how did Raimi get away with it?
>Go get those kikes
Geez Louise, Ted Raimi
Sex tape with Harrison when?
You can only post in this thread if you saw this trailer in the theater
Is this the best song ever in a capeshit film?
Not by a long shot
it was really a different time.
why did spiderman only watch as the towers fell? why didn't he help?
what did Raimi mean by this?
It's a distant second
post the fan edit
>you know which one
I think it means just because you're a superhero doesn't mean you can stop a heavy as fuck plane from crashing. can spidey even lift a plane?
Tonight with the trailer
>The Human Spider? Oh man that's fucking gay
what was Raimi THINKING?
He just stood there watching one after another fall from the towers.
Cant believe he sold those pictures to JJ afterwards.
seriously now, do you think raimi took it too far? i understand he wanted to capture peter's indifference as he had made a choice and wanted to stick to it and all but was a major tragedy that really necessary?
Is Spiderman the movie with most memes?
>This triggers the blue pilled Americans
Daily reminder that shit was fake as fuck
no that's revenge of the sith or TDKR
How did Raimi know?
why is this castigated but DANCE OFF BRO is praised?
how did this pass test audiences?
>not posting Raimi's original design that got shot down by Sony
it was a different time
>where do you think you're going, ovendoger?
>Playing this scene right after the visit to the Holocaust museum
I mean I think Ramni didn't understand tone back in the day
>"Nice outfit, did your faggot boyfriend stitch that up between one of your dogging sessions?"
Keep dreaming faggots
It's an allegory for the us government knowing it was about to happen but doing nothing to stop it.
The ultimate cringekino.
Raimi's legacy lives on
Harrison is usually gorgeous but in that pic he looks as rough as Stan Lee, he looks like he's been on an all night bender and was repeatedly slapped half-sober
with great threads come great gets
>why live when you know your last digits will never be 911
Wind-Up Records actually acquired the soundtrack distribution deal for Daredevil as a means to promote Evanescence.
i still don't understand why uncle ben wanted to lynch all the jews after he accused them of treachery
>still no porn with spider-twink
Cool fact nobody cares about, bro.
I still dont get the entire sequence.
So he visits the holocaust museum, then he goes out and we get the scene depicted in the webm and then he GOES BACK TO THE MUSEUM.
What the fuck Raimi?
>Tom's black eye
Blind item confirmed
I know, I just thought it was slightly interesting.
It's the damn historical revisionism agenda being pushed in by the Jewish overlords at Marvel. Hopefully, Obergruppenführer Raimi will be able to tell the correct version one day.
Oh Jesus Christ
It can't be true, who'd want to hurt him?
There's no way him and Harrison aren't banging maybe he just likes it a little rough.
wtf Goofy
>Oh God choke me! Slap me!
Was it confirmed that this was mr ditkovich's first warning about the rent, or was it just implied?
It's been so long I can't remember
But what could he have done?
Tobey a cute.
>You're Dr. Connor's student. He tells me you're brilliant.
>[Peter smiles, flattered]
>He also tells me you're as lazy as a nigger on Martin Luther King Day.
Christ Raimi.
He didn't take Uncle Ben seriously enough when he said with white power comes great responsibility.
If he'd gone through with his original idea, the human holocaust as shown here , he might have prevented it
>He's just a faggot. No gayer than my son.
Christ, did Raimi have daddy issues or something?
Worst fucking meme ever. Kys
>ey y'all niggas need 2 chill wit dis talkin' shit. This oriental bitch talkin' bout spiders n shit nigga goddamn, I ain't tryin 2 get bit or some shit nigga. Anyway tell these white bitches 2 holla at this nigga if they tryin to turn that C into an A usin dis D, know what I mean muthafucka? Y'all good, nigga! Y'all good!
Raimi totally nailed the black dialogue here.
Worst fucking meme ever. Kys
>people still don't get this performance
one day you plebs will understand the genius.
beautifulagony [.]com
>those soft breathy moans
Imagine hearing them in your ear after you've just finished inside him, and he's holding onto you tight
Spidey can lift 10 tons. A plane weighs 75 tons.
15 year olds aren't allowed to have opinions
>He's just a kid, no older than my wife's son
I have no idea why people hate this part. I absolutely loved it.
>He ACTUALLY takes comic books and superheroes seriously
Excellent post(s)
holy fuckin shit
>now it's six million and one
jesus, i'm not a SJW but i can't deny that this was too much
Still a better mj than kirsten dunst
>hey Peter, got any weed?
That ugly shitskins is going to be the worst MJ ever
>Face it, white boy… you just hit the oonga boonga!
Because spiderman didn't 'dance off' right at the climax of his movie
>Nothing's worrying.... meee-eee-ee-eeee~
But he's SUPPOSED to be cringeworthy. Look at everyone's faces as they pass him
Fantastic Four had the better VR single
>All the things that you've been thinking about, Peter... make me sad.
>Can't you understand? I'm in love with a black woman.
>You know I understand. But I thought you'd learned the meaning of what it means to be born a straight white male in America.
>[sigh] You don't know how it feels.
>Peter, all the times we've talked of the anti white agenda pushed by the Jewish Hollywood kikes, and the way we've discussed how to purify our blood line with whites only, out of those times I counted on you to have the courage to take those dreams out into the world.
>I can't live your dreams anymore. I want a life of my own.
>You've been given a gift, Peter. Remember, with white power, comes great responsibility.
[pauses and holds out hand]
>Take my hand, son.
>[pause] No, Uncle Ben. I'm just Peter Parker. And White Nationalist Man ... no more. No more.
tip-top heil
why was uncle ben pushing his neo nazi ideals on Peter?
Why does anyone push their beliefs on their children? Uncle Ben was doing what he thought was right.
And he was right.
>shame on jews
I was pleasantly surprised when I first heard that, realising aunt may was also a devoted National Socialist.
I found it fitting when the smoke from the towers falling temporarily looked like Uncle Ben's sadly smiling face.
A bit unsubtle, but it was a powerful moment.
>And the Führer said "Let there be cleansing", and wunderbar! There is cleansing. Eleven million gassy, cleansing deaths.
>Good boy, the Führer would be thrilled. Just don't fall on your ass.
>I'm already on my ass May. When niggers are allowed to walk the streets with their pants down, fags are allowed to work, hard-working people are being tricked out of their hard earned money by kikes every day and our once glorious Aryan gene pool is growing ever more diluted...what else can you call it besides "I am on my ass"?
Cliff Robertson and Rosemary Harris don't get enough credit for their work in the Raimi films. They made this admittedly heavy dialogue work.
I unironically prefer Zendaya
>tfw no black gf with attitude
The Vietnam one is still the best
Worst fucking meme ever. Kys
>DANCE OFF BRO is praised
I'm autistic and I've spent years browsing Sup Forums everyday the whole day, this LITERALLY has never happened
Play it with this: