Ok, you want guns?

Ok, you want guns?
Fine, as our laws state, you can have a Musket.
What? What's wrong? A Musket is a gun. What's the problem?
When that law was created, only the Musket existed.
Therefore, that's the gun the law was referring to.

i'm not giving up my AR-15 you faggot

Now I sit back and watch as the Republicunts roll in and piss themselves trying to defend the NRA

>pic related, an "assault" rifle from those days.

but the law was referring to Muskets, therefore, you cannot own an Ar-15 if you support that law.
so, are you still for that law?

Where's the word musket in the law then you cuck?

Your asshole will look like the end of a musket after you're fucked by the government. All guns now and future will be legal.

Where does it say musket in the second amendment?
And there were other kinds of (fire)arms in use when it was written.


Heh the ol muskets shitpost

well shitposted op B^)

Shoo troll

Please tell me where it says musket

I'll wait

leftists can't refute this.

>When that law was created, only the Musket existed.
>Therefore, that's the gun the law was referring to.

Nice b8 thread you will get a lot of (you)'s

I wonder how triggered lefties would get when you point out that when laws were put in place there were only 2 genders and that marriage is between a man and a woman

heh, kids....

You have it in your head that we're trying to reach a compromise.

No. And fuck off.

Who are you talking to?
Whats wrong with guns?

Mad about the shooting?
Than blame the cause. MUSLIMS.

You're just another spineless coward.
Attacking safe targets because you're a powerless, putrid little cunt.

When the first amendment was written, we only had printing presses. We no longer have freedom of press on anything else.

M8 nowhere does it say musket. Please go die in a car fire.

1/10 since I replied.

the puckle gun used regular "round" bullets for regular enemies, and square bullets for muslims... square kinda sucked, but it fucked up whatever it shot and was designed to scare the fuck out of mudslimes, truly a based gun


Or the Internet or any other new age invention that is covered by our rights you blithering idiot. Think before you speak

Where does it refer to muskets?

paid 10 bucks a month faithfully for 23 years

i dont believe it

it says ARMS,not guns.

anything the military can use,the people can also use.
the people can't give the military weapons they don't have the right to use.

I know this is a bain thread but no where in the 2nd ammendment does it limit what is an arm is


>making the minimum payment every period
>complaining that it's the bank's fault when lack basic financial sense

You want free speech, fine. It applies to spoken word (in person) and print. The only mediums that existed in the time it was written. Speech that offends the government on radio, tv, Internet, or telephone is banned and subjects you to immediate arrest. Thats what the amendment was referring to so what's the problem?

>23 years
>only paid $32,700


Wait, how could they have known it existed when the Constitution was written in 1776, 3 years prior to that weapon's availability? Am I being baited?

Stop bumping shill threads pls

Probably majored in lesbian pottery or bumblebee dance

They could have altered it, most of them were still alive 3 years later.

The second amendment was ratified December 1791 iirc.

Or Greek Economics.

When the law was written, television, radio, and the internet didn't exist.

You can go ahead and have your free speech in person and in print, because that's the free speech the law was referring to

>Not actually selling bear arms

Double checked date on image, constitution was 1787 you fucking retard.

It's actually roughly $120 a month for 23 years which is pretty sizable

>I failed school

The bill of rights was not originally in the constitution HURRRR.



Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot,

I don't know why people keep this shut up. There is not a force on this planet that will make us want to give up our ability to fairly defend ourselves.

This. I work in the financial industry and this shit tiggers my autism.

>Professional soldiers who watched as weapons adavanced from war to war thought there would never be another technological advancement after 1789.

Sounds legit.

>people will respond to this thread seriously.

Well yes, because what you suggest is unconstitutional. The Founders make no provision of what kind of arms you may own, and this is of course by design, since when American patriots pushed off British oppressors, most U.S. artillery (cannons, mortars, etc.) and its entire navy were privately owned by citizens, not the state.

I'm fine with you trying to ban guns, but do it legally - with a Constitutional Amendment. Any attempts to do it any other way are treasonous and should be treated as such.

1776 is declaration of indepedence retard

Sir, your post has been determined to be unpatriotic and you're under arrest for anti-American expression.

What, you have a right to freedom of speech? Oh, well Internet posts, televised broadcasts, phone calls, emails, and video calls don't fall under that. Yeah, see, those didn't exist at the time the first amendment was written, so it doesn't apply.

This was clearly the founding fathers' intention. Now come with me, we're taking a trip to Cuba.

>right to bear arms
>only guns are arms

fuck you op i'm keeping my sword

>only the musket existed
Come on dude.

>change ar-15 names to musket15
>liberals btfo again

I don't even work anywhere near finance, I just don't lack common sense

it doesn't, therefore I have right to nukes, this is now a right to nuke thread

I'm building my own nuke and nobody can legally stop me, Australia I need Nuke materials, help me out

Sooooo we as lowly slaves should only have a butter knife and and a rape whistle to protect ourselves from any enemy.
foreign and domestic.

You are a genius OP.
Totally not a retarded faggot.

>because that's the free speech the law was referring to

and yet thats the type most often restricted, curiouser and curiouser

>current year
>usury STILL isn't outlawed

Why is this allowed? Will we ever catch up to the Muslim world?

wow that Piers is a cunt,

>these are the people that smugly tell you your wrong

Yeah nah fuck yourself cunt, you want to limit others to a musket but you want a nuke, there are others that want that, they are called dictators, now go play in traffic like the good autist you are.

we don't defend the NRA... we defend the 2nd Amendment, with AR15's if need be.

>with a Constitutional Amendment.

this one is actually impossible as considering the bill of rights is the clause that brings the constitution into place, any attempt to dismantle these rights dissolves the constitution

many states have already passed legislation confirming this

Am actual solution OP kudos.

As a person who has never shot a gun, are there and guns I can find on the ground and know exactly how to use it?

Any claims that the Founding Fathers would have had no concept of repeating arms is false, because they existed but were a toy primarily for the rich; soldiers and the common man usually stuck to the cheaper, more robust option: one- or two-barrelled flintlocks that had to be reloaded after each shot. If you support disarming the common man or restricting him to primitive arms, you are giving the 1% a significant edge over the proletariat. You fucking classist piece of shit.

Pic related is the Cookson Repeater, a 14-shot lever-action blackpowder repeating rifle that was invented in 1750. The Puckle Gun and Girandoni air rifles have already been posted.

Hurr durr repeal the first amendment because the internet didn't exist in the 1700s

Thats the same arguement that sunni muslims use when they tell other muslims they are not following the literal meaning of their moon god.

The constitution and bill of rights is capable of broad interpretation in a literal sense, otherwise the text would be impossible to apply to modern times. Otherwise your arguing like a stupid muslim, come on mate don't be one of those cunts.

Muskets = guns = the government is able regulate any type of gun that it wants

A nuke isn't a gun nigger.

Your an idiot.
Back then you could buy canons.

Can I buy tanks?

The law is intended for us to be able to form a militia, why can't I buy tanks?

>you want to limit others to a musket

where did I ever even consider this treasonous viewpoint that should rightly bring anyone who holds it to a public gallows?

I just need some bro in Australia to hook me up with the raws so I can start building my bombs of mass destruction

I heard Australia has the purest shit out there for nukes

it doesn't say we can't have cannons. they had cannons.

tfw people are afraid the government will take control of everybody whenever they get the chance.

Tick, tock.

Well people are a lot meaner with their first amendment nowadays. They want people to kill themselves.

high tier b8 my friend

>the Constitution was written in 1776
>amerilard education
>mfw this is probably bait

it doesn't say gun in the 2nd amendment it says arms, a nuke is a type of armament therefore it counts and is protected for every American landowning taxpayer to have a right to own.

and our founding fathers only had parchments and horses to transport messages, so i guess the internet should be illegal too.
(also its not a law, its a constitutional birthright.)

You were looking for this meme

>turned a small loan of $26,400 into -$78,000

I guess the 1st amendment only covers stuff from that era also.

>tfw people are afraid the government will take control of everybody whenever they get the chance.

they already did apparently just by rattling their sabers, you cucks fell for the bait once again

>tfw I made this image for /k/ almost three years ago and someone kept it.

Feels good to know it's being put to good use.

Because the founding fathers didn't realize technology would advance....

Oh no its retarded.

>parchments and horses to transport messages,

they also had birds, birds were the internet until that telegraph came along

So has any of you faggets considered that that line might have just been written to allow every willing and able person to enlist - to bear arms in the defense of a country?

>$15,000 in 2004
>$100,000 in 2014


>paying back only 3$ a day for 23 years
you deserve it

Franklin especially had no concept of invention or innovation.

because a standing army was forbidden when the bill of rights was written

I'm sure it's been brought up, but you are literally retarded if you think muskets were the only gun around at that time.

Yes, except the US Government has declared that the United States officially has two federal-level militias. The first is the Organized Militia, made up of the National Guard, Coast Guard, etc. The second is made up of all able-bodied males from age 18-45, or 18-62 if a military veteran. By law, every American male on /k/ is part of the miltiia.

>When that law was created, only the Musket existed.

So you think the 2nd amendment changes because of technological advances?

Don't forget this German matchlock revolver from 1580.

>tfw we let illiterates vote

No problem
>niggers and bitches cant vote
>niggers are slaves
>white men rule the country
>no cars, only horse
>bring back natives so we can eliminate them again

>your logic

The purpose of owning the weaponry was clear. To prevent the government from taking the power away from the citizens.


It didn't specify "ONLY MUSKETS", like you are posturing, did it faggot?

whatever, this is just a shill thread trying to 'twigga' us. OP needs to be banned for blatant shitposting. One thing to do it in a thread, but to shitpost A thread. Get out. Reee.

Come get my semis pussy.



Those Germans sure have a way with weapons.

Protip: OP hasn't posted since