Mfw bible thumping christians and muslims both start to realize they believe in the exact same abrahamic religion...

>mfw bible thumping christians and muslims both start to realize they believe in the exact same abrahamic religion, the exact same principles, and the exact same ideological belief structures

you are literally a fucking pseudo muslim if you call yourself a christian. have fun believing gays should be stoned, adulterers killed, and heretics murdered

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>isn't even 2000 years old

into the trash

but every "other" religion say Jesus was a prophet, not the Son of man.
so yeah, id rather Christianity than earthy religions

Neither is Christianity

Red pill yourself: its 1708

He who is without sin cast the first stone.

if i was a muslim or a jew i would say: but thats dumb how could god have sons, also why would god kill himself to forgive us of the sins he himself deemed on us. it doesn't make sense and is a major fucking plot hole.

christianity is fucking retarded and so is islam/judaism

>those without sin cast the first stone
>war booty in New Testament
Nice try op

People who where involved in idolatry and witchcraft where also into human sacrifice.

>this much projection about stuff you dont know anything about
do some research and talk with people who arent crazy about religion, just religious people. there's a difference

>Not even 1500 years old

>dat pic
nigga stuck his head between his legs and kissed his dick goodbye.

>conspiracy memes

>have fun believing gays should be stoned, adulterers killed, and heretics murdered
I will

>Christians both start to realize they believe in the exact same Abrahamic religion. If you ever took basic Theology you would see that your claim is wrong.
>Christians: believe that Jesus is God
>Islam: doesn't believe that Jesus is God
Just because they have some similarities (like anti-homosexuality) doesn't mean they're the same.

I accept Islam as an essential cultural asset to the world, I happen to be Christian, but I side with my Islamic brethren in the battle against the Jew and it's pawn (i.e. what you pictured). Hitler himself considered them honorary Aryans, and I hope all of Sup Forums comes to it's senses and sides with our Muslim brothers.

Is that guy going to be OK?

Show me the Leviticus passage and I'll argue, in order, it either only applies to men, only applies to transsexuals who don't tell their partners, only applies to closet homosexuals still having homosexual sex in denial and then I'll argue that Leviticus itself was written by the Levites, an ancient Jewish tribe of lawyers, rather than by anything divinely inspired.

And when you call me the anti Christ, I'll argue that I'm the risen resurrected Christ just for the fuck of it and you'll be completely incapable of proving otherwise.

Drop the homophobia. I'm sick of discussing it.

They're the same self-contradictory ideologies that serve as security blankets for cowardly retards

>and the exact same ideological belief structures
Salvation through Christ is kind of an important thing

Some of you seem to think there was no law prior to exodus. Other countries had similar laws.

If you saw someone sacrificing children to a statue or anally raping people... you'd want to stone them to death yourself.

You're mistaken if you think these where good people.

You stupid faggot. Christians believe faggots will be tormented for eternity by God if they dont repent. Muslims believe being a faggot is punishable by death.

>Red pill yourself

> hates the strictly Jewish part of the Christian bible and uses them as an argument against christianity
> ignores the passages in the christian bible that the Jews despise but are the foundation for Christianity.

Good one, kike.

The key word there is repent.

In the bible god said they're for him to judge.

Orlando is what you call a win/win.

Dead faggots, and a mudslime shooter.

Pretty great night. Can't wait to hear how this is white people's fault.

Who do you think based Omar was killing?
Why did white people have to be faggots and anger him?





>I don't know jack shit about Christianity or religion in general other than what my liberal professor told me: the post

Pic is fake and girl apologised and deleted it straight after.

Please stop posting anus all over Sup Forums

Hurr durr the books say the same thing, what is culture?

>its 1708
How do you figure? What event mark Year 1?