap but realizes where we stand in this juncture in history. He can hope that we end up there, but it won't be now. Its the mature perspective.

this guy couldn't be a bigger fucking idiot




>no arguments




In to collect rare stefans

You would have to shield such a society in a bubble of safety even then, because after a few generations the decadent would forget what threats look like and embark on the same fool-hardy "altruism" that opens the doors for social collapse all over again.

Just like communism it can't work because of human behavior and needs to be discarded as more Jewish smoke and mirrors. Libertarian principles in certain areas? Sure with consideration just like (national) socialism but not the whole 9 yards.

>libertarianism could only work in societies that are majority white or Asian
Yep. With whites importing anti-libertarians into the mix its not a safe idea to make a libertarian state, it would turn socialist or into somalia.

There are so many requirements to make it happen and sustainable that it simply will not happen. The transition would simply give power to theocratic cults.

Uhhh Aristotle and Plato believed in racial supremacy. Especially for the Greeks.

>Jones and Molyneux tag team dream team


can someone explain the current Molyneux to me?

Last time I watched him in 2011 he was a lolbertarian hurrdurr never hit your kids hippie. Now he is a trump supporting nationalist?


who dis nigger?

He's crossing back over bridges he just built in this video. He keeps talking about one person being emblematic of an entire group, yet he starts the video off with "...Afghan refugees, a MOOSLIM...".

lurk more fgt

you answered your own question



>it's not an asterisk, it's a crescent moon


Kinda funny since philosophers like Plato also came to the conclusion that something along the lines of a facist government is what's best for society. He's merely following the natural progression of logical thought.

He's had it.

It's over

No more words.

Only war now.

I made this, what you cunts think? I call it, crazyneux.

He's totally going off the rails. I love it. Go Stef.

For fucks sake he shook his head when he said "in Islamic countries gay sex is illegal!!" Where does that attitude even come from? Oy vey dem innocent homos can't even have sex with people knowing it's anotha shoah!!



He acts like a hysterical bitch. Get a grip faggotneux.

He's talking about why we shouldn't fucking import millions of them to the west, you cunt.


common sense; he would have to be retarded to invite millions of muslims when obviously there are a lot of them very pissed off

I have seen this copy pasta done with Pep Guardiola and Jeremy Corbyn and it's never not been funny.

10/10 would read and Kek again

I prefer this video. More direct, without trying to sound emotive to donate.

Muslims vs homos



>alongside Aristotle and Socrates

kys now

you were a fool then and you are one now

he's always been a pseudo intellectual who's right on certain topics but completely misinformed on others

in this instance he's right


kek he even said "we shouldn't allow people to say homos deserve to die". Basically "wow just wow" because a bunch of mudmen offended his liberalism. You niggers are gay faggots


Fucking KEK

Cracks me up everytime got any more?

>muslim niggers being this tolerant of homo

Oh god. I tried to read that shit and now my brain hurts

2016 is going to break him. He'll be doing the Hitler salute before November.

monkey trouble

The original one is about Luggage Lad (moot).

Someone call for dank memes?

Sup Forums changes people for the better

Did he lose his divorce or are you being fucking retarded

Is there such a thing as Nationalist Libertarianism? Because that's how I would describe myself.


The different is there right praises their terrorists. Look how many people on this board praise Breivik or McVeigh.

How many democrats do you see supporting this shooting?

Alt-Right is made up of many former right leaning Libertarians

We agree to fascism to deal with Marxists that will kill us all

No arguments be upon him.




commander breivik did nothing worng tho