July 12th Sup Forums official holiday?

A muslim kills 50 gay mexicans. Surely you Sup Forumstards will make this some sort of holiday as what happened is literally all you sickos fantasy

nuke middle east now

Except it's June, you fucking leaf


stupid cuck


That's my bday tho 94 master race no longer young feelsbadman

The only thing we hate more than fags is mudslimes. So, no.

>Couldn't even be bothered to check the calendar before posting
Yeah, I'm sure you've got your finger on the pulse of the board.

It was an early birthday for Trump, kebab handed him the POTUS

Well i just gained a month of my life

It's June.

Fuck off leaf, we know you're another Hil Shil


Sup Forums is a board of peace

Fuck you dipshit.

This is something nobody wanted to happen.

Being proven right by blood is a Pyrrhic and tearful victory. I'm tired of this kind of argument. I weep for the dead.

And I know you faggot liberals are mad as fuck that this wasn't a white, Christian shooter. So fuck off.

I honestly thought it was july


>have a leaf on the flag
>completely lost the ability to read a calendar

He wasn't heard screaming Allah snackbar at the top of his lungs during the gun battle making it impossible to doubt it was kebab's fault

>implying people still own calendars

>implying there isn't one on your phone and on your computer

Yeah we'll call it Bloody Funday.
