ISIS seems to have learned a lot from Christians.
Religion Is Cancser
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You don't see christians gunning down faggots, the worst christians do is WestBoro Baptist tier stuff.
boohoo did someones boyfriend get shot?
>isis is here theyre in full gear get used to it
Sodomy actually spreads literal cancer.
Muhammad (piss be upon him) copied the Jewish laws (halakah) and just made them more violent and more child-rapey.
Difference is the Jews never conquered shit with their laws so they quit following them, Muslims raped and pillaged their way across the earth so 'muh prophet' they still believe this backwards shit
"Blood shall be upon him"
Sounds like AIDS, his blood, Satans blood.
Sounds like punishment enough, I forgive gays and treat them with respect.
That doesn't mean OP is wrong.
Religion IS cancer.
yes, when jesus delivered the law he made is much more strict, he emphasized sin begins in the heart. The laws of the old testament are still valid, but they should not necessary because a man who does not know lust will never commit adultery, Jesus saw the law was not working because it only stressed that you shouldn't break it, it didn't expect you to internalize the underlying value and principle of why the law exists in the first place, not only should you not break the law, you must not want to break the law in your heart of hearts.
It's how this insane idea that homosexuals are perfectly fine so long as they don't preform homosexual acts started.
Leviticus is a joos book.
Joos are sad fuckers.
The Old Testament is still relevant to Christians or are you one of those Christians who ignore genesis?
Not performing sinful acts to begin with is a good start. Then you can work on concurring your ill desires. The same formula is applied in Buddhism and never criticised by atheists, gays and the left, even though Buddhists also discourage homosexuality. The conclusion is that you people aren't really anti-religion just anti-Christian, which is the kind of ignorance and biggotry you profess to be against. This is not only illogical, it is downright detrimental to your message.
There's a reason every single religion forbids homosexual acts, they're dangerous to your health
This is the only acceptable answer to these liberal faggots.
The greatest trick the Jews ever pulled was convincing the goyim that the Torah was Christian.
>Islam and Christianity are eternal enemies
Pick a side, faggot. The first will shoot you, the other will defend you.
You're an idiot
The new testament says everyone can repent. God was vengeful in the old days, but knows man will sin anyway since he gave us free will.
Dying in your sins is not something you want to do. All you have to do is believe he sent his son to die for you.
Just believing isn't enough, what if you sinned all your life but believed in Christ?
> God was vengeful in the old days
God is unchanging, and to think you understand him or that he is bound to any covenant you are making the same mistake described in Job.
Christians are too pussy to do shit.
They're celebrating this fucking hero right now
>Christianity is bad!!!!@!!
>Look at this Jewish book they're not supposed to follow; it proves it!!
Those gays seemed pretty healthy until a religious nut decided they shouldn't be
Having sexually transmitted diseases are healthy? Is it healthy that they are full of sin and will end up in hell?
fuck off Chaim
We don't know they had STDs. Most gay men do not have STDs. Why is it a sin? It's not in the ten commandments. Jesus does not condemn it. Is it because you think it is yucky?
Yes homosexual acts are condemned by the bible, Jesus said this too
Jesus didn't need to address homosexuality directly because by affirming the union of one man and one woman he called everything outside this arrangement adultery and thus sin.
Also, where does all these meme questions come from. It's always Leviticus or Jesus not saying something being brought up as BTFO points, which shows a lack of knowledge of the tenants and structures of Christianity. I'm not sure how many have read anything beyond the typical image macro.
Completely ignoring the centuries of the Catholic Church protecting and hiding gays
(Which came back to bite them because gay pedophile clergy but w/e)
Hey, fucking look at that.
>atheists STILL don't understand the VERY BASIC concept of zero
you do realize you're a religion too, right?
>Most gay men do not have STDs
Is this a joke? Gays are breeding grounds of disease, which is part of the reason they were so reviled in the ancient world
50% of gay black men have HIV. That's just one disease, imagine how many have herpes, gonnorhea....etc.
I think you mean Judaism.
Except, when have you seen Christians killing fags in the name of the Lord?
You lose again, shitty leftist, take your fedora and head on down the road to reddit, you'll be much more at home there with your own brand of faggotry.
Son, what history books have you been reading?
Some religions are more cancerous than others. By fucking over Christianity, you create a vacuum for Islam.
ITT op discovers at last that islam is an abrahamic religion. slowpoke is slow.
People who I've seen recently that are just complaining about religion are such faggots and pussies. Do you honestly expect ANYONE to drop their religion just because you say it's an issue?
This is such a fairy tale people have and they're scared to do anything about it besides be vocal about religion being bad. Shit will do nothing, Isis operations do not give a fuck what you think and they never will. Then the same people talk shit about Trump even though he's the only fucking candidate willing to take action, this pisses me off.
Gays are typically hypersexual, having hundreds of anonymous partners
If you want to know why this is you have to peel apart the psychology of what produces faggot behavior, but this is the reality
Not only that, but gay sex is far more likely to transmit disease. All these factors mean levels of disease among gay men are hundreds of times higher than the general population
atheism is cancer
The difference is Christianity doesn't encourage people to kill homosexuals, it's left up to God. The Quran condones it.
Jews wrote that. Christians edited it in the revised version.
Islam is literally the bible: war edition. Did you not know this? The entire first half is just "the bible is true, but wait! There's more!"