What is the more redpilled career path, Accounting or Electrician?
What is the more redpilled career path, Accounting or Electrician?
My path is towards that ass if yaknowwhatimean
>Career path
But there is no shame in the trades either.
electrical engineering
>unrelated sex appeal image to beg for attention for your post
Fuhrer of some far-right political party
Electrician. Accountancy will be a dead soon thanks to automation.
accounting can be literally replaced by software (maybe auditing not yet)
>far right
nazi germany was leftist
Which do you prefer?
High pay? Or the ability to occasionally get off your ass and do somethin?
You should go into real estate. If you have an IQ over a hundred, you can easily be a millionaire in 5-10 years.
No it can't. Accounting has a logical aspect to it that HAS to be applied by humans. Not even the most efficient algorithms will replace this.
I'm an accountant but I work in banking. It's respectable and I deal with few complete knobs at work, I mean politically I've never seen anyone sprout nonsense that I suspect happens in LA dominated environments
It's ok overall, I guess.
> Hierarchical approach to politics
> Nature Laws
> Recreation of an Empire
> Anti egalitarian at core
>> leftist
>inb4 le big state meme
I work in Finance among many chosen people and it's a pretty based job. Work load comes in cycles, some weeks you do fuck all, some weeks you are at the office until late at night, but it balances out. Pay is great, and you stay close to the money so you know wtf is going on in the company.
My plan is to make enough money to start exercising political force like Soros does. That'd be ideal.
>logical aspect to it
thats literally what computers do cunt. someone on pol already posted that the big 4 revision/accounting companies invest in software to replace their employees.
Lawyer, particularly public defense
this is Sup Forums faggot
If you're going to be a shitty accountant, you would have made more and been happier as an electrician. If you can make a good accountant, you would probably make more than if you were an electrician. Pick the one you'll be badass at; you'll probably get promoted faster and be happier overall.
>Work as a Payroll Accountant
Pretty simple and easy work. Tax season isn't even a problem. Go golfing with my company's section 4 man golf team against AR/AP. Currently make 55K a year. with 2 weeks vacation paid and 2 weeks unpaid.
a software can do an accountant's job but not an electrician's job; making electrician more valuable