Continuation from >Muslim guy with ties to ISIS shoots up a fag joint and kills 50 people & sends 53 to the hospital.
>Leftists, SJW, and liberal media panders to both groups.
>Completely contradicts (((their))) narrative of "peaceful" muslims attacking gays.
>Push for gun control by twatter, hilldog, and other (((people))) already being discussed after the incident that happened.
>Typical leftist/communist narrative.

Random white guy named James Wesley Howell. was found to be parked against the street, knocked on neighbors doors & windows, and eventually detained by authorities. In his Acura was found to be weapons, ammo, and explosive materials. The guy is your stereotypical white guy as well.

According to Santa Monica PD the guy was intending to target a gay parade that took place today. Was he a scapegoat by the media to take the heat off Orlando because it doesn't line up the (((liberal))) narrative?






Shills not allowed, no sliding allowed, OPEN DISCUSSION.

Other urls found in this thread:


Self-bump. Lets keep the discussion going like the last thread.

K who else believes that both are falseflags? and not just the white male one...

Reagan was pro free market, Trump is a mercantilist. Literally opposing ideologies. I wonder why so many women are taking these kinds of pictures, my guess is that theyre gold diggers hoping that Trump or his rich friends take notice of them.


Story has everything:

>Hillary is evil
>9/11 conspiracy
>Charlie Hebdo

Well, the muzzy one wouldn't be a false flag by definition, 'cause 50 people are dead.

Florida was real and a surprise for everyone, they're just now trying to spin it.

This probably

It is hard to say. It is definitely sketchy how things managed to align though...

Apparently miami is also another target for islamic jihadist attacks, and i happen to be in this shitheap of a city.
Pray for me Sup Forums.

Florida flase flag makes no sense. The white guy is probably damage control but I doubt it will change anything. Guns are not going anywhere either, at least the government will not get them without force.

Obvious crisis acting and boston style fakery to be seen here


Notice how everyone seems to be injured in there leg (its fake ketchup of course), you see people with their shirts off but NO marks or "wounds" on the upper body whatsoever. Funny how this guy hit so many legs even though he managed to kill 50.

Notice the total lack of urgency. Some of the supposed injured and supposed helpers are even smiling.

We won't let the shills win this time. This is our Sup Forums and we know who is behind this divide and conquer bullshit.

Trump supports free trade as long as it doesn't have SOPA/PIPA shit in it like the TPP and TTIP. Pretty sure that makes him literally the opposite of a mercantilist. You should probably an hero.

Of course Orlando was a false flag people.

Don't fall for the "Trump is an outsider" meme.

He's gonna get elected, another Muslim false flag will happen, and he will say oh we have to be tough, we have to be smart, time to take guns away. He's a Zionist plant, controlled opposition, and always has been. And these hoaxes prove it.

You think they would never use Muslims for a false flag? What, you don't remember 9/11? Muslims are the perfect excuse for Jews to start wars.

Instead of using children to pull the heart strings like they did with sandy hook, now they use fags. Its simple people. Don't fall for the "it would have been a white guy if it was a false flag" meme.

Anyone who thinks this is real can't tell the difference from reality and fiction.

Has there every been a single mass shooting that you think wasn't a false flag attack?

I'm honestly curious

The white male has been confirmed as a false narrative by the LA time. He literally NEVER mentioned anything about shooting up he parade and is also a fag himself.

So the white guy in California supposedly had "explosives"? But isn't that stuff just something gun owners sometimes use for target practice?

The guy was just fucking nuts, sounds like he was high. Also he was reportedly gay himself.

Anyone have a cache/time machine copy of that guys social media accounts?

was the nightclub closed for the night? were all the regular patrons in on the false flag? how do you suggest they pull something like that off without anybody noticing


Correct. It was a completely false narrative started by an SJW police chief.


I just heard this "event" occurred at the same club that Cristina Grimmie was just shot at. That's one hell of a coincidence. Red flag imo.

I think they're trying to unite us all with the gays

It could be a false flag especially since they're hush-hush about the 2 other shooters witnesses saw

I do not see how Trump would be a better puppet for Hillary, elaborate please.

>Santa Monica Police have now confirmed that Howell never expressed intent to “harm” the parade. According to reports from the L.A. Times and the N.Y. Daily News, friends of the suspect say Howell is bisexual with a male partner and harbored no ill will towards gay and lesbians.

You can take your tinfoil hat off guys
The case is solved
You won't hear about this tomorrow
No jewish conspiracy, at least today

Helps the divide and conquer meme. Scares SJWs, niggers, etc. Increases racial tension. Helps prop up Obama (who I believe will be sticking around in some form or another) or whatever new lefty puppet they want later.

In general having an "agent" to cover, direct, and control any potential opposition "from the right" helps entrench their power.

Only because they realised people weren't falling for it.

they probably found out that we were on to their false flag, so they pulled out

if anything, this confirms my suspicions

Feel bad for the gay actor in LA who thought he was doing a work to get a paycheck and now is going to get 20 years in prison because of Hillary.


this. only an idiot would invest hope in a jew york liberal who was homies with the Jew pedophile Jeffrey epstein. Trump and Bill clinton were both in Jeffreys little black book of people who rode the "lolita express". The Jews have dirt on both candidates and some faggots still believe in the right/left paradigm.

are there any mentally ill people at all? are they all actors?

what's stopping them from doing exactly what goes down in these supposed false flags?

yeah but divide and conquer in this context doesnt help them. its division among issues that politicians generally ignore.

a clinton presidency would be far better in every respect for them. also, its hard to see trump as controlled opposition when he's breaking records for money spent against him while running for pres. rubio was the obvious establishment right candidate. and he got BTFO.

On Trumps Jewish heritage:


Trump rode the pedo plane? Do you have a link or anything?

They're both puppets. But if you REALLY have to pick one go for Trump.


>inb4 gawker
i know it's gawker but they are ruthless tabloid journalists that don't give a fuck. If its an earth shattering story like this they'll sell it. The media whores dont have an allegiance to anyone when it's big stuff like this. >gawker.com/flight-logs-put-clinton-dershowitz-on-pedophile-billio-1681039971


trumps daughter is in here too

What do you notice Sup Forums? Do you see the AK in the middle of the crowd, held by a jihadi, pointed at a gay American flag?


I just posted this and it got archives after a few minutes

Regardless of whether or not Orlando was a false flag, LA guy almost has to be. He was supposed to start his attack right as Obama was taking the stage to blame Orlando on guns

Just below the "gay american flag" is the logo for the olympics and some balls and what seems to be a corner flag. This is gonna be a wild summer

where is the footage, not one single picture???

im about halfway through and seeing flimsy guesswork. whats your case anyway? i dont see any better options.


Is this her son? imdb.com/name/nm4299693/

I'm starting to think (((they))) want Trump to win now. They're already planning on crashing the economy with no survivors and Trump would be an amazing scapegoat for that happening. That's why I think they orchestrated this event because it so blatantly helps Donald. Once Trump becomes the new Hoover for the New Great Depression the people will be clamoring for King Obongo, the mature adult, to come back to office.
>inb4 muh constitutional ammendment
They don't care

Mark. My Words. Obama will be back in 2020. Get Scared.

A failed (or more accurately sabotaged) Trump presidency totally discredits his nationalist movement and we move closer and closer to the NWO.

I mean I will honestly be more happy if Trump wins over Hillary, but I have no illusions that Trump is some hero or something. He's just as much a "shapeshifting lizard" as any other politician

>Shills not allowed
Fuck off dickbag.

>"Nothing ever happens, it's just Joos and holograms!"


so we're fucked no matter who we vote for? What can we do going forward?


We are hanging on by the threads from a complete europe 2.0 NWO invasion.

Why do you (((they))) are trying so desperately to push more gun control and indoctrinate people even harder?

The fags are getting redpilled

Somebody get on Grindr in Orlando and ask the regular patrons of the club. Ask all the queers what went down.

Pic; Google is trying to brainwash normies to think Trump = terrorism

Trump isn't mercantilist you idiot lmfao


Here is the newspaper article on her son winning the Anne Frank Humanitarian Award. Very tragic and heartbreaking. This is not about guns (can't believe the mom even went there in her TV interview), it is about terror, plain and simple.


Apparently the club was hosting a giant private event that night. Nobody was allowed in if they weren't on "the list"

>(((Anne Frank Humanitarian Award)))

> I have no illusions that Trump is some hero or something

neither do i. no need to squash the support he needs before the election though.

>He's just as much a "shapeshifting lizard" as any other politician

ok i really hope "shapeshifting lizard" was satire there but i disagree. Trump is running for the legacy and i believe he's genuine in his "MAGA" attitude.

(((they)))'re very powerful but their not Gods (even if becoming like Gods is their endgame.) I honestly think they thought Sandy Hook would be the final straw on the gun control debate. But America's culture of gun ownership and distrust of the government ran much deeper than they imagined.

Anne Frank was jewish?


If they're so powerful and manipulative, why are they so bad at predicting what Americans will do?

>shirts off
>gay night club
Well yeah. But if I were shot in the leg and someone was carrying me like that I'd use my good leg to kick them in the face. That's retarded.

>Trump is a mole!
>I don't really see how he could be a mole. A mole wouldn't act like Trump is acting
>Look he is JOO!

Smells very shill, famalamadamn.


thought it was real till she started pushing anti-gun and pro-gay agenda.

You're all retarded btw trump just stole reagans campaign saying, that's a Reagan hat, not a trump one

>orlando terrorist attack trump

Those madmen!

>cries, but no tears.

Yup, that's a Crisis Actor

you sound like a crying expert

because it is a dumb thing to have posted?

11minutes apart from each other.

If both events were planned by the same group, wouldn't they spread them out to avoid suspicion?

What was the motive for the white guy?

MM is a gatekeeper. Better than most shills, but won't divulge the really interesting stuff like:

The fake space program.
The JFK assassination hoax.
George III and George Washington were one and the same.
Many women in movies/politics are men in drag.

Im not up on TV. Why her?


why do these things need to be kept a secret?

Yup, and apparently police are making it "very difficult" for anybody who brings up this fact. You see tons of interviews that suddenly get cut off.

I know about all of these except for George III/George Washington, that sounds very interesting, any sauce on that one?

I've been starting to think along these lines too. If this is what's going on, then im shocked at how easily i have been manipulated

Hmmm... Now which country was so lousy with jews it spawned the anti-jew again? Help me, Sup Forums, I'm struggling here.

So what then, Muslims don't actually commit terrorism?

Why would Jews need to propagate these false flag attacks when Muslims are willing to do it for free?

Or people are googling for Trumps response

you're so delusional that its literally unreal

Honestly, they're almost certainly just paid models.

thread song


You newcancer faggots need to stop using this word. Also
>Exactly as expected, rubbity rub

we got more of this book?

Hubris. It's their greatest flaw. Jews always think they're too big to fail at a certain power level and start lying like the Chinese government: frequently and unbelievably.

Why would they want to avoid suspicion when ISIS openly said they did it?

Mudshits are for the most part too dumb to pose a real threat to the West. Maybe they might blow a thing or two up but they will never organize into something as complex as ISIS without a little CIA and Mossad guidance, and maybe some funding and arms too. That, and the Jews pull of big fake attacks to blame on the Muslims, from 9/11 to San Bernadino to this one.

how hard is it to get a gun and shoot up a crowded nightclub?

Well they've released names of 8 out of the 50 supposed victims so far, all 8 of them have open facebooks that you can go and browse, active with lots of pictures and comments going back years

Which I admit is hard for the hoax theory to explain, they'd either have to be some types of agents, they got paid handsomly to live a great life starting somewhere else, or whatever. Not completely impossible but less plausible sure.

BUT lets wait and see how long it takes to release all 50, and if all 50 also have identities like that.

If it takes forever or some of them have just like one photo and nothing else, it'll be more suspicious.

this video has same song + boobs


fuking hijab wearing mudslime

so will trump survive the convention?

I still don't believe it was a false flag.

But let's assume it was actually a conspiracy. How to make sense of it?

First there's a group who wants Trump as president. They manipulate an Islamist to execute this attack.

Then we have a second group, who wants Hillary as president. They find out about the possible attack but don't know how to avoid it. So they try to create a distraction and spin the narrative: They manipulate a white male to drive all the way down to Florida to start a mass shooting. He first kills Christina Grimmie, but gets tackled by her brother and shoots himself.

Than we have James Wesley Howell, another white guy. He already turned out to be a false narrative to distract from the incident.

Now hand me my tin foil hat.