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What does Sup Forums think of this
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I think you need to kill yourself summerfag
The video has no substance. It's just
>Donald trump said X, which group Y took offense to
This threads are so stupid, at least contribute something faggot.
I thought these retards stopped making videos last year when no one bought their stupid shirts.
please post more
The first time I saw this video it planted the seeds that eventually converted me from Bernieism to Trump.
post the rest
>Trump is homophobic
Where the fuck has this shit come from? Dude has never said anything about gay people, ever.
Horribly ironic considering that this group is backed by pro-gay activism.
Dear Gays, Clinton won't keep you safe. She doesn't care if you die.
She's a lesbian but she doesn't care about LGBTs.
oh dear
she's retarded
redpill now
$hammy "$0r0$" Hyd€ is at it again. The same girl in Ideas Man AND truck fump video.
And you though he was just a regular old dude.
>he wants all immigrants gone not just illegals
how old is this?
>haven't learned much about bernie yet
Nice job being relevant on the new news summerfag
Both of them have autism
>please buy a t shirt
It's all about the money.
Apparently muslims have a lot of it so ass kissing ensues.
I think it has something to do with being too lazy to reduce oil consumption.