5x5 thread
last 7 days
i need to catch up with the rest of 2017
5x5 thread
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2017 sucked 4 music imo
tfw no blackpink in my area
dl and scrobble that shit bros youtube.com
penfold - amateurs and professionals
bel canto - shimmering warm and bright
fuck life
Well, that's something
Forgot my grid
name one thing that isn't something
isn't something
nothing is everything
Looking for sexy fem voices
I'm sexy (and girl)
your name is sexy and girl?
yeah I'm sexy too also girl af
whats that mean
tsol - change today
lowlife - diminuendo
lustmord - heretic
cyrus - inversion
your taste reminds me a lot of how mine was
The Execution of All Things is amazing
twigz don't get enough love around here.
+julia holter
very noice.
+cocteau twins is one of my all time faves, try treasure and the other albums.
This is the first one in a while that I actually agree was my most listened to. Obligatory Motorhead for days beacuse of Lemmy.
+Neutral Milk Hotel, Midori, Duster, Melt-Banana
~Beefheart, Wakusei Abnormal
-Bob Dylan
rec: Mass of the Fermenting Dregs - s/t
+Melt-Banana, Yo La Tengo, Grouper, Death Grips
some of this other stuff looks cool, i'll look some up
rec: Ichiko Aoba - Mahoroboshiya
Listen to anything by Lamp
Similar to BoC: Christ. , Plaid, B12
Similar to Eno: Biosphere, check out Deepchord Presents Echospace it's not that similar to Eno but its some really good ambient/dub techno
sieben - ogham inside the night
avgrunden - Det stora oväsendet
katie gately - color
yellow swans - at all ends
aluk todolo - s/t
Not really looking for recommendation 'cause I have a huge backlog to work through, but I'm happy to discuss any of the albums on this 5×5!
In your opinion, what's the best album King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard released this year?
My dorm room between Thanksgiving and the end of the semester was a constant battle between me playing A Charlie Brown Christmas by Vince Guaraldi and my roommate playing Home for Christmas by *NSYNC
Confield is a pretty cool album. Have you managed to make your way through all of elseq 1–5 yet?
AS is a great fucking EP, and even though Hiss Spun didn't leave a huge impression on me outside of the singles, I feel like with a couple more listens it'll really click with me
Antisocialites, In Contact, and After the Party are definitely standout records of the year for me. How's the new Charli XCX?
>even though Hiss Spun didn't leave a huge impression on me outside of the singles, I feel like with a couple more listens it'll really click with me
I've been finding it to be very listenable but after it finishes I can't remember anything in particular about it. which i guess isn't the most damning criticism in the world but i don't think this will rate particularly high in her discography for me once the novelty wears off.
what's that pan sonic . haino keiji album like?
new charli is great. there is one track called lucky which i have on repeat constantly. it's my second favourite track of the year after fever by oscar and the wolf
like the new converge and pan sonic
What's the pan sonic / haino album like?
Michal Turtle - Are You Psychic
Everyone Asked About You
Wall of Voodoo
The Pan Sonic. Haino Keiji album is great! A lot of really cool textures and stuff. That was my first listen and I wasn't paying extremely close attention so I can't have too much to say about it, but definitely a really cool collaboration
Glad to hear another person hype it up for me. Is the song with the Carly Rae Jepsen feature as good as I hope it would be?