Anyone here who doesn't support Trump?

Anyone here who doesn't support Trump?


Yep. Reporting in.


Why do all white guy look like this now?

The drumpfkins must be defeated. There can no tolerance for racists and bigots who think that hate speech is free speech.

Every group has bandwagoning betas

The only difference is regressive left core support is betas, cucks, numales, and social outcast in general

I think he will be an actual dictator, but i prefer him to shillary.

i dont really give a fuck who won as long as its not hillary

>and social outcast in general

Actually the social outcasts are the ones supporting trump. Hence why everyone on social media makes fun of them

Oh shit trump lost the roo vote

This is the face of white America.

Not quite, I prefer him over Hillary and I prefer the GOP over the Dems. I just supported other GOP candidates.

Worst part about this is that they probably use the chan

There's still hope, user. You can support Gary Johnson, the Libertarian nominee.

>only sane/qualified individual in the running

Hillary was my least favorite person in politics for years until Trump came along, when I started disliking them equally. Now I'm kind of hoping Trump beats her, just because she's pandering to the SJW crowd so hard, but I still dislike him enough to not cast a ballot for him so I'm voting 3rd party like I always have.

>with zero chance of winning

If you're gonna throw away your vote you might as well just stay home.


My fucking sides

alt right is a "new" movement full of betas, cucks and numales because it relies on memes to grow

I can't support either of them in good conscience. I'm generally right wing, especially when it comes to immigration and most other social issues, but i can't support someone who is so devoid of integrity as trump, and as authoritarian in his leanings. He also says so much retarded shit and flip flops so much that its difficult to even know what positions he definitely holds besides 'MUH WALL'. Him and Hillary are cut from the same cloth. I think bernie would've been a great candidate if only he didn't pander to sjws and had a stronger border policy

Sorry, I'm not keen on libertarianism.

I thought it was ridiculous that people even considered him from the beginning. If he is the lesser of two (or three) evils in the eyes of the average poster, then I have 0 respect for them for still deluding themselves into thinking that playing their game will help. They don't care about us, they haven't for a while, both sides are being played like a fiddle and need to grow up.

I completely agree with you, well said.

I support nobody at this point, I want to see America fall because it's the only way to fix any of its real problems. We're far past the point of any US president doing anything except making the death of America slower and more agonizing because of false hope.

Honestly my main worry is that the Intenret is a bad thing and I want to see it completely destroyed. Even if that means Hillary censoring the shit out of it to the point where it becomes a social media shithole, I want to see a world with no Internet again, even if I hate it.

What does supporting him to better your own non-American position count as? Supporting Trump?

Except the Bernie part*, forgot to say, sorry.


>I want to see a world with no Internet again, even if I hate it

Jesus man, I know shit sucks but it would just suck more if you were forced to talk to the same people every day.

What's wrong with Bernie besides his sjw pandering?

>chicago bears sweatshirt

Everyone that age looks that week because this is the effect of Internet addiction and modern technology.

It isn't the result of any political ideology but rather the feminizing and weakening apolitical effects of technology.

Nothing short of a neo-Luddite revolution will stop the whole world from looking like this in a few years.


top kek


>not voting for a shit candidate
>throwing away my vote

Okay. I'm sorry that me not choosing between Stalin and Hitler offends you.

I think that image might be a'shopped.

Apart from weak borders and pandering, I'm not a fan of his tax plans.

George Bush is the guy you would have a beer with.

Donald Trump is the guy you would beat up if you met him at a bar.

I'd much rather do the opposite, at least Trump is funny. I picture him being bluepilled as fuck in real life like Ann Coulter in the Boondocks.

I don't think Trump would go to a bar desu. You'd probably see him sooner at a caviar party in a penthouse, by invite only.

I get that you shouldn't really judge politicians by their personalities...... but he's such an arsehole and he talks to people like they have learning difficulties.

But then again Clinton really is an utter cunt.

There is no alternative you need to reinforce the corporatist system or drop out. This same thing is happening everywhere, western "democracy" is quickly becoming just a joke.

fair enough. i'm not entirely opposed to more wealth distribution tho

They're all owned. And even if they weren't no President can magically fix the complete decline of the West.

I seriously wonder if the recent shooting is actually a ZOG false flag TO GET TRUMP ELECTED. He seems like the perfect man to set the West against the Islamic world to pave way to greater Israel

If what I've heard about him denying global warming and believing vaccines cause autism is true then no I dont support him but he isnt as bad as

Hillary* forgot word

Let's not forget, first and foremost she is a cuck.

Our choices for the next US president, are an insane hot dog man in a toupee, and a literal cuck.

>to pave way to greater Israel

>“I want to thank my Jewish daughter — I have a Jewish daughter!” he beamed, referring to his daughter Ivanka, who converted on marriage. “This was not in the plan but I am very glad it happened.” He closed his speech by saying: “We love Israel. We will fight for Israel, 100 per cent, 1,000 per cent: it will be there forever!”

his militant zionism worries me

Thing is it's not like any of the other candidates are doing anything different.

Have you been on Sup Forums for long though? Just wondering.

>Have you been on Sup Forums for long though? Just wondering.

i've been on Sup Forums since the zimmerman trial

about the same. but I was on Sup Forums and Sup Forums since 2009 and then /x/ for a while around the whole 2012 happening stuff. Then I was on a lot of conspiracy forums (godlike productions, then mostly Lunatic Outpost) before Sup Forums. It's interesting to see a VERY different set of majority opinions on those forums as opposed to Sup Forums, largely because it has an older userbase.

>There can no tolerance

well done

That said I got disallusioned with Trump because of things like his obsessive zionism and unclear policies, not because I like to insult the character of his supporters. I disapprove of that kind of argument regardless of who's making it.

>i was only pretending to be retarded

Sup Forums has shifted from literal nazis from stormfront, libertarians and other far right people to majority alt right posters. This place used to be fairly serious a couple years ago. Lots of threads about jewish conspiracies (even if they were retarded), black crime statistics, other redpill shit. Now its just shitposting and metabaits. Flags really ruined this place. It's like Sup Forums 2.0 now

Just wanted to say that i will be here to collect stormweenie tears right after the election. Trump's breakdown will be glorious

he's a nationalist clown, not that Hillary is any better

honestly I always question people who say "it was much better in the old days"

that might have been true, but what people don't realize is that this sort of thing is INEVITABLE with any community open to the public. The very idea of an anonymous imageboard means it can and WILL get subverted either by shills or by the masses. It's just like what happened to America and Democracies. In a way, anonymity is inherently weak and degenerate in this way. I actually worry the Net would have been better if it were controlled and treated just like the streets.

And I disagree with "Sup Forums used to be serious." though.

It had some serious threads but this whole site is a psyop designed to degenerate the youth. I disagree that it was ever a bastion of righteousness and I hate it when anyone (whether right-wing or just mocking lefties) claim this. Sup Forums is a fucking porn and entertainment site. It's bread and circuses, just like most of the Internet. I've come to adopt an Anti-Internet view as of late because I've realized how much damage it's done to the world as a whole.

>Trump's breakdown will be glorious

It's already happening. His poll numbers have been plummeting the last couple weeks

I don't think he's going to lose.

I actually think he's been chosen to win.

>I disagree that it was ever a bastion of righteousness

I dont claim that it was ever 'good' or 'righteous'. On the contrary it was almost entirely shit. But there were some good threads occasionally. I haven't seen a single good, informative thread since flags were added

I have seen a few, about 2-3 a week. You just have to treat this place like Sup Forums 2.0 now and use the catalog to search for specific things.

He has never led in the polls. He's currently declining after reaching a peak. The mainstream media and mainstream progressive opinion is against him. I seriously doubt he will win unless there is some huge terrorist attack in the months preceding the election

I would know, my parents are staunch Hillary supporters and I can't stand their political views and just refuse to discuss anything political at all with them. I fell for the Trump meme initially but then I took a step back to my old conspiracy forum knowledge and came to the conclusion that no politician can fix anything but myself and the people I physically communicate with. Still that doesn't mean it pisses me off when my mom continually tells me that it's my duty to vote Hillary just to stop the racist xenophobic Trump.

I disagree with Trump now but it has NOTHING to do with the progressives' reasoning for it. And I hate the anti-trump shills here as much as the pro-Trump shills because they force an ideological bundle (of all the progressive talking points) down your throat at the same time.

trump is a waste

Trump is a greedy manchild and his voter base are just a bunch of middle aged white men who haven't outgrown their edgy middle schooler phase. When they're not coming up with asinine solutions to made up problems, they're busy crying about how everybody is mean and intolerant towards them, while also somehow finding time between sobs to call everybody else sensitive.

See I don't even support Trump anymore but this kind of argument sounds like a college aged progressive who hates white men.

I oppose Trump because I think he's controlled opposition and US democracy is a farce. But if I say that here I'll get lumped in with people who argue like this instead.

By the way I'm half Jewish and 23 years old and I'm not even that racist compared to some of Sup Forums.

He's quite possibly a plant for the banking elite. I don't trust him at all.

Six years in the military left me with a very bad taste for the alot of the right wing thinking that happens nowadays. Six years of effectively middle school culture, and now I'm coming to the realization that the same bullshit is for some reason idolized by enough people to get Trump a shot at political office.

It isn't a matter of arguing; debate is something you do with people you respect. After immersing myself in a conservative culture, I've lost the majority of my respect most of the ideas touted by the Tea Party and associated parties.

If it makes you feel any less triggered I think Hillary's a cunt too. Was pretty ok with holding my nose and voting for her at the start of the primaries but now that I'm actually faced with that option I don't think I can even bring myself too. I don't think she'd fuck everything up as immediately as Trump, but the kind of shit she would try would cause way longer lasting damage.

See I'm probably what you'd call "right-wing" but at this point I oppose the US military and American hegemony as it's been a destructive and degenerate influence on the world. not to mention American citizens. America's "right wing" isn't even socially conservative anymore. What you experience was Zionist fake "conservative" corporatism and not real conservatism. True conservatism in my view is about blood and soil, is willing to oppose things like consumerism and technology. And nobody in the US fits this except maybe the Amish.

But what I completely reject is the notion that because you hate American Republicans and Trump you have to be socially liberal and in favor of things like abortion, fag marriage, public schooling and anti-children, anti-family sentiment. In my view the American "right" and "left" are both serving the same masters.

The only reason I can't vote for him is I truly think he's completely batshit. He's going to fuck this country like north Korea or Russia.

Other than that I agree with much of what he says.

Err no, that sounds like the alt-right to me


Right? Wish I'd been around for real conservatism. Might have actually had to debate who I'd vote for that way.

I suppose the "shillary vs Drumpf election kind of has me debating, but it's less debating and more "okay libertarians you get a second chance"

it's both.

The Internet has wrought utter destruction and it's APOLITICAL in it's damage. Doesn't matter whether right or left.

What makes you think they do?

At this point I've read too much Unabomber. I just want to see it all collapse but know it'll never happen and will just be a slow slide into a pool of shit.

Most do, and even many non-whites do too. I live in NYC right now (fucking glad to be moving out) and the younger generation of spics really isn't that much different. It's only recent immigrants and some segments of the upper classes who are more masculine. It's dietary and mostly because of smartphones, internet addiction and sedentary lifestyle.

There are occasionally cucked reddit tier liberal retards lurking in threads. They speak out, get btfo and then cry their way back to their safehaven of le upboats. They are few and far between, anyone that has taken the red pill stays here, the blue pills go elsewhere.

>If you're gonna throw away your vote you might as well just stay home.

Not everyone lives in a swing state.

Trump isn't the red pill , he's controlled opposition just like any other option you see on TV. That said I oppose Trump but I also oppose modern leftists who attack him. If anything I see Trump as too moderate and Establishment as fuck just like Hillary. The extremist image people get of him is only from the media. The only thing he's really "extreme" about is supporting Israel.

le 2 party dichotomy

Many factors I assume. But, lets not get out the pitchforks just yet. There is no incentive to be a "real man" in western society anymore, and it's saying something when it's taboo (even on Sup Forums) to wonder what happened to women, yet so many people never shit the fuck up about "men these days".

It's the culture, it's the society, it's the civilization. Men only participate and thrive when we have a reason, an incentive to do so. It was ALWAYS like this and it will NEVER change.

I don't. Irrelevant though.

That's true though. It's not always the Jews behind it all but there's certainly many Jews among the ruling elite, and the 2-party system is very much bullshit (Trump included).

I'm half Jewish myself and never had any of this supposed "insider" advantage but I don't deny that there's a group of them higher up who do hold a lot of power.

I don't care anymore. Trump isn't serious about banning muslims which is the only reason I supported him. Now I'm not gonna vote at all.

i am afraid the majority of Sup Forumsacks are like this

lol, what do you think Sup Forums actually looks like?

Prove you look any better. I swear the whole internet has been full of nothing but personal attacks on appearance for the whole 2016 election season. Every side left and right alike has been endless ad-hominems and not actual debate.

I oppose Trump for actual political reasons, not because of what his supporters look like. Same with any other candidate.

KEK wills it!

Im a Libertarian and can't go against that.

There's deep rooted nepotism among jews. A ridiculous proportion of them are CEOs of the biggest companies in the US, and everyone knows they control the media. I dunno, i think its some weird tribal mentality that's rooted in their culture

I'm on Sup Forums, what makes you think I look any better? We're all beta pieces of shit otherwise we wouldn't be on this board interacting with people who shitpost memes on Twitter for hours a day with an anime avatar.

Fuck Trump.

why do you care leaf? its idiots like you who put a bad name to our glorious flag!

You're fine. I just hate the people who make posts like yours and pretend they're somehow excluded from the stereotype.

>supporting an erratic foreign nationalist authoritarian

You're not really this stupid are you?

beta leaf lib


You guys have to understand that this is about choosing the lesser evil. Of course an ideal true Conservatism that embraces tradition, rejects consumerism and stands for the people is impossible in the XXI century but Hillay is definitely worse than Trump

There is an incentive. You fuck pussy like you wouldn't believe. I mean, I am literally a chain smoking Sup Forums dweller making shit money working as a bouncer, but because I spent enough summers working on construction and kept working out, doesn't even matter how much of a loser I am. They just keep texting. That and I'm an apologetic asshole who can almost sounds like he actually knows everything.

But seriously tho, couple of American fat faggots who aren't faggots? I am surprised by OP's picture.