Why would you settle for a white girl, when you can have an arab qt 3.14, user?

Why would you settle for a white girl, when you can have an arab qt 3.14, user?

> loves to cook and clean for you
> subservient
> doesn't let herself get fat
> you can have more than one and she wont care
> not degenerate
> modest

So tell me again why you are still chasing the white liberal whale when a True Conservative woman awaits you?

Arabs (persians) are already pretty white desu senpai

There's the whole converting to Islam thing, user

>doesn't let herself get fat
Have you met them?

>> doesn't let herself get fat
Arabs are some of the fattest women in the world.

>Arabs (persians)


>being sexually attractive
>wearing a trash bag all the time

Pick 1

There's the whole converting my basement thing, user...

I don't understand the picture.
So she is supposed to be modest, but the makeup magically and spontaneously happened?

because they look like shit and I don't like delusional bitches.

You'll never get one, they'll probably get married off to their cousin.

Greek, same thing but with Jesus instead.

I had one just like op described
Shoulda wifed and knocked up honestly. Still prolly woulda had to "convert" or at least pretend to give a shit about her culture though. And she DID get fat. Op you lying shack of shit. Most Muslim/Pakistani/Arab girls do. Their ticking time bombs. Especially after marriage/kids.

I got a qt3.14 Filipino girl who does all that shit sucks my dick like 3 times a day and plays vidya with me rn though soooo

> doesn't let herself get fat

Blatant lie. I've seen hundreds of arab muslim mothers and they're ALL fat; the only ones that remain in shape are Christian/Druze/etc.


if you get a Christian Leb, you're set for life, user. Literally Goddess tier waifus

>> doesn't let herself get fat


Mostly because they have brown bits and that makes me want to puke.

But the head wraps look ridiculous.

Oh and I don't want to be killed by her fucking family for no reason.

The only good towel head is a dead one.
Fuck off you dick smoking retard.


>doesn't let herself get fat
not really, not as terrible as Mexicans who explode at 25 but they still get a steady fat.

You just gotta lurk around, user. there are some hijabi qts, there's a reason the term "HOEjabi" exists.

Dude, what is up with Algerian women? why are they so fucking 10/10? Also, fuck your women for choosing their cousins for marriage