At what age did you move out?

At what age did you move out?

What is the ideal age for self-respecting white men to move out in North America? I've been hearing a lot of mixed things on here but I can't tell if they're just manchild NEETs trying to prolong their indefinite childhood as long as possible by claiming that moving out is degenerate and that posting on Sup Forums all day is not.

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When you get a job?


You really should be moving out at 16 at the oldest. Anyone claiming they can't go to school and work full time is just an SJW. When I was 13 I'd just go out and prostitute myself on webcams to pedos on AIM chatrooms and pay somebody that looked like me to sit in my place in class. If you're 18 and still live at home you should consider suicide.

Moved out at 17 now 21 and very successful despite having a roomate who is never on time on bills about to go completely solo and get my own place and have eternal zen

18. If you're going to be living at home beyond that, you need to at least be contributing to rent/food and helping around the house.

Roommates suck, unless you're the kind of roommate who is never on time on bills and in that case their awesome!

I would move out but it's really expensive where I live and I would rather deal with my parents than hours of shitty work to barely live and pay for a shitty apartment.

I moved out at 19. 27 now with a family and a house.

18 for college, 21 for real

Moved 2000 miles away all by myself when I turned 21. Shaped me real good. Getting a real job did wonders for my maturity

I'm 24 and still live at home which is shameful, but at least I work full time and have like 50k saved up

I'm about to move out for my first full time job and I'm 23. But before then I was living at college for 4 years and for the past year I commuted at home for my Master's in engineering.

That's pretty good if you're going to move into a house of your own.

moved out at 17

still a neet at 36


I want to move out but everything is so goddamn expensive here, the cheapest rent is like $800 a month + utilities for some shitty one bedroom apartment in the ghetto that probably has bedbugs, or you have to get roommates who are most likely marijuana addicted degenerates who blast rap music. My life was going on track then the oil industry crashed and ruined and prospect of finding a high paying job anytime soon which is why I'm reluctant to move out just so I can live paycheck to paycheck and possibly have my savings deplete. If my parents wanted me gone I would move but they don't mind me staying here.

Moved out at 25 working slave wage(was a NEET). Now 30 and Im gonna have to get a place with my brother (his roomate has to leave soon) because I'm saying fuck it and trying to start up my own business, which doesn't leave much time for slave labor work.

Anything over 21 will seem pathetic in our culture though. If you live somewhere in Italy you're good though.

autism and the welfare state

When I got my first good job - I'm a 6'4" chef at Wendy's with a 9 inch cock making over $130,000 per year.

>These are the people I discuss politics with

You """people""" are pathetic.

Why is autism so common for people on Sup Forums? Does being a rightist have a correlation with higher rates of autism?

moved out when I was 14

25 and still live at home. started working at 21. i have 80K+ usd in the bank and dont have a fucking clue what i want to do with it

Same here, I'm a 6'5" chef at Wendy's with a 9.5 inch cock making over $140,000 per year.

Feels good

Sorry to hear that. You're the second person here that has said their plans were all screwed up by the oil industry changing directions (the other guy was from Louisiana, I think.) I'm in Denver and the housing/apartment prices are going way up, but if you go out of town about 10 - 15 miles things are reasonable. Maybe you can find something that's a little inconveniently out of the way and save yourself some money.

You get one year grace period after college while you look for work. After that, no excuse.

I'm not Sup Forums

>i have 80K+ usd in the bank and dont have a fucking clue what i want to do with it

Have you ever seen Brewster's Millions?

Nothing to do with political ideology, and everything to do with the fact that this is Sup Forums, an anonymous image board with a majority of communities catering to autistic Interests.

You'll find just as many left-wing autists on other boards here (/r9k/ is about split left/right, and Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums largely left). The common denominator is internet addiction.

I'm a diagnosed assburger myself but I have a degree, a good job as an engineer with other semi-autistic but functional people, and want nothing more than to leave home, I hate it here and I'm glad I'm going to be independent in a few weeks.

Small world - my cousin and uncle are both Wendy's chefs too. They have 9 and 10 inch cocks, respectively. My cousin is MEGA GIRTHY though so they both make more than I do.

21. graduated from community college and moved far away to go to uni. its definitely not been easy financially to live alone, but i feel its worth it

I was kicked out at the age of 17 by my fathers Bi-Polar girlfriend. My mother wouldn't take me in because she hates all men, and my sister was getting her tits chopped off so she could be a boy all because of my mothers abuse.
I didn't want to go into social services, and I had already met the Credit requirements for graduating HS, so I took my diploma that minute.
I couch surfed and started working full time, saving money till I turned 18 when I bought a truck. I'm 22 now, almost 23, and I have seen hell but I am making 30K at a warehouse now.
I rent a basement for $500 a month about an hour from where I work, and am saving up to buy a house.
If your parents love you, stay with them and help them, but if they are hell bent on destroying you or dragging you down to hell with them try to get some friends help.

lol a small shitty one-floor house where I live is more than a million dollars.

would have moved out at 18 but decided to save a bit of cash and moved out at 21 instead.

parents gave me the house and downsized to a condo when I was 22. They were in their early 60s when they moved out, and they didn't want to deal with all the stairs

Im 19 (almost 20) and i still live at home. I work a shitty full time job at a factory where i make just over $9 per hour and work around 55-60 hours per week. I hate my life but me and my dad are pretty tight. He actually said he doesnt wanna see me leave anytime soon but even though he's helping me out i gotta get my shit together and figure out what the fuck to do with my life.

20, living at home here.

Literally nobody I know has moved out. No houses are built, wages are stagnant, mass immigration continues.

I don't really mind though. I love being around my family. It used to be normal before 20th century capitalism.

>It used to be normal before 20th century capitalism

Because people couldn't afford it you dumb fuck

It all depends on circumstances. Typically age 18-21 is the right age to move out, younger the better though. I can think for good reasons for people up to 30 living with their parents, such as them having financial difficulties and you sacrifice living on your own to help support them. I have a friend who lived with his parents from 23 to 28 for this reason. His parents business was struggling for several years so he sacrificed his salary for room and board at his folks' place plus $100 for spending a month. Saved them $45k a year, they got back on their feet and he's back on his own and hasn't asked for a penny back, though they send him some checks that he never deposits lol. Other than situations like that or genuine mental health problems it's pretty rediculous to be living with your parents after 21 years of age.

whatever age you are when the housing market finally crashes and houses sell for what they're actually worth

Are you implying young people can afford it now, leaf?

24 and still at home. Haven't been able to find a job that doesn't have completely shit hours and pays more than I currently make. If I had a boyfriend or a good friend to split rent with, I could probably move out. If not, I would need to make $20/hr rather than 10. I don't particularly enjoy living at home at this age, but I do buy a lot of my own food, I pay my own car/phone/student loan bills. So it's not like I'm a leech.

Yes, if they actually major in something non-retarded and get a job instead of posting memes on Sup Forums about making america great while being a NEET

can confirm. 26 year old NEET and my parents LOVE me having me here so much, that for the two years I wagecucked abroad they literally begged me to come back

25 and living at home. Yep, I am trying to move out as soon as possible though.

Twenty is the hard cap. After twenty you better be working and / or studying some serious shit if you're still living at home - if only for the self-improvement factor. There are a handful of people who stay at home for legitimate financial reasons, but the majority of people who live with their parents into their mid-twenties are just fuck ups.

Although I'm not alone. I have friends my age who are in the same situation.

I do ironing, gardening, washing, cooking, painting etc, feels good. Wish my grandparent would move in so we could all help each other out.

It's still very common in Eastern Europe and parts of Asia despite being at a comparable wealth level to the 20th century Western world. The obsession with moving out is nothing more than capitalist ideology (preying on people through mortgages and rent) and atomises individuals. I'd love a communal home.

I'm jealous my nedernikker

move somewhere else or ask for a raise then.

ebin :DDD

I still live at home at 27

I do own 4 houses that I'm renting out, though. By the time I'm 40, all the mortgages will be paid off and I'll be living on my own with lots of disposable income.

>It's still very common in Eastern Europe and parts of Asia despite being at a comparable wealth level to the 20th century Western world

Eastern Europeans are poor.

>Parts of Asia

Either also poor or they're manchildren who are their parents' little cucks despite being 25 years old. just because someone else in some other part of the world does it doesn't make it a good thing.

>The obsession with moving out is nothing more than capitalist ideology (preying on people through mortgages and rent) and atomises individuals. I'd love a communal home.

More like it has to do with growing up and becoming a mature adult.

Where do you bring girls over? Your parents house still?

it wasnt only because they couldnt afford it you cunt

trade school or college man

if you're poor enough college, if not go for trade

I live at home at 27 and I work as tech support. I grew up and still live in the ghetto (bay area).

Age 20, when I joined the military for four years.

How low does your testosterone have to be to continue living with your parents?

Do you not value your freedom to do whatever you want?

>not payign rent/foood
>not a leech

You've gotta start somewhere user

Multi-generational families used to be the norm, not the nuclear family. That was created by capitalism for a mobile labour force. Don't want to save your money and spend it on your family now do you?! Make sure to give it to Landlord Goldbergstein!

Your ancestors never moved out yet you'd consider them perfectly mature. Oven yourself capitalist cuck.

same, except that its the norm here because its a 3rd world country and everyone is poor

>Le capitalism is bad

OK lol, stay a manchild

I'd say that so long as somebody is working towards bettering their position (saving up money, going to college, working on starting a business, attaining certification for work, etc.), there is no shame, especially for a single person, of living at home.

In fact, it's a horrible financial decision to not do so at certain points. So long as you're working towards something and aren't being a leech, there's no shame in it. You just have to swallow your pride and put yourself in a much better position to succeed.

>living in the east bay

650 master race

best part is that my mom's home is worth like seven figures now and we make $3000/mo renting out the spare rooms

any realistic chance for a just out of highschool 18 year old with virtually no future prospects to do something like this? I want to move far far away honestly.

Are you in Vancouver? I feel for you but it sounds like the Canadian government sold you guys out for payments from the Chinese...

>Under the program, immigrants can come to Canada in exchange for $800,000, up front, that serves as a five-year loan to the government. The report, brought to light by Ian Young of the South China Morning Post, reveals how completely porous and unaccountable the immigrant-investor system has been. Truly awful might be another way to describe it.


>The federal government has known about the impact the investor pipeline was having on things such as real estate and didn’t care. It was more than pleased to sell Canadian citizenship to the wealthy.


>Canadians should be furious that their governments allowed this to happen. Now all that these same governments can do is introduce lame measures that will have no meaningful impact on housing prices, but rather are designed to show that government is on the problem!

the moving out at 18 ideal was established when America was full of high paying jobs and affordable college tuition.
It's a smart economical move to stay with your parents until you have a good job and enough money to move out and sustain yourself.
There's nothing wrong with staying with your parents if you have a good relationship.
By 25 though is probably the latest.

>any realistic chance for a just out of highschool 18 year old with virtually no future prospects to do something like this?

Thousands of people do this everyday

It might be hard in the beginning, and you'll struggle and hate it but the majority and life skills it will teach you will benefit you greatly for the rest of your life.

My brother did this when he was 17 and he only lasted a few months in bumfuck Maine. Be sure to research what you're going to do before you make any big decisions

A case of capitalist indoctrination. Sad!

you got more money than a lot of less "shameful" people.
I'm sure they feel accomplished with their boxes of ramen.

I love capitalism though

Sadly still live at home at 24 since my dad died and helping out my mom. Not like I freeload or anything though

18 like the average human being

I'm not a neet. I'm 20 years old, married, own my own home and car, and don't have a college degree, though I do have 2 years finished. I got lucky. Not everyone does. And I'm not defending the tumblr types who major in shit like women's studies, but it isn't easy out there for disenfranchised, disillusioned and demotivated white men.

I know, that's why you'll be going in the oven.

I'm Hispanic so it didn't really feel weird, but it's nice living on my own now.

I do miss getting my mother's cooking on a daily basis, but that just makes family gatherings even better to look forward to.

where should I go? I'll have 20k to start with coming October.

Is it a matter of personal preference?

>but it isn't easy out there for disenfranchised, disillusioned and demotivated white men.

Maybe a little bit less of "make america great" and "Degenerate hate threads" and a little more of building a skillset and working on their resumes.

What economic system is better than Capitalism?

Video related:

Wtf? I'm the sous chef at my Wendy's and I barely make $80k

I manage a small retail store and make 13 bucks an hour, and that's them being generous.
I could afford to move out, but most of my money (over 50%) would be going towards rent. I'm not gonna cuck myself by paying someone most of my money so I have a place to sleep when not at work, while they produce nothing at all and get half my income. That's bullshit.
I'm considering just squatting in some of these places, they have rent upwards of 800 dollars not including utilities, and they've been listed for over a year with no one renting them.

Im 34 and never even tried to move out. Only times I move out is when I get locked up; lost count how many times. u mad?

I just said that I pay for most of my own food. Me existing in a house I've lived in for years doesn't cost much. The only reasoning I could see for a parent making their kid pay rent would be to encourage them to move out, but only if they had the means to/weren't trying to. If I'm searching for a better paying/non shitty job with the intent to move out, why would my parents add to the amount of money I'm already paying?

>Im 34 and never even tried to move out. Only times I move out is when I get locked up; lost count how many times. u mad?


THESE are the people I argue about politics with. This board truly is satire

Black detected

>life skills

Like what, exactly? Paying bills, going grocery shopping, unclogging a drain? You don't have to live on your own to know those basic "skills"

>Paying bills, going grocery shopping, unclogging a drain? You don't have to live on your own to know those basic "skills"


Budgeting, being responsible for yourself and everything else that goes into living on your own is pretty important and forces you to grow up instead of: "Hey mom can you buy me a pizza or drive me to mcdonalds?"

i'm 29. live on my own.

i still post on Sup Forums all day and work a full-time job. idgaf. do what you want. moving out is entirely an American thing - most of the world doesn't do this.

I got kicked out of my parents place at 17 because of a fucking Australian. Not even joking.

That same day I went to a concert met my favorite band and then moved in my friend's dad's hunting trophy room. I slept under a boar head.

I'm 28 now and I live by myself in California. I've really come a long way.

Moved out on my own at 18.

Came back to live with my family since I couldn't take care of myself at 23.

Moved out again on my own when I was 25 when I got a great job and could sustain myself.

Back at home and unemployed at 28 (boss wouldn't renew my contract after three years). Living with the family again.

I don't really feel any shame, it's whatever.

One day, senpai, one day...

Just turned 25 and still live at home. My parents supported me after I dropped out of uni due to mental health. After a couple years I got my shit together and am a full time student. I'll definitely plan on moving out when I get a full time job. Not sure if I'll try grad school and try moving out then. I don't have friends I could share an house or apartment with so I'd have to live alone. Another consideration for me is I have a 6 year old Labrador that I don't want to live away from. It's really nice having a fenced in back yard and I don't know if I could have that at this point of my life when I move out.
Living with my parents isn't bad, we have a good relationship and I regularly contribute financially and physically with keeping the house up.

23, about to start my first "real" job.

It's in my area, so I could move out if I want to or I can live at home for one more year or so.

650/month will get you a decent 1 bedroom apartment in this area, what do?

I had a part-time to full-time job continuously since I was 16. I moved out of my parents' house about 6 months before my 21st birthday. I had completed 2 years of community college at that point and was going to the local university branch. Same town, but I didn't have a good relationship with my father (since mended) and I felt like I needed my own space by then. Basically I was riding the line on being a degenerate and my dad knew it.

In retrospect they would have let me stay for another year or two and I should have done it. Having the bills associated with my own place, I worked more hours and school took a bit of a backseat so I didn't finish anywhere near "on-time" for a 4-year degree. I partied a lot too. Was it worth it? I wouldn't say so now, but I would have said so then.