Brit/pol/ - British Politics

>Massive swing to Brexit – with just 13 days to go: Leave 55% (+4), Remain 45% (-4).

>Making children attend Christian school assemblies undermines human rights, Muslim-run United Nations warns

>No single market access for UK after Brexit, German finance fuhrer Wolfgang Schauble says

>John Longworth: [Having given a Eurosceptic speech] " As I left the stage at our national conference, the next speaker was waiting in the wings and he very kindly shook my hand and said how much he agreed with me. That person was Jeremy Corbyn"

>Labour MP's John Mann and Dennis Skinner back Brexit (but MSM talks about Junior Tory plant defecting to Remain instead)

>Conservative MP Rehman Chishti faces investigation into his links with Saudi Arabian think-tank

>Eddie Izzard urges euro embrace (2001); lied about it on QT

>Laura Perrins: Farage is a lone voice defending our women

>Claim: Cameron May Offer Referendum On Turkey Joining EU In Desperate Bid To Stop Brexit

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Second for God bless Dennis Skinner, the old commie bastard

2nd for No Edition Edition


>England flag

B-but what about the rest of us?

>No single market access for UK after Brexit, German finance fuhrer Wolfgang Schauble says

What a load of bullshit, that is. Yeah, Europe is going to totally fuck over their already shit economy by completely leaving out the UK.

Shit senpai

will check this out cheers

Still entertaining as hell


sorry lad, just went for the smallest image in my brit/pol/ folder because we were on page 10


unless you're welsh or northern irish then you're alright

>The day Wolfgang "Inbred" Schäuble killed BMW

he's voting leave too



Fucking white miles

Nothing wrong with anime

Cymru am byth

posting this agin for my goys because youtube clips of speeches only get you so far

kek, Russia did this

Unionist Scots are fucking mint lad


Same guy claimed no further greek bailouts, twice. Before the EU then bailed out Greece two more times.

Jesus that's sad. I'm sorry...mate.

Whoa shit, how many people did he kill?

Wow. Just fucking wow.

I'm a mod of reddit and every fucking hour I have seen constant and persistent fucking Islamaphobic spam all over our site from piece of shit Drumpf supporters for hours now. They are blaming the entire shooting on the muslim community which is wrong. I asked where they're coming from and someone mentioned this place.

I cannot believe my fucking eyes, what the fuck is this place? Are you all being fucking ironic?

I seriously hope you assholes are being ironic because 95% of the posts I'm seeing here are blatant hate crimes. I've logged all of your IDs and am putting together a report for the police.

I'm shaking with fear and anger, I cannot believe this place is allowed to even exist. I hope you all burn in fucking hell.

Stay the fuck away from my reddit.

Uhh yeah mate

He's telling the truth. There was a second "shooter" who didn't actually get to shoot anyone.

>taking yank dick for 70 years is fine
>get some help from our toothless squatting pals: lol it's a conspiracy

Scots have voted labour for the past 100 years, now voting SNP
They're like non whites in america, always vote for cuck party

Sky news mate, fucking wanker (not you)

So he didn't kill anyone?

Zero, he was caught on the way.

The Muslim who killed 50 was a different person

Anglo-Celt masterrace here. The British race is the Anglo Saxons (and Celtic allies). Unfortunately the allies are trying to cuck us into the EU (except based Wales).

Probably should have said 'would be shooter'

But he was a white male unfortunately


But the media will care about it more

I know m8 that's why I said it

if two completely unrelated people, one snackbar and one white, both decided to massacre shirtlifters on the same day by pure coincidence then I give up. we're in a simulation run for keks

So is Brexit winning or not
How reliable are these polls

>Massive swing to Brexit – with just 13 days to go: Leave 55% (+4), Remain 45% (-4).
How the fuck did this happen? I've been passively following all of this for a while, and last I recall they were pretty neck-and-neck. Was it that leaked document about the Turkshits?

Having a wank before bed lads

Bitterness has this effect friend
I knew Brexit was gonna happen the moment the Vatniks made that equalizer
t. Sup Forums

If enough people should something and then 'pride' after it does that make it something to be proud of?


nah, fuck off you bigots

He needs to make a statement, my commie friends didn't know until I laughed at them about it

>Remain 45% (-4).

Why is democracy so useless that we can hardly even get people to save themselves with it?

That is the grottiest bint I've ever had the misfortune to look at.

>yfw the merkelreich is so butthurt over brexit that they actually go through with it, then Trump and Boris sign a free trade agreement opening new markets for American car companies


I'm a disgusting nerd mate you've lost me

Because they've been scared by our govt.

>UK is flooded by shitty automatics

Your ma leave before you can remember?

For some good ammo when the labour remain shills turn up in force, arm yourselves with Tony Benn quotes. Man is held in legendary status in the labour party, and he was a lifelong anti-EU man. Of course most of the nu-labour cucks don't know that, so presenting them with some quality anti-EU material from a labour hero will... go down "well".

I only wank every 3 days

England 1-0 Russia for the entire game
England BTFOing Russia
Russia score in the last minute.

>FUCKING white male
>kill count: 0
>result: nothing

>kill count: 50
>result: worst firearm-related killing spree in the history of the country


I went to The Netherlands during the week and some guy was talking to me about the EU vote. He said "If you guys vote to leave it could destroy the EU causing it to collapse. We don't want that. The French dont want that. The Germans don't want that. The Danes don't want that. Don't you think its spiteful to do this?"

And you know what? He's right. Why should we just because England does (lets face it, Scotland, Wales and North Ireland don't). Its not fair in the other countries - destroying their economy because we want to RISK our own.

Sorry lads, I'm voting in now. I care too much about my fellow white European man.

slags really get me going t b h

>tfw we will finally have big loud cars


Meme magic. And absolutely owning all the debates. Most people don't know what the EU is. All you have to do is describe it and the British spirit rebels against it. The referendum debates have redpilled the whole country.

He was a Berniefag. Ban Democrats!

>Wales and North Ireland don't



>throwing out bait at nearly 3 bong

wew lad, who's got the energy

>>Massive swing to Brexit – with just 13 days to go: Leave 55% (+4), Remain 45% (-4).
>implying EU won't just rig it

You don't give a shit about them

Don't take the massive margins for Brexit too seriously, the polls in questions usually don't include a "don't know" answer or are weighted in favour of people who said they would definitely vote. We're still pulling ahead though - the past three polls of polls show Leave with a majority (albeit a small one).

>Leave 55% (+4), Remain 45% (-4)
wew. do you think the recent terrorism in USA will help the leave cause, or will people vote remain to avoid drawing the ire of Muslims?

you fucks had better leave. It's like seeing your dad slowly wither away. Even when you never really got along with him, you'd give anything to reverse the damage.

I am so tired and I've got this fucking exam I've still done no work for.
Kill me.

Aussie are you using your vote? do you know many that will?

No idea how many commonwealthers will vote desu

who else /woesy/ here? I wanted to join his website when he first mentioned it but the sheer levels of LARPy autism required to even get in put me off. He's pretty sound in himself though.

The issue won't just disappear, whatever the result.

Love Europe, vote Leave. They're counting on us.

The funny bit is some people probably unironically think like this

He's a new zealander you fucking racist show some respect


Even if your dad was Josef Fritzel, as would be apt in this "relationship" you've conjured?

I feel as though the people who understand enough about mass immigration to make a connection between islamic extremism and mass immigration already are anti-EU, but everyone else will only pull together and try to show solidarity.

Love a bit of Mosley.

Watching Jonathan Bowden at the moment. He's brilliant desu

Yea mate you got your problems too, hope you get out after (and join the UK, you know you wanna)

You're not our son, you're more like a tumour that we had to cut off

Nobody believes me but I bet they have a second referendum if this one goes in favour of brexit.

Wavering lefty here, I was going to vote remain, but I'm really not sure what to vote for pls help my whole life I've never been an undecided vote.

Lol fucking hell SORRY MATE

>>Claim: Cameron May Offer Referendum On Turkey Joining EU In Desperate Bid To Stop Brexit

How the fuck would that change anyone's mind?

Everyone knows that if an immigrant can hop the border from Syria to Turkey, then they can also hop the border again into Greece, then saunter right on into the UK. Only Leave can stop that.

Laughing at the dead faggots desu.
Do you think it will happen in Bongistan?
Bonus points if a certain Helleno-Jew is in that hypothetical venue.

Even if you don't care, just vote leave to see a happening

Vote for leave my friend, we can establish trade with commonwealth countries that we actually share culture and language with, rather than being aligned to countries that just happen to be close to us.

Our problems had nothing to do with the Union. They all persisted long after we left.
It's more like the cranky father you thought was an evil abuser, only to grow up and regret parting on bad terms.
There is a reason we are the 4th largest foreign population in your country.

>80% of the dutch want the uk to leave

you just found a faggot, one of the traitors to Europa

The peoples of Europe call on us to leave


>hating on ausayyyleins

It's sad, I like the Irish, but you hate us and you didn't want to be part of our club ;_;

Pretty sure we trade with them already? Why wouldn't / couldn't we?

Watch this movie:

It explains the issues in a positive way, without any fearmongering, and it sticks just to the economic and political issues.

Give us your reasons for voting remain so we can redpill you with facts

Never forget the 55%

We can trade outside the EU, but we cannot do it without tariffs, if we let we would get cheaper iphones, nike shoes, bananas and all sorts due to not having tariffs on non-EU trade.

Thanks, Tories, for fixing the result!

Now if you could just not fix this one..

Just when I thought Zyklon Ben couldn't get any more autistic