Only article I can find with it so far. Was just mentioned on CNN and now speculation is starting about Omar's perhaps suppressed sexuality.
Think he was secretly a faggot? I don't really see why'd you'd shoot up a gay nightclub unless you were secretly gay and hated yourself for it.
Gay Sup Forumsacks what's your gaydar doing looking at him?
Nathaniel Sullivan
He is somehow simultaneously a garlic eater and a roach. Looks like he would be the selfhating type if he was a queer
Blake Miller
>he thought they were women
Aiden Morales
Bump you faggots. Let's start discussing his sexuality. Would you really want to be covered in aids blood if you weren't gay?
Hudson Clark
>repressed homosexual >dishonored Muslim family >converted to Islam >became radicalized >???? >literally becomes the KILLER QUEEEEEEN
Tyler Brown
Given that he's conveniently dead, the (((news media))) can tell any tale they can come up with...
Jace Robinson
Dynamite with an R-15
Gavin Johnson
Guaranteed blow your mind
Joshua Wood
Drag queen Marteen
Brayden Sullivan
You just think they are slandering?
Honestly, call me a stupid liberal but I think if you care that much about homosexuality your kinda gay. I find it gross af obviously but it doesn't occupy my brain as gays are ruining this country etc.
To spend your martyrdom killing gays I gotta imagine your a lil gay if your thought about gay people so much. Nomsaying?
Kevin Brooks
"Omar's comin'! Yo, Omar's comin!"
Owen Ross
Good one
Juan Ross
Already mentioned in their archive but highscorehero.swf is gonna need to be updated
Angel Gomez
slap the JUST hair on him. he looks like he's about to cry in this pic.
Asher Foster
>Think he was secretly a faggot?
Lefties are throwing fucking everything at the wall to distract from the obvious; his own stated allegiance and motivation.
It's pure comedy now. "I killed these people for Allah" "No you didn't" "Yes , I did. Biggest mass slaying in your country's history, for the glory of ISIS". "No, no, you're just confused. Maybe you were gay." "I killed the infidels for Allah!" "No, you were a white supremacist!" "I'm 100% muslim" "It's a gun problem anyway" "I would have killed them with a knife or a bomb!" "Donald Trump is a racist"
Ryder Ross
Omar "Killer Queen" Marteen
Ethan Young
You're right about the leftist shits but this mudshit is 100% homosex and probably hated himself for it.
Christian Rodriguez
I think repressed muzzie faggot shoots up gay nightclub makes perfect sense to me desu senpai.
Ian Brown
This. Just like how they keep making shit up about Hitler.
>lol we just discovered this year that Hitler was into scat XD >haha lol and he was a virgin at 30 years old >lmao he also had a small penis
Owen Harris
I heard a story on NPR just last night about (((this))) thing. Did it just start?
Julian James
If this is true then this is not terrorism it's a hate crime, imo it's kinda sad that the anti muslim community have hijacked the narrivitve when we should be talking about hate crimes on lgbt ppl
Cooper Rivera
This is a blatant way to deflect it from Islam to he was a closet fag because Islam is the religion of peach yo