Movies about Salesmen

I'm trying to venture out into the sales industry and I want some movies to watch

mad men on AMC

Sales or marketing?

Kinda related, Thank You For Smoking.

This show sucks cock and only fedoras like it

The Big Kahuna

100x This.

sell me this pen

Not enough explosions for you?

Don't lie, cats. You never leave the house.

Pink Cadillac.

Death of a salesman.

Made in America.

Glengarry Glenross

Tin Men

death of a salesman

boiler room

Salesman (1968) (Kino)


Thank You For Smoking is a good one.

Movies like Mad Men are awesome

Big Fish
comes to mind.

I'm pretty sure the guy who wrote glengarry glen ross wrote it because he hated working in the sales industry.

Pure kino. Also Vin Diesel is intelligible which is amazing.


Death of a salesman, movie adaptation.


Wolf of Wall Street is more about sales than finance.

everything must go

Passion of the Christ

Can't believe that came out 3 years ago. It feels so recent.