Why is Japanese has severely tainted and deformed mind and emotion even comparing to other east asians?

Why is Japanese has severely tainted and deformed mind and emotion even comparing to other east asians?

they have really intense, and really weird mindset.

when the real serious problem or major accident happen to be impending to them, japanese people tend to be denying it. but not only just denying it, they even try to conceal the fact they're denying it.

they just try to pretend that they "don't know about it at all" even it's so obvious that they already know what it's about it.

I think it's related with their own trait which is unable to discern the real-life and anime, and their deed to conceal the radiation leaking accident happened in Fukushima 2011.

it's just fucking weird. Japs don't seem to be like to standing on real objective facts anyway, they keep try to deform it and fake it as real as long as it's something helpful to their situation.

the people in Japan didn't do any appointment even, but they follow this trait anyway.

other asians tend to be having groupism too but not as autistically as jap do .

Other urls found in this thread:


I never see Japanese do this I don't know what you're talking about Kim.

here we go again

who are other azns. dont you hate chinks more than japanese? dont cover it up. at least according to some of your studies, it reads like that.

Anime rules

It's the same schizophrenic Zainichi 'netouyo' AllNationz blogger at it again with a Korean proxy

no any asian nation does like you anyway

even if there are some minor people who does so, that's because of anime power.
taiwan, maybe.

are you new or denial weeb? he depicted precisely how japs here always act on Sup Forums

you just don't understand. zing zao pong

you are covering it up like i said. as far as i can see, your internet is full of hatred against chinks bullying you for THAAD and all that shit.

t. zainichi korean

WE all knew.

chinks in usual seem to be extremly ignorant, and very straight talking.

but only if they weren't turn into commies being super unlucky, they could be educated and be just fine. just like Taiwanese and Honhgkong people in nowadays.

and the reason why I don't really like Japan just personally is not because only the historical happening.

it's because the weird trait of you people. just tell me and be honest just for one moment.

don't you already know that what I'm meaning in this thread? don't you ever feel that kind of mood living in Japan?

why you people do behave like that? it's so much weird.

North Koreans do pretend they truly love their dearest general Kim. but it's just because of the force which aiming their children and family if they don't follow so.

but in the case of Japan, even if there's no any force like that,

people just tend to be like that. some kind of groupism denying and concealing.

You've just proven what OP says is collect with this single post.



Nazi humor.

sorry but your sentences sound a bit evasive to me. all you are saying sounds like it goes for sk too. what i should tell you. bizarre groupism? but aint that what youve fallen for either?

show her face

Never forget these goldnuggets.



>goes for sk too


did any accident like radiation leaking and the people tried hard to pretend it just never happened?


Japanese people also avoid any kind of confrontation. If a japanese guy is killing his wife and kids in the middle of the night, no neighbors would call 911 because they "don't want to get involved". Weeks later they will report it to the police because the smell of rotting corpses finally annoyed them. I find it bizarre that Japanese people are all apart of this homogenous society, yet they don't care about each other. No one will give up their seat on the subway or bus for an elder person.

truth hurts

There's no radiation from Fukushima. Abe and Miss Peach told me so. Here have a juicy Fukushima peach!

you should see the position where you are standing. i think you need to objectify your internet first, and analyze whats going on there especially when it comes to japan and japanese. or stay away from japanese stuff including Sup Forums for a change.

speaking about Sup Forums, its basically still a weeb board and in the hands of japanese culture. you are gonna keep being riled up by anyone who aint japanese since Sup Forums is such a place that you cant help but cognize "japan" everytime you come here.

this is true



Fuck off burger.
There are almost no actual Japanese on Sup Forums.

>If a japanese guy is killing his wife and kids in the middle of the night, no neighbors would call 911 because they "don't want to get involved".

That's basically the Murder of Kitty Genovese case that happened in your very own country.

I think it has to do with avoiding shame/humiliation/embarrassment and maintaining honor.

Like if you act like you didn't know something bad happened then you won't be put responsible for it, so people will think "oh it's not his/her fault, they didn't know!". Japanese put this to an extreme.


??? I asked if an actual case something similar with fukushima concealling happened in Korea.

now your reply is evasive. jeez. disgusting



you are pretty rude. then i gotta say your english is pretty bad

i tried hard to figure out your english at least

t. Jap drawing SEAs in NorthEast Asia topic

kek. fucking jap trying to deceive someone again. you people are disgusting.

Poor Mongolia.

>giving up seat for elder

What are you Indian?

Forever alone.

>"no any asian nation does like you anyway"
>nah, i-it's a northeast asian topic, why do you include other asian you sneaky jap

this is why your retarded nation has always been a complete joke

Koreans are the exact same way with political scandals and other forms of corruption, you dipshit.

>on Sup Forums
>implying they ever leave 2ch if they have to
No, no, and no.

Not clicking that, what is this?

why are you weeb such denial? anime affects brain cells that badly?

it's actually much more retard that you didn't even guess why I said no any asian does like you jap.

it's because what you did like 1 century ago.

and probably, in the generation of your son or daughter, you will get paid for it.

honestly you people even don't deserve to live since you really prefer sneaky and deceiving way only. really so very disgusting.

from the appearance to the mindset, whenever I see your nation, I get to feel so just naturally even if I didn't intend so :^) ugly shaggy hair psychos who can't discern anime and real life

I don't even like anime, what are you on? There are just no legitimate Japanese posters here. Only proxyfaggots and English teachers or Koreans pretending to be Japanese to make them look dumb. It's even been proven here countless times too. Look it up.

> i was pretending

>Koreans pretending to be Japanese to make them look dumb

mfw knowing they're actual japs

>the fact hurts a Korean
why did he got mad?

cmon man those Gasengi shills come here


>implying Japanese Internet dwellers ever leave 2ch if they have to
Language barrier is too much of a reason why they don't even come here, Kim. They probably can't even read anything here and know what it means without their translators.

What about Ilbe? Do they come here as well?

go visit a psychiatrist or neck yourself

t. zainichi korean

they came here but already left for some reason

look at this site. gasengi.com/

this site is the korean version fo All-nationz.com and the shills come here with a jp proxy or some other flag. ofc they falseflag and bait.

米国 韓国人「美独立記念日おめでとう!」美ネチズン「カムサハムニダ!」 (4)
日本の 日メディア、韓国で「あなたの名前は「吹き替え版批判殺到、日本の反応 (28)
世界の 美オバマ前大統領「K-POPグループシャイニー "と述べ、海外韓流ファンの反応 美オバマ前大統領「K-POPグループシャイニー"と述べ、海外韓流ファンの反応 (25)
日本の 日阿部、発足以来、支持率最悪!日ネチズン「自業自得!」 (41)
日本の 日本版「ごめん、愛してる」初回、日本の女性の反応 (62)
世界の 「韓国人はなぜPCゲームをよくするか? "、海外の反応 (53)
世界の 韓国での最後の食事:韓定食コース聖餐!海外の反応 (22)
カナダの 日本在住のカナダの女性」も本物のような韓国類似の肉」 (69)
日本の 日ネチズン「サムスン電子の今年の営業利益トヨタの3倍以上! " (76)
英国 トッテナム"7月8日はソン・フンミンの誕生日!」トッテナムファン嵐のお祝いコメント (18)

fucking gook shills.


Japanese talks about various countries. Korean talks about Japan only, thanks

not really

t. sockpuppet

Hwabyeong or Hwabyung is a Korean[1] somatization disorder, a mental illness which arises when people are unable to confront their anger as a result of conditions which they perceive to be unfair.[2] Hwabyung is loosely used as the name of the disease, as it is actually more of a name regarding the cause. Hwabyung is known as a culture-bound syndrome.[3] The word hwabyung is composed of hwa meaning "fire", ("angry") and byung meaning "syndrome" or "illness".[4] In South Korea, it is also called ulhwabyeong (鬱火病), "depression anger illness". In a survey, 4.1% of the general population in a rural area in Korea were reported as having hwabyung.[3] Another survey shows that about 35% of Korean employees begin to suffer from this disease at some point


Sometimes I wonder why I still come to this website.

Then I see this.

Why does one keep talking about gruesome subject that is the best country ever so willingly? Far be it from me to argue with them, that's the last thing I want to do in my life.

yoi are totally correct.
You know, Comfort woman war criminal is the Holocaust of Asia done by japs to Korean people.
It's Most saddest and gross war criminals.
eight hundred thousand Korean ladys are massacred after raped by Jap army. Jap army used them as a sex slave and massacred them all.
jap raped eve 4years old girl as a sex slave comfort woman and killed after raped.
This is worse than Holocaust.
jap Osaka mayor of touru hashimoto is a nazis.
He deny the jap war criminal comfort woman sex slave and say this.
There is no evidence that people called comfort women were taken away by force or threat by the Japanese military. If three is such evidence, South Korea should provide it.
What a evil jap monkey. Pls check this page.


Jap must compensate and pay money to each victims and family of jap war criminal. As soon as possible. Why jap never compensate to each of victim of war crime comfort woman sex slave.
rape of Nanking,massacre by unit731 and rape of comfort woman jap army kidnaped more than thousand milion of Korean lady and used them as a sex slave until they die.
how many asian girls were killed and raped by jap army? and they never face this clear reality. japs are world most evil race why not god punish and destroy jap.

This. Why jap face this own crime and apologize and compensate with heart?
Why jap monkey so disgusting and gross lier.

Everyone does that here, for pregnant women too. Even Rasheeds to this for white people which is very odd.

>Why is Japanese has

Speak English Evenki

generally we do

too many made ups about japan and "hating japan is cool" fedora stuff on Sup Forums

>he often uses fucking "This' and has too many grammatical errors
Hahaha this subhuman zainichi again

You failed to pretend same guy at Sup Forums remember it?, fucking useless NEET zainichi psycho stationing on Sup Forums 24 hrs 365 days.
tine to kick me out by saying same shit and paste crazy announcement of netouyo shit from your /diejap/ file.

>Samefagging this hard

how can 3d even compete?

>look up allnationz.com
>find what appears to be a japanese version of Sup Forums
>mfw topics from Sup Forums are mined and placed there
Holy fucking shit what did I find?

Netuyo racist monkey.
Japan your worse than Hitler and the Nazis.war crimes are not just limited to massacre. Special units of the Japanese military carried out experiments on Chinese POWs and civilians in the early 1940s. The Unit 731 led by Shirō Ishii subjected these Chinese people to experiments of amputations, vivisection and biological weapon testing. Chinese prisoners were let to freeze outside with their arms exposed and occasionally soaked in water to freeze to a solid state. The arms were amputated while the doctors repeated the procedures on the upper part of the arm connecting to the shoulder and later removed the legs finally leaving a chest and the head, which caused 3000 deaths. The Imperial Japanese Army collectively killed 580,000 people.What I want is just japs to apologies all over the Asia what Japanese did and accept the own crime of raping Korean woman and massacre which done by jap army in whole Asia. and just applogise from the heart. this is the first step of establish a true relationship of asia. without it, offcouse whole asia would blame jap untill jap accept it. even jap applogised its war crime its not the meaning jap would be forgiven. never.
but a first step. just jap must accept own war crime and educate it in school forever and apologise from the heart.
And pay money to each victims of jap war criminal.
its what jap needed to do right now.

Read the comments.
They are much worse than an average Sup Forums poster or even Sup Forums.
You sometime run across really austistic sperglord Japanese posters here right?
Everyone is like that there.

>im pretending to not know about it at all
dumb frog poster
piss off


dumb frog fucks cant stop being retarded

I see people using other flags though. Is it foreigners living in Japan? Or people putting on different flags?

You mean on Sup Forums?

What I want is just japs to apologies all over the Asia what Japanese did and accept the own crime of raping Korean woman and massacre which done by jap army in whole Asia. and just applogise from the heart.and compensate and pay money to each of victims.
this is the first step of establish a true relationship of asia. without it, offcouse whole asia would blame jap untill jap accept it. even jap applogised its war crime its not the meaning jap would be forgiven. never.
but a first step. just jap must accept own war crime and educate it in school forever and apologise from the heart.
And pay money to each victims of jap war criminal.
its what jap needed to do right now.

It looks like these posts are unbelievably familiar though. Like I've seen them on Sup Forums before. It's like this site is mining threads here. How does someone do that? Are they that autistic?

same copypasta from his /diejap/ file


Remove sex offender kimchi


you dont even have to use the proxy. why the fuck would you hide your flag. nobody cares about it even if you are from sk or some chink country

the problem is, if anything, simply, therere not so many sk flags on int. i hate generals at all, but you could just encourage them with sk flag and post something on their general where nobody posts unfortunately. even chinks have started to stabilize their general.

The site translates Sup Forums thead to Japanese, so that those who don't speak English can read Sup Forums threads.
Of course the translator changes the nuances of the posts so that i would fit more into the audiences' favor.

"it" would fit

In korea, there is very very few people hate japan. Reality is no one fucking care about east monkey.(especially young korean never care about japs).
But the Japanese commarcials as like Korea hate japan so much but it's no.
In reality, jap is the one huge racist to Korea and hate korea. But Korea never care about japs.
Japan did a very big war crime on Korea but Korea did nothing to japan.
Why the fuck japs are so racist to Korea? Japs has no reason to hate Korea but they hate Korea so much
It meaning japs are inborn racist.
Again in Korea, no one care about east monkey japs
But japs is the one huge racist and blame Korea.


nobody reads your pasta but normal posts with sk flag would be picked by someone or sk posters would be pleased by that to some extent. pasta doesnt mean anything. its just the most boring post you could ever read.

I just read the Japanese translation of a thread that I participated in here in english.

They only pick and choose the comments and the took out the posts of a Jap poster that was having some kind of mental breakdown and was going around calling everyone gooks.



Stop that meaningless racist memes.
There is no zainichi Korean existed in Japan what we have is a just a Korean who are victim of Japanese war crime and kidnaped to Japan to force to live in as a worker or sex slave
Or just a Korean who lives in Japan because of the jobs
Pls no more racist memes anymore there is no zainichi or such things existed in Japan
Jaos are nothing but a lier

how many times you will post that same shit, you fucking spammer. everybody here already knows it. or go to Gasengi.com and please give me a rundown about it. you would be able to do it, wouldnt you?

>a Jap poster that was having some kind of mental breakdown and was going around calling everyone gooks.
It's like every Japan or Korea related thread. sigh..
Which thread?

cmon man, what the fuck is this shit

It's a thread where the only purpose was to troll japanese, but of course that doesn't come across in translation.


source thread



ill leave

now this thread will have only proxy posters from South Korea or Chink defense force that wants to co-opt SK posters


朝銀問題>> これを知ることでチョンがどれだけ日本に巣くう害でしかないことがわかるからな。


kek, the comments for this article is longer than the original thread.
You can't make this up


この借金王 くそチョン孫正義がなぜだか日本の金持ちランキング1位だ。このどうしようもない基地外チョンが


They do worse than change the nuance. They literally make up a good portion of the posts.


在日 これだけ日本を恨み日本人・日本の衰退を願う癖に なぜか通名は絶対手放さない。


韓国のインフラ> 全ての技術を日本で学び、日本式のインフラをすべてマネる。高速道路のサービスエリアなんて日本の丸写し。

海外の日本料理 > これもそうだな朝鮮人が日本に威を借り生計をたててるのは周知の事実

大手財閥 > これも日本のマネ 猿だからマネしかできない。

韓国企業 > まさに日本のすべてをマネし日本から奪い取り ダンピングを仕掛け日本企業になりすまし海外でシェアを伸ばし今や それが誇りある企業だとよ。

結論: いつになったらゴキブリどもは自立できんの?