Serious discussion Sup Forums

Serious discussion Sup Forums.

Is the internet helping or hurting society?

The potential for this amazing tech goes beyond human comprehension. You can learn social skills, languages, interact with almost anyone, anywhere.
What do the majority of people do with this technology? Business, trade, communication, facebook, youtube, video, games, porn, etc. All are plugged in. Opinions manipulated. "Facts" forged. Echo chambers. Interpersonal isolation. Insecurities manifested.

Truly, what are we doing to ourselves?


new dark age when


it's definitely hurting

but only because it fives the stupid people a voice

you know how when you're hungry and look at a fridge full of food and can't decide what to eat so you just grab a bag of dorritos? ya the internets like that


It's just human nature and infinite ingenuity changing the rules again.

Hurting. Barely helping, only helping the people who would have helped themselves and put in the work without it. For the rest like us here on Sup Forums, we get told the truth but are paralyzed and too deep in degeneracy and fear to do anything. Just where the Merchant wants us. It's the new Tower of Babel. All this talk about fighting globalization is a fucking moot point because the new world order already happened and you're looking at it this second.

It's the end of society. Nothing short of a complete collapse, will fix it.

No politician will do anything, that's for sure. Being anti-Internet is the only truly politically incorrect view in the West.

Exactly! I am as guilty as anyone. I discovered this Malaysian finger-painting board almost ten years ago. Wasn't doing anything constructive, can tell you that much.
Now everyone is on the internet, grabbing doritos and dew from the fridge.

This. We are getting complacent.

Yes, clearly because it convinced you you're somehow not one of the stupid people.


The problem is that our brains are not equipped to deal with the high amount of stimulation available to us through mediums like the internet.

Unless you're one of the few who use the net for some productive means, all this overstimulation is going to fuck our shit up.

yep, it's better when you have limited options and have to actually work through all of them. Having too much choice actually erodes free will. It's a paradox. You learn more from the 3 books in your dad's attic than from a complete library of every book in the world on tap.

This is the only true piece of wisdom that has been a return on investment. To realize that I can be deluded and swayed, even now, as I casually browse.

It's good overall but I think the emphasis on fast entertainment and interactions is really bad.

To be sure, public schooling also plays a huge part in this. Nowhere in Western public school did anyone actually get taught how to formulate arguments and opinions of their own, only spit them back. And it's thus no wonder that everyone's identities are just copypasta. They sure don't teach the Trivium anymore.

China may be doing it right. They intentionally limit internet speeds nationwide.

I'm considering restricting my use to text-only for a certain portion of the week.

The Internet is killing our forms of thinking

I just wish I ever had a clear form of thinking.

I was a diagnosed autist as a kid, was put in special education classes for a while and was socially retarded before I ever even used the Internet. So to me it feels like the internet actually improved my social skills, but maybe it's just that it brought everyone else's down closer to my level

what did you expect, user? The plebes are plebes.

Humanity needs a complete and total revolution in our base nature if we are to make the most use of our intelligence and technology.

Despite all our best efforts (and they are succesful, to some degree); deep down inside we're all still spear-chucking apes with a whole bunch of ad-hoc solutions imprinted into our brains by evolution.
We have reached a point where we need to look at what we are, decide what we want to be, and make that change through our own volition.

The internet is what we make of it

So if anything, Id say society is hurting the internet

Srs discussion pollertons.

Is written language helping or hurting society?

Da potential for this amaging tech goes beyond human comprehension. You can learn social skills, landgages, int the act with almost anyone, anywhere.
What do the majority of people do with this technology? Bidness, trade, commune of hatians, newsies, etc. Everyone has got their big ol shnozzes in a bookerton nowadays, gettin' manipulated by the fancy words. "Fax" forged. Echo chain beers. Interpersonal isolation. Insecurities man I fisted.

Truly what r we doing to rselfs?

Absolutely 100% destroying human society.

I actually do somewhat agree, it could be argued that written language (At least for the masses) may very well have been a mistake. I believe Socrates realized this. At the very least, what's happening with the internet now is comparable in magnitude to the invention of written language.

Just like everything they've ever touched, Jews have taken something that was incredible and fucking destroyed it out of either sheer jealousy and/or greed

>The internet
>Law in general
>The entire Western world

Don't give me that "But look at the budget of movies" shit, yeah look at the budget of that remake from, at most, 25 years ago, look at the budget on this sequel/prequel. Don't bother with the Einstein meme either. The simple fact is that it's literally and unironically Jews every single fucking time.

You bring up a good point. The written word has done so much good for mankind.
So, how do we make the internet for the betterment of mankind?

>Is the internet helping or hurting society?

You speak of it as an entity independant of its creators and inhabitants.

The people who use it define it, faggot.

I'm don't think that's the best possible solution but I'd imagine it's doing the job well enough.

If there was some way to show people that these things they go on here for are the mind's version of empty calories, perhaps they would wallow in them less.

I* sorry I'm really sleepy.

That doesn't help. You're still here. Only cutting it off physically would.


Maybe the slums in major metropolitan area having Jewish owners? Those Jewish owners thriving off of their tenants welfare payments while putting in minimal effort for upkeep?

I'm pretty sure it helps maybe. They could easily do the stuff they're doing before the internet. Now things are easier to see, but it's also easier to be tracked. So it's a double-edged sword really. Turns

Oh, this isn't so bad.

At least there's some thinking involved in this, unlike the process of studying the latest memes.

I agree with this too, come to think of it.

I was in a literature class last semester and the professor made it a point of expressing the class was supposed to engage one's critical thinking capacities. Too many times the professor had to lead other students along the process of forming basic conclusions on the reading material. Very sad. Something similar happened in my high school class too, now that I remember.

Somewhat yes, but mostly no.

It gives a really bad imprint on how generations with it acted and reacted to specific situations. It gives people who are not very intelligent a voice and unfortunately those voices are heard and taken seriously way too often. Not to mention certian internet cultures and media that are spat onto it on a daily basis. Not to mention the deep web is just as big of a shitstain and makes the human race look even worse by promoting activity that we mostly consider morally wrong right.

Another good point. Even on facebook, there is only so much you can know about the person on the other end. It can be a great medium to go into lengthy discussion, but do we see these lengthy discussions played out?
Compare this exchange of ideas with some of the speeches made in America over a hundred years ago. The Lincoln/Douglass debates would go for hours. Today's public discourse doesn't compare.

The internet is a catalyst of both good and evil.