Who is the david lynch of music ?

who is the david lynch of music ?

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david lynch



NIN obviously

the radiohead

John Cale
lmao absolutely not

I don't even listen to the guys music, but just taking a blind guess, judging purely from his image externally to non-listeners, I'd talk a guess at Michael Gira of Swans.

Maybe I'm way off.

Crazy Clown Time is GOAT

who is the Mike Patton of films ?

It's The Nine Inch Nails, user

angelo badalamenti

Michael Bay


The Michael Bay of music would be platinum selling buttrock like Creed and Nickelback

Who is the grimes of film?

Hello Satan

who is Coen brothers of music?

This threads been posted dozens of times and I've yet to see a decent analogue. Closest is Swans but that's still a weak comparison

I want to say Lou Reed or somebody else extremely quintessential to the medium in america.


I'd say that's because Gira is somewhat similar to Lynch in his personality and mannerisms - which reflects on their work, a bit - but there's not much to it beyond that.

Lynch has perfected the cinematic medium as a form of communication in a lot of ways (not saying his films are the best though) so it's really hard to find any music like that.

Death Grips

amon tobin