What's his most timeless song?

What's his most timeless song?

Gold digger. No one hates that song

hey mama

something off of 808s because there aren't that many references on it

silver surfer intermission


hahha alright that one actually made me laugh

Black Skinhead

Touch the Sky.



Ace of Spades

Spaceship or Jesus Walks

That song is corny as fuck and 30 year old white women core

lol pleb

Only One

Maybe not the most timeless but his most representative work is don't tell me nothing, or maybe famous

Without a doubt Jesus Walks

Through The Wire you dickheads

obv runaway you cocksnots

Family Business

>20+ replies and still no POWER

the autotune sounds dated

Good morning

I would say Heartless



Roses, it's so soulful and can easily reach anyone. Probably his actual best song altogether.