Sup Forums help its fucking over man its game over

Sup Forums help its fucking over man its game over

Its on my fb feed - its everywhere

I'm a fucking liberal and I can't stand it - like seriously not even maybe a litttttle bit to do with muslims hating gays? I can shit all over the christians day after day for their shitty nonsense about gays but the minute its a muslim oh no its because he just hated gays and also had religious positions that hated gays but it was definitely him all by himself who was responsible. His hating gays had nothing to do with his religion hating gays it was just a happy fucking coincidence.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sand niggers throw faggots off of roofs.
Just like a sand nigger should do to you leaf.

>Just the same as Belgium made their terrorists
>Just the same as France made their terrorists

There is a common element here to these terror attacks, and it is not America.

not today satan

but seriously how in the fuck- I can see at least how they make the argument for "oh its because we're dicks to them ect. its all rooted in politics its just a veneer of religion to help maintain control ect." At least that is likely the case or at least what helps them recruit more. But ffs why did he kill the gays - oh because he was american 2muchgunshurdurr

Gays are trumped by Muslims, they will always be more important in the eyes of liberals.

Why, I don't know.

>shifting the goalpost this far

This is why pol always win the argument. Perception can't hold reality back forever and when reality rears its ugly head, everyone except those who knew the truth are surprised. The irony and tragedy sucks people in so they can't look away. And if the leftists don't let go of their ideology, reality and the truth will eventually consume them to extinguish the very ideology they preach. It's a vicious circle that will lead to tragic redpilling, schizophrenic thoughts or outright despair. I have a feeling many will come to understand their own bigotry and hate over time.

Wrote something similar a little while ago, it applies to you too leaf. You're going to be repilled, you'll become one of us.

>gun license

you sound like a sith lord and its great

what im not getting is why theyre not blaming islam ffs religion is for goddamn retards why cant they see this

Is this Obama's secret facebook?

But he was a Democrat...

>registered democrat

>Hating queers, and owning guns is a uniquely American trait.

>Unless you could Muslim shitholes.

The worst part is that their holly book has the most radical condemnation of homosexuality of any of the Abrahamic faiths, and yet they believe his queer hating nature stems from AMERICA.

This is such a fucking joke. We are in trouble lads.

T. The razors edge

i dont even care about your 2 party garbage heap but seriously how can trump be the only fucking rational voice on this. Obama wont even say RADICAL islam.

>I can shit all over the christians day after day for their shitty nonsense about gays but the minute its a muslim oh no its because he just hated gays and also had religious positions that hated gays but it was definitely him all by himself who was responsible.

The difference is that most Christians won't physically threaten leftists who disparage their religion, while most Muslims will physically threaten leftists who disparage their religion.

Leftists are cowards. Are you a coward?

Solid and underrated post

youve taken your first steps into the light user

the holocaust never happened
hitler did nothing wrong

wow such edgy im just so shocked
imma go get my feelings checked for free

>having an account on kikebook unironically

He was registered as a democrat, tell that to your dumb friends.

So the reddit hoards are migrating to Sup Forums again?

Maybe this will make some people realize you can't have tolerance for gays and a sizable Muslim population at the same time, but after the gay pride parade in Sweden I'm not sure.

Since the Mayflower?

What do you got against based Pilgrims you fucking foreigner??

I'll shit on a picture of mohammed any day. I respect no invisible best friend in the sky whether the maniac who believes he knows what a fucking GOD wants has a knife to my throat or not.


>And if the leftists don't let go of their ideology, reality and the truth will eventually consume them to extinguish the very ideology they preach. It's a vicious circle that will lead to tragic redpilling, schizophrenic thoughts or outright despair

Or straight up death

But like if we don't let them in as refugees they'll come one way or another. They fucking flew into buildings in new york it wasnt fucking refugees who did that. They'll be in no matter what we do

I say let em in so we can gut them faster


remind them he was a federal security officer, no gun control would have stopped him unless the government disarms as well

never going to happen in America, of course

i laughed

...dude what the fuck are you talking about? This is not how you fucking write posts, blogging cuck

Leftists usually talk a big game but can't put their money where their mouth is, either. Kind of like you.

>Gays are trumped by Muslims, they will always be more important in the eyes of liberals.
>Why, I don't know.

because the globalist/jew elite want to flood white/western nations - and they need muslims to do it

they already won the gay agenda - they can't import vast numbers of fags to drown out the white vote - they need hispanics and muslims - especially muslims for europe.

so muslims will be preferred over gays by the left because the most important goal is to demographically destroy western nations

Because Muslims vote fucking Democrat, you idiot.
Another retarded foreigner who thinks he knows the first thing about America.
Nothing to see here.

Well that's it. I'm done. Fuck this gay earth.

I'm going innawoods like Varg. RIP in peace western civilization.


yeah your gun control argument is fucked up - both sides are blind as fuck to the actual problems

Canada it just hasnt flared up so much - we have less guns but less need for them. countries is differently mang- england dont need no guns but usa aint fuckin england


Canada and England do have plenty of guns, though. If they didn't the state wouldn't be able to project force within the territory under its jurisdiction.

>i'm a liberal.

Have you considered not being this?

wow insulting a blanket label you infer im under. I have mostly liberal leanings but im not in the fucking party. What brainless retard identifies with a political party so hard that he wont leave when they're wrong as shit.
I know you're from the shitstain to the south but surely you can comprehend that politics is a little broader than THU BLU ONE OR THE RED ONE YOU MUST CHOOSE

What if you are wrong? What if this was a false flag? That would change everything and they would be right. You don't believe Muslims did 9/11. 50 gays killed by a self proclaimed member of Isis in a swing state only months before the election. Trump has been hailing himself all day about being right and calling for vigilance and strength. He is basically using one of the oldest tricks in (((the books)))

Yeah just less than the states and also less gun violence. They're different countries man, different needs. I doubt theres many countries that straight up have no guns.

LG in the united states are better off and not in peril like they would have been in decades past, so they are less of a 'downtrodden minority' to virtue signal on behalf of. Muslims are perceived to be the poor downtrodden minority in the media now so the liberals are obsessed with protecting, nurturing, supporting them.

That's all that matters - being the underdog. It's a fetishism of David vs Goliath. If the downtrodden are blacks, are hispanics, are Catholics, are Muslim, are gay, are bi, are trans, are anything that isn't right-wing then they will support them. You'll eventually see this for pedophiles.

As for LGBT in the rest of the world - lol why would they give a fuck? Unless it's playing into their worldview - that is why they crucified Russia for it's anti-gay shit, while with Uganda it was just a brief Daily show hitpiece on Uganda solely because there was the connection of Christian Conservatives in the US funding their anti-gay legislation. Without that connection it would just be black africans and so there would be no reason for them to target them.

Remember that more outrage and more hooplah was about Russia's anti gay "propaganda" then death penalties in Saudi Arabia and Iran and elsewhere.

Who said anything about liberals or parties?

No point letting them in if we can stop them, and we can stop most of them from entering. The 9/11 attackers entered legally on a temporary visa, we could have easily prevented them entry.

Assuming the Saudis/Israelis/etc didn't have a hand in it, but thats another problem entirely.

I just deactivated my kikebook account for this very reason today.

The lefties are preforming such vast mental gymnastics that I am ready to smash my laptop with a baseball bat. These lefties deserve to have their shit kicked in, starve, get shot, etc... when (((they))) finally clamp down on the one world authoritarian government. AT LEAST THEY HAVE ALL THE GIBS, EQUALITY, AND FREE COLLEGE LMAO

>you infer im under
>I'm a fucking liberal
There's no inference involved.
>What brainless retard identifies with a political party so hard that he wont leave when they're wrong as shit.
Don't talk about my mother that way, faggot.
>the shitstain to the south
Is this bait?
We don't have a parliamentary system, the structure of our political system as it is makes any vote for a part that isn't the Dems or Reps into a waste of the franchise. Some think it's a protest, but they're just wrong. Anyone who votes 3rd party in this election is handing the election to Trump, it's that simple. Third parties have a hard time gaining traction within the electoral college.
>less than the states
So what?
>different countries man, different needs
I'm not your man. Your people ought to defend themselves and ought to have the right to do so. You're honestly stupid if you don't think so. You think the police are going to protect you if a terrorist bursts into your room and points a gun at you? I'm not saying you'd be able to take him out if you had a weapon, but it would certainly give you more power in such a situation than you would otherwise have.
>I doubt theres many countries that straight up have no guns
Well, Venezuela made the possession of weapons illegal, and now the police are terrified of the criminals who still have guns. You're right, no country is gun-free, but some countries are full of illegal guns that the government tries, but fails, to regulate.

im open to ideas,


Take my sword user

It happened on the same day as the Tony Awards, AKA gay Christmas.
It happened on the same day as a bunch of Pride parades, AKA gay Oktoberfest.
The President is only talking about guns, and still hasn't condemned Islamic terrorists.
I'm not a conspiracyfag but this is a lot of shit happening all at once.

ah fair enough im just high and in a ragey mood
but seriously fuck all religions - islam is particularly shit right now but nobody gets a fucking pass.

> fuck all religions
Including statism? :*)

jeez man my point on guns is I dont give a shit what the US does about guns I don't fucking live there. It just seems clear to me the debate around guns is literally the same argument back and forth and makes no progress.

My facebook is banned from going full nazi on a cosplayer girl today.
She was spouting tolerance bullshit and her army of beta males were eating it up.

I couldn't resist dropping a truth bomb and ruining my reputation. was worth it.

but also reason isis would actually plan the attack for that day? like to make it really shitty for the gays they hate?

yeah that too
what is this north korea?

i literally saw someone on my fb post with "truth bomb" in the title. Johnny is that you

>It just seems clear to me the debate around guns is literally the same argument back and forth and makes no progress.
Fucking gaijin, I swear...
You really don't know nothing about this country. It's now illegal to concealed carry in California. The debate is, in fact, progressing.
ISIS doesn't need to plan anything, one unhinged limp-dick shitskin having a bad day can just write a note, say he did it for ISIS, and ISIS claims responsibility. Anyone else can write such a note, too.
I was under the impression that your country was turning into China, actually.

It's because they only live in NA, and the rest of the world doesn't exist to them. They ignore the common-element of Islam in all this. They ignore, or do not know, that Muslims must do this to be Muslim, because the Qur'an is literally the word of God.

policy is always in flux
gays can get married everywhere but now theres laws saying they cant buy cake

isis plan

its not a point for or against its not proof

>actually yes a little bit at a time
do you think that insults me or something
It's not like I claim canada's perfect its just my fucking geographical location

Cops are jewish pawns like muslims not surprised he likes them.

>gun license
what the fuck does this even mean?

yes it's horrible that we only see islamic terrorists in america

wait a second...

hold on...



something's not right...

it feels like maybe...

I don't know...



besides trumps gonna win anyways
you'll get yur guns little one

Your post is totally incoherent, you're either a shill or actually retarded. I know this isn't an argument, I'm just letting you know how I feel about you.
Policy is not simply 'in flux,' the law is put in place by , the courts interpret the law, the police enforce it. You have no idea how this country works, and you and your retarded leftist countrymen need to wrap your smug heads around that fact.
Get the fuck out.

you're so fucking mad I can feel your angry keystrokes
we're actually fighting the same thing friend

>we're actually fighting the same thing friend
You don't know the first thing about me. Yes, I'm fucking mad, because I've seen the same retarded Facebook bullshit you're complaining about, I just happen to live in the country where the terrorist attack happened. Fuck off, you smug cunt.

a shill for who kek

I don't know, everyone here hates Trudeau, maybe you're on his payroll.
>Laughing when accused of shilling
Like I said, you're either shilling or retarded.

we're complaing about the same thing
>off i smugly fuck




No, I'm complaining about retarded smug Canadians acting like they know anything about this country on top of the things that irritate us both. Fuck you.

i might as well criticize your country for being democrat and call you a shill for it because you simply live there

Criminally underrated

>trump hates all muslims
>trump is literally isis

well which one is it?!

Are you retarded? Do you have a developmental disorder?

If you're a liberal, then lap it fucking up faggot.

This is your side. Enjoy it.

isis hates muslims
>trump is literally isis comfirmed
isis kills more muslims than anyone else

fuck sides if theyre that retarded im not them anymore

I deleted my kikebook because I have a fairly high paying job and can't afford to lose it for dropping red pills.

>Isis is an expression of violent, American hatred

that's only because American Christian conservative rethugliKKKans *told* them to!

this is what liberals ACTUALLY BELIEVE

Ew what the fuck is that, trump did not make shotters his fans would shoot shooter

jokes on you
ill be far away out of the blast radius when trumps elected
actually jokes on me - ill be in europe where this shit is worse
oh well at least the golden dawn exists

exactly my point
>underrated post/10

proof that libcucks will literally pull anything out of their ass rather than admit they are wrong about anything. fuck liberals god fucking god dick damnit shit son of bitch cunt fuck


>common element

You mean, fighting white male hegemony, right?

It's the oppression olympics, bro. Islam is at the top of the pyramid right now. Why? For the rank-and-file useful idiot, it's simply because everyone they know/listen to says so. How far along the social chain do you have to go before you find the first group of people to decide that Islam wins the oppression olympics? I don't know. We do know this:
>the obsession with Muslims among leftists, in the US, is new, not really being a big deal before Obama's second term
>the obsession with Muslims among leftists in Europe began much earlier, over a decade ago
>Globalist elites are universally on-board the Refugee-resettlement train
>there is no immediately obvious benefit to mass-immigration of, and veneration for, third-world muslims on the part of those globalist elites

This is all that is empirically incontrovertible. Beyond this, we enter tinfoil territory, the NWO wants to destabilize X so they can Y, Jews want to send all the angry muslims out of the countries that surround them and into Europe, crypto-communists want to destroy western civilization to pave the way for Socialism and see Muslims as ideal foot-soldiers — none of that can be proven definitively, but a strong argument can be made for any or all of those theories.

The most frightening possibility is that there is no plan and no ringleaders, that the Globalist Elite are so detached from reality that they are at least as delusional as the average Useful Idiot, that they are somehow unaware of the threat posed by mass-immigration from the third world and are just virtue-signalling to one another while never traveling far enough from their ivory towers to even gain an inkling of the true cost of their machinations and idiotic pet-causes.

Which one?

This. Exactly.


I guess I do.
We can always be wrong, but things like this keep happening from the religion of peace around the world. It doesn't happen as much in the west yet anyone would be suspicious of the meme "religion of peace" if they kept seeing evidence to the contrary. The next step for OP is going to be reading parts of the actual quran to see for himself. The memes planted in his mind will wither and die when faced with the black and white of the book muslims believe in.

Because liberals do not actually care about any of the groups they "help". All they care about is getting votes and pretending to be morally superior to everyone else. It's all virtue signalling. Gays already have it good in the US, they can now "marry" each other. So the Muslim extremists get the liberal support because they are now the "oppressed".

Islamic brown slaughters LGBT and straight white America is to blame! -progressives