Sup Forums users cheering on Omar

Congrats, you straightfags. You're no better than the mudslimes.

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nigga its Sup Forums, the modus operandi has always been to cheer on the bad guy and like what everyone else hates.

No shit. But the users here that pretend to be nationalistic until they can exclude nationalistic gay people and LGB people that hate mudslimes make my blood boil.

see theres your problem, you're trying to look for the logic in any of this shit

They're just memes, don't get mad.

Hey man, I'm on your side, fuck muds. Just stop posting gay shit

How is that picture gay? It's just a halloween costume.

>butthurt at Sup Forumsiticians being cheeky cunt
>is a cheeky cunt

What was the point of this thread anyway?

I'm just pointing out an inconsistency that I feel is important to recognize in all of this.


Saw it already.

Seriously its a habbening. Why do you take cuckchan seriously?? wtf is wrong with u. get some fresh air

degenerates harm the nation

they can't be nationalist

Really 50 sodomites and one mudslime dead with massive bonus to our narrative nothing bad happened today

> if you dont like gays youre a muslim
> crusaders burned gays alive at the stake

Goodnight western culture, you had a good run

kill yourself, cuck


No the M.O. has always been schadenfreude.


the mo has always been whatever the fuck you want it to be
Sup Forums isn't one person you retarded underage amerifat cucklord summerfag shitstains

Muslims lost the poll darling, we like you more ... we'll hang you last.

oh I forgot to point out that you're a newfag, no idea how that slipped my mind

milo is gay, we have a fag pass

yeah, while we get raided by /lgbt/ and reddit

They didnt do anything. They're just chilling in their gay night club. It's not like they were running around orlando being gay. We dislike public flamboyance, not homosexuality

Congrats on falling for plebbit's psyops to make /polgbt/ hate us and vote for Hillary.

You won't be missed.

>MFW I actually hope more mudslimes attack faggots across the globe so liberals are ultimately forced to choose between their precious faggots and their precious mudslimes

this, fuck this jew dichotomy, degenerates are treacherous and just as dangerous to the moral social fabric of society as mudslimes are

>the butthurt on the gofundme page after i troled it
>gofundme ME >>com/ 29bubytq

When I first heard the news I thought to myself that liberals are gonna have a stroke trying to defend a muslim that shot some fags since they love both.

But then I realized that the same thing was going to happen at Sup Forums in that they were going to have a stroke trying to glorify the shooting of degenerate fags while not praising the muslim, since they hate both.

It's weird, man.

Calling gay people at large degenerate doesn't make it true Wanting to slaughter a natural de facto part of humanity for their sexual orientation literally makes you no different than muslims that want to slaughter non-muslims.

I can respect individual mudslimes. I cannot respect a faggot.

kill yourself faggot

Good. I hope you try to do something about it. You wouldn't do it to a masculine gay person though, because you're a coward pussy leaf-fucker

>pic rel8ed

>liberals are gonna have a stroke trying to defend a muslim that shot some fags since they love both
>I realized that the same thing was going to happen at Sup Forums in that they were going to have a stroke trying to glorify the shooting of degenerate fags while not praising the muslim
>the same thing
50% of gays are convicted pedophiles
gays are extremely prone to mental illness, and that rate is constant globally
gays were a driving force in communist subversion, especially in the west, and are very responsible for the demoralization that occurs today
accepting fags means perverting sexual morality, just one symptom of imperial decadence that heralds the end of spirituality and the death of empires
go gulag yourself, commie symp trash

>But then I realized that the same thing was going to happen at Sup Forums in that they were going to have a stroke trying to glorify the shooting of degenerate fags while not praising the muslim, since they hate both.

what are you talking about. everything about this is hilarious. a muslim shoots up a bunch of fags and the liberals can't figure out who to defend. not seeing a downside

You poor guy, you've never lived in a Western country have you? Even the "conservatives" are pro gay. Perhaps I should say you are a lucky guy, as you still have some genuine Religion left in your country.

Do what aids leper? I don't want anything to do with you.

> . You wouldn't do it to a masculine gay person though

There is no such thing. If some faggot legitimately threatens me then I will defend myself

>championing faggot gay clubs

It's because of people like you that you're falling apart

>my enemy kills my enemy
>i am happy
>thus i am supporting my enemy
ur an idiot

Nice disinformation brah. The vast majority of pedophilia is committed by heterosexuals (which makes sense considering the amount of heterosexuals) and LGB people are more prone to depression and anxiety due to the trash that humanity is, and how humanity treats us. You really are the best of the alt-right. Please, kill yourself.

No one is going to buy into what the nationalists are selling until retards like you get purged from the ranks.

>There is no such thing

You're obviously incorrect. Dont know why I bother responding to retarded cunts like you,. You're the one being aggressive towards gay people. If you do something to someone that can defend themselves (you won't) you'll get fucked up. If you try to bash a gay person that can't defend themselves, you show your true nature.