Based Molyneux

Get this video to a million views by end of day Monday

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably the most powerful video he's ever done given the recent attack

Really didn't make me think.

Too racist.

Islam isn't a race faggot

I...I don't think this is funny anymore guys.

He's a monster in the making, it's just a matter of time before he completely fucking flips.


Atheist fag enabler

>That 3 million migrant statistic


>implying it isn't just shills spamming his worthless videos
Nobody actually sits through an entire one of his videos here, right?

What if I do? Gonna cry bitch tears? Yeah you will, your eyes are watering already.

His descent into madness has only just begun


I do.

top kek

Here's the difference:
The left doesn't condone terrorism.

The right is worshiping people like Breivik and Dylan Roof

>The left doesn't condone terrorism.
No apparently they do, since they keep excusing the perpetrators who do this. If they really didn't condone terrorism, they'd try to stop the terrorism by confronting Islam. Instead they blame guns.
>The right is worshiping people like Breivik and Dylan Roof
No they aren't.
>inb4 yes huh they totally are
Provide evidence


>Provide evidence
You're new to Sup Forums aren't you? You must have missed all the posts in the past day.

What do you guys think about based Bill Whittle? Is he redpilled?

Don't you wanna see it happen though? His transformation is certainly an interesting one

>The right is worshiping people like Breivik and Dylan Roof
Bullshit. No one in America outside of Sup Forums and the right stuff knows of Breivik and nobody agreed with Roof.

Kek, he's losing it.

The alt-right views are a lot more mainstream than you believe. How do you think trump got so popular?

can janis permanently ban this shitpost

>thinks Sup Forums is entirety of the right
You must not get out much

Trump is non-PC and wants the best for America. He's not alt-right.

>let's ban people in my hugbox
Literally worse than reddit

Not an argument


We're all losing it.

Liberals have proven themselves incapable of rational thinking- they are purely suicidal at this point.
New video is up

Not An Argument

thank you based user.

Damn, can't start it immediately because I'm in the middle of my 5th watch of the other video.

>Hi everybody this is Stefan Molyneux from Freedomainradio I hope you are NOT doing well


What do you guys think about based Base? is he billwhittled?

(((breitbart))) was mentioned a few times

Shit my negroes. Stefi is really losing his shit. Has he ever yelled this much before?

>i'm a native fourchanner just like you guys xDDD

America if it means killing this faggot please nuke us

wooow the american fight back

so scary, i am affraid...wooooo

He's a fucking leaf

Lol gooks are gonna be afraid of Americans regardless of wether they made a video or not given their track record...