I feel almost personally offended by Brockhampton. I feel, as a musically and culturally aware college student in 2017...

I feel almost personally offended by Brockhampton. I feel, as a musically and culturally aware college student in 2017, as if their music is being SPECIFICALLY marketed towards me, or at least my demographic, and it all feels so vapid and fake. I think the problem is that they are just too trendy, and as a result of that their music doesn't stick with me at all. Their albums feel disposable and meaningless. It also feels as though it is being targeted towards people who THINK they have good music taste or THINK they know something about music because they watch Fantano or read Pitchfork, but in reality if you put on a Coil album or a Yes album around them they would react with revulsion, because it doesn't fit their ultra-fashionable instagram aesthetics. What do you guys think? Are these valid opinions?

Cheetos is worst fucking chips brand.

I'm sorry.
What was this tread about again?
I got distracted by seriously unrelated tits!

1) most of the arguments you have heard on Reddit are simply false. Its currently illegal for corporations to block or throttle data based on any sort of unfair, uncompetitive or in un - transparent reasons. So all plus paid fast lanes and some types of tiered data were declared legal.

2) we don't trust the government to fairly control the internet. Look at SOPA or PIPA in the USA (which Reddit was rightfully up in arms against). Look at porn laws in the UK. The government jyst fucks up internet.

3) the whole thing feels like a socially engineered propaganda campaign. Not a reason to oppose but makes me feel ... against.

it was a bad decision to take a picture of that chick with cheetos behind her

>she looks like she smells like cheese

yooooo she should get her shoulders checked out by a dermatologist those are some aggressive cancer looking freckles

Whats with the cheetoism in this thread


is this the new copypasta?

what's wrong with that?



Pitchfork and Fantano invalid criticism is one thing. Brokehampton's lack of talent is another thing

agreed OP, brockhampton are shit compared to bands like gentle giant, cardiacs and magma

*holds up spork*

you smell like cheese nice projecting

just realized know your meme doesn't have a page on the gentle giant, cardiacs and magma meme. no wonder you're confused

> me me me me

if you dont like something user, you do have the ability to walk away and not let it affect you. quit being a pussy, find something else. it's a good thing no one here takes you seriously.

Just because companies legally arent allowed to do things doesn't mean they won't do them.

Onto OP, I disagree. I listen to probably stuff more like you, but I think normies can do whatever they want. I think there is nothing wrong with people loving music on a surface level, or just because it's fun.
What I don't like is websites/streaming services pushing their musical agenda on me constantly. if I'm looking for related artists, I want artists who's music is technically identical, or similar equipment or something. Not what artist some record company is promoting out of their ass. Dunno. Those old flash websites with the huge archives of weird related bands used to be tops.

If you try something new and don't like it you're allowed to express your opinion on it, what's with that dumb ass YouTube comment mentality "if you don't like it don't comment"



nice tits

dats rite

Damn Dave Mustaine is looking sexy these days

wasted trips, lurk more

good point user but have considered that I feel almost personally offended by Brockhampton. I feel, as a musically and culturally aware college student in 2017, as if their music is being SPECIFICALLY marketed towards me, or at least my demographic, and it all feels so vapid and fake. I think the problem is that they are just too trendy, and as a result of that their music doesn't stick with me at all. Their albums feel disposable and meaningless. It also feels as though it is being targeted towards people who THINK they have good music taste or THINK they know something about music because they watch Fantano or read Pitchfork, but in reality if you put on a Coil album or a Yes album around them they would react with revulsion, because it doesn't fit their ultra-fashionable instagram aesthetics. What do you guys think? Are these valid opinions?


okay ill let her know thanks man

get the cheddar jalapeno flavor and pomegranate flavored vitamin water

eat cheeto, drink vitamin water, enter nirvana

The last two times I ate cheetos I actually ended up getting so sick I threw up both times. They were months apart too, and in different cities. Fuck cheetos.

i agree the normal cheetos are fucking terrible. you gotta get the jalapeno ones, they don't taste anything like the original trust me

youre a faggot

youre a pussy bitch

shes literally perfect

How are you going to call these things chips, they're fucking corn sticks m8

clipping > Danny Brown > brockhampton

>tfw that clipping album finally "clipped"

>coils isn't trendy Instagram trash

it was beautiful, tbqh

dat tum

she's def pregnant

Post more tits

with my kid

t. Black woman

Wow, that's some huge milky honkers, that's for sure.

The combination is that lethal?

fuccing thicc