When did Bernie become a warmonger?
Based Bernie
its just a thinly veiled attempt to say that the ONLY problem is ISIS when we know the problem is deeply rooted in Islam itself
>ISIS sympathizer
That's most muslims.
And most liberals.
The Left just imploded. Bernie fags on suicide watch.
Fuck off kike. Sunni Wahhabism is the only real problem we have with the Moslems.
bernie "white people don't know what its like to be poor" sanders is completely irrelevant now that he lost the nomination. he'll say anything to stay relevant and collect money from childrens parents.
no one cares about your racist ass anymore bernie. go away.
When did Bernie become God-fearing?
He always was?
The only war he didn't vote for was Iraq
>bernie just shot the first bullet to start the left civil war
well fuck, this is gonna be a thing.
yes truly one third of all muslims in the world openly supporting the death sentence for apostasy is the fault of a small sect
His voters let him down so he said fuck it.
Fuck Mohammad in his sandy arsehole.
You're retarded or a kike. Probably both.
Don't become one then.
>mfw the rift in the left got even bigger today
Serves them right for using identity politics.
He's not really warmongering but saying the truth that ISIS is a bad thing. It's strange that leftists don't accept this.
Commies have always been warmongers.
>Bernie, a man mostly supported by people on the left, condemns ISIS an actual factual terrorist organization
>The Left/liberals fucking attack him
So does that mean the left are filled with people who are literal ISIS supporters? What the fuck is happening?
Saying ISIS is bad makes you a right-wing bigot these days.
Bernfags BTFO
>le defender of Islam maymay
>le religion of peas
yeah, clearly someone is retarded here & it ain't me
The scary thing is all the people lashing out and calling him (of all people) corrupt, simply because he has now gone against their narrative and is jeopardizing their worldview.
He always was
>So does that mean the left are filled with people who are literal ISIS supporters?
by destroyed he means
>we must beg the Saudis to do something
they wont
>we must take in 2M refugees a year then
Muslims reign supreme on the top of the privilege totem pole. Atheists, women, and gays alike will be beheaded and burned to the distinct shrill whoops of the liberal hordes.
When did Bernie become Trump?
He has taken this type of stand before. You didnt notice because pol is a damn echo chamber
Bernie's wrong, it really isn't about ISIS. His critics are correct that it's about America, but are wrong about which aspects of America. It's the state of 2016 diverse America. White homogeneity would reduce all types of crime, including white crime, as diversity lowers social capital not only between races, but within them.
That's a standard socialist position, nobody thought he supported anything different.
Bernie and Trump have been pretty similar the whole time.
There are some obvious differences, but both are anti-TTP, want to bring jobs back, and want to secure the border.
There's no post of this on s4p sub. Do you think they are censoring or have they jumped aboard the Trump train for now?
An (((echo chamber))) you say?
Paki detected
>Sunni Wahhabism is the only real problem
While I agree that Wahhabis (and salafists in general) are the major source of modern jihadism, we can't forget that Wahhabism is fundamentalist Islam - they use the Quran to justify their violence.
There MUST be a reform in Islam to make it compatible with modern society, otherwise these problems aren't going to just go away. Muslims and the people who defend them can't make excuses anymore, when many of the fundamental tenants of Islam (read: jihadism) are based on intolerance. The sword of Islam must be beaten into a plowshare, and that's not going to happen if Muslims' response to violence is to bury their heads in the sand
He's trying to alienate his base so that they become more likely to vote for Hillary.
all socialists are violent, it's why they'll bust down your door and take what they feel you owe to society.
If you resist they just shoot you and take all your shit regardless.
>Secure the border
Sanders is an open border cuck senpai.
didn't notice it because his other policies contradict that stance
He's trying to shift his base to trump without rocking the democratic boat he's sitting in.
Bernie has always been redpilled. He just doesn't show it unless the time is right.
Um Sanders wants to dissolve the border.
Don't forget. Bernie's a Jew. Of course he wants to kill drum up support against the Jihadis. This means more $$$ support to 'poor Israel' for their "defense" against ISIS.
I am now #shillforhill
Daily reminder that everything that comes out of a sandnigger's mouth is a lie.
> a small sect
They might be "small", but Wahhabism is the dominant religious and political ideology of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, home to a bunch of rich sheikhs who use their dirty oil money to fund jihadists and mosques all over the world. There are millions of Wahhabis and many of them are very wealthy. Not to mention that they control Mecca, which gives them even more influence over Islam.
Cut off fundamentalist Wahhabis from the rest of the planet, and perhaps the more level-headed among the Islamic diaspora will prevail
Since he knows he will be Hillary's VP pick
lol to think this woman's vote counts just as much as yours and mine.
Since he realized his only hope is a unity ticket.
He's not.
Bernie is not completely in touch with identity politics the way Clinton is. Even during their debates he readily maintained this simple position on ISIS. Bernie likes to talk about his policies and tries to focus on that to his detriment. So once he saw all the information, he put out this tweet in what he believed to be an agreeable an uncontroversial tweet. Wrong answer bernie. Just look at all the BLM shit with him, he is not the natural and cunning politician that Clinton is and doesn't seem to fully understand, or believes people will overcome the complicated faction based identity politics that is the DNC.
Poor guy.
Bernie Sanders also supports the collosal failure that is the Lockheed-Martin F35
>building a new plane that is basicall an f-22 with MINOR, and i mean MINOR tech upgrades
>the f-22 hasn't even seen actual combat use other than standard patrolling or air strikes
when you bring this up to liberals they backpeddle and say "well that's because he wants the military to have good tech"
me: the f-35 is a failure, Lockheed even admitted it didn't need to happen and it's a net loss for both the armed forces and Lockheed-Martin as a whole
Lib: that's a lie
me: link various news articles and Press releases about the flop
them: well, the f-22 is an old airplane
me: it's hardly used, the standard plane for intercepts and patroll runs is the F-16...a plane which is...right now at the time of this post, over 30 years old, and they are keeping them in the air by taking parts from planes in museums, which is sad.
lib: they shouldn't have planes, we need peace
me: but you just said you want the military to have good tech?
lib: that's not what i meant
me: what did you mean
lib: we need good tech if we go to war
me: but you said you wanted peace
lib: *blocks me*
1. Bernie has quietly been fine with guns (the D rating is a load of crap. He has the same history as Trump).
2. Bernie in 2007 stuck it to Illegal Immigrants and tried to get them banned because they were driving down wages.
3. Hates ISIS and votes for a lot of smart wars
4. Wants to get better Trade Deals
5. Barely talked about Social Justice crap until he started pandering during his campaign
6. Wants Universal Health Care like Trump
7. Hates the rigged system.
All the Bernie hate has been by Sup Forums rubes who don't realize just how close they are.
how is f-35 a failure retard
>believing bullshit clickbait news articles
I thought jews aren't allowed to type God.
it's a hole where money goes to die.
>hardly used
>money pit
>air force wants to use it for something it's not meant to do
>no one likes it
this is all worthless because he'll never endorse Trump
>. Bernie has quietly been fine with guns
i thought he supported the AWB
Islam has had a barbaric history, currently has a barbaric history, and will continue to do so until it's destroyed.
>imblying sanders isn't about to run third party after meeting with clinton
Sanders comes out
>'Hillary is not capable of making the reforms this country needs because of her deep roots in the banking industry and history of flip-flopping after the hard fights have been fought.
>In addition, her negligence in regards to her e-mail server has national security implications still ongoing.
>As such, in a country where two-thirds of American voters want either Trump or Clinton, I have decided to accept Jill Stein's invitation for the Green Party presidential nomination.
>We are already on the ballot in all 50 states, and I will shape this party into the new party that independants of this country so clearly yearn for, outside the countraints of the terrible and corrupt partisan politics i have witnessed in my years in the senate.
>I especially look forward to debating Mr. Trump, who has now twice chickened out on doing so, as he also is running a campaign without big campaign financing, and we will be able to buckle down and get to the heart of what the hell is going wrong in this country
>Make America Great Again is pretty good. Pretty good. I'm saying Make America Real Again is even better.
This! He's just trying to get more NEET bux
For the most part he's right, but there are plenty of impressionable Shia millennials. I say we gas all Muslim millennials, they're too dangerous.
I don't know his stance on gun rights but it was Bernie's supreme SJW cuckoldry which prevents me from supporting him.
Incidentally, what is /r/S4P like doing with all this?
>now uber-rich Bernie sits in his palatial abode shitposting against Hillary
I was a leftist socialist. Then the left started with the hardcore identity politics. I played the game they wanted to play, joined my side(white), and now I'm a National Socialist. They're going to push so many white leftist men in that direction with the fever pitch anti-white male rhetoric. The left is retarded. I finally woke up to that fact.
It literally cannot fire a weapon. Canon missile or bomb. If the fuel is too warm (over 100 f, iirc) the engine will catch fire. The engine has a tendency to actually fail catosrophically (meaning explode). The plane is a dud, a waste.
he can make it all go away ;.;
>and now I'm NatSoc
>not Eco-Fascist or Libertarian Socialist
wew lad, stick to your principles
He's loyal to israel, what do you expect.
All of those were done to help israel gain control of the area.
the only thing i agree with him on is the gunshow loophole and the mental health system
basically, rather than intensive therapy, they just shove some pills in your face
yes we could lock them in padded rooms in facilities, but, that in turn becomes a tax payer waste because we would pretty much be paying for them to slowly die, rather than seeing them daily therapy sessions and getting them the care they need
His supporters aren't happy
You have to go back.
>bernie goes to meet with obama
>bernie turns into a neocon
it seems like he got a bit of that good ol' daddy long dick from obeezy
the gunshow loophole doesnt exist
youre thinking of private sales
The monster came out after he finally realized he's never going to be elected.
This is satire right? If it isn't why do you let lunatics in asylums have access to the internet?
The fuck...
There's no way Trump can convert these safespace kids to vote for him.
Yes he is. His "free" health care plan would be provided to illegal spics.
t. mohsen ali rajavi
Anything is better than the ACA
kek, i didn't know britbong humor was allowed to be funny, what show is this?
It's a fuck you to Shillary. Bernie and Trump both put the blame directly on ISIS/radical Islam, while she didn't even mention it by name.
Hm, turns out Bernie is more of a traditional socialist than I thought.
I thought he was just another american liberal.
>Gum violence