Do you think if we shit-post loudly enough we can get them to un-cancel World Peace?

Do you think if we shit-post loudly enough we can get them to un-cancel World Peace?

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anythings possible with meme magic i suppose

no. hyde isn't trump

I enjoyed WP but then the obnoxious fans ruined that for me.

Already sent emails to Adult Swim full of memes

Can't bring back the show if the lead actor/writer is dead.

WP is great but it isn't television material.
It would've been more of shock if they signed it for a second season

Well if you enjoyed it then you're part of the problem kys drumpfkin.

But I don't like Donald Trump.

I enjoyed WP but hate the alt-right. Bizarre, right?

The surrealist visuals and borderline art sketches made it really unlike any of the other shows on Adult Swim.

>tfw Brett "The Cuck" Gelman deprived us of pure kino

>the alt right
>a real thing
hi CNN

What did this idiot and his fans think would happen? You can only spew so much shit

Why? That show fucking sucked.

>word has been thrown around on Sup Forums since 2013
>clung on to it relentlessly
>get upset when people call you what you associated yourself with

Except some of them have embraced the term, you fucking moron.

not true

so i know what sams against, but what is he actually for? what would his ideal government be

I agree, that's why I enjoyed it. A lot of the sketches weren't too funny, but I could still get enjoyment out of the 14 or whatever minutes it lasted. Plus it had some really good music.


I bet you believe PizzaGate is real too, dipshit.

Libertarianism and old school masculine self-reliance... basically.


yeah, and sam isnt one of them

nice blanket term you fucking retard
make a thread on Sup Forums about richard spencer see what happens

>believing the news that JUST lied to you about Trumps chances of winning the election

So now it IS a real thing to you?

Make up your fucking mind.

What about those of us who are feminine and weak?

>dad sketch

Dis nigga.

I was hoping they'd release a full version of the music video portion they shot. Not just for this but for all of the other songs they featured.

I never said it wasnt. Im not the original user you responded to. The Alt-Right is a specific group, and leftist have gone batshit with the term and are now calling everyone that disagrees with them "alt-right"

Imagine if Bernie supporters formed a new party called "Alt-Left" and then Trump supporteres started calling everyone who doesnt like Trump Alt-Left. Thats whats basically going on here

then get a boyfriend

watch this on netflix

Get a better network to pick it up.

>feigning ignorance

everyone from gamergate to Sup Forums to infowars to r/TheDonald has labelled themselves alt right or more precisely alt white.

Have you people ever once considered that maybe, just maybe, World Peace was a really shitty show, with badly written, unfunny sketches? Sam should stick to making shitty sketches and videos on Youtube.

no. what the fuck is it up with you 4th graders.

Nope, Adult Swim has been just making bad decisions the last couple years. I knew things were getting pretty bad when Aqua Teens went off. Didn't care as much about World Peace getting cancelled since the show was the only stuff I'd ever seen from Hyde. Wasn't bad by any means either though, was curious to see what he'd do in a second season, if anything the show kept me interested every time I'd watch it.

Should have seen this coming from the Boondocks season 4 as well, took one of their best shows and turned into a fucking mess.

>with badly written, unfunny sketches

Not all the sketches were intended to be funny.

>Save Sam
>He can't afford health insurance

you're giving them too much credit lmao

>not all their sketches were intended to be funny
>giving them too much credit

Right, because clearly they were trying really hard to be funny for teh lulz sake and not mocking and being cynical modern culture and politics, right, especially the sketch with the kids thoughts speaking about how their parents and schools are fucking up their minds? Clearly that wasn't meant to be critical of todays modern liberal agenda's?

Check your liberal privilege.


stopped reading there

It was pretty funny how every little boy who didn't say he had the bad thoughts had tits.

They all did. That was the point of the skit.

I don't like dick. And I can actually say that because I've tried it so I'm technically more hetero than all of you.

>Sam hyde has tits


Not the one kid who said he still has the bad thoughts.

Sooo, are you saying kids that don't have gynecomastia aren't the fucked up ones?

Really don't see what you're getting at.

>don't have gynecomastia are the fucked up ones*

was Sam lurking earlier or what
I can't find this uncensored bump anywhere else

>best rating original AS show since Eric Andre
>cancels it
>will end up replacing it with a terrible show that has literally no audience


It is implied that he is the only one who isn't medicated by an overbearing mother and is instead nagged about his thoughts.

can't forget

>produced and created by a woman

and then when that inevitably fails and is canceled we can look forward too dozens of buzzfeed articles headlined


when will these people learn that you cant please these PC special snowflakes? You give them an inch and they take a mile

With our support, I think we can make sure Sam never works again.

Good thinking, OP.

Exept that's wrong, since the kid who says he wants to be like his mom isn't fat.

In fact, there's only 1 fat kid in the entire segment.

I also find it concerning you're looking at little boys' chests.

All the kids I've ever known who were medicated were all very skinny. In fact, all the fat kids I knew were usually the assholes.

The medication that kids take has nothing to do with gynecomastia, has to do with what they actually eat.

>Exept that's wrong, since the kid who says he wants to be like his mom isn't fat.
There are a couple that aren't really that fat, but still seem to have tits, the only one without them is the brown haired white kid in the striped shirt.

>In fact, there's only 1 fat kid in the entire segment.
Nah, there is a fat brown kid and a fat white kid.

>I also find it concerning you're looking at little boys' chests.
It took a few viewings to notice, but that is what is centered in the screen half the time, they are purposely panning around and drawing attention to the tits that may not even be the actual kids, but put their to make a point since some of the kids aren't even very fat except in their tits.

huh. Probably.

>false equivalency
Why is Sup Forums always wrong.

has he really been BLACKEDlisted?

The weren't implying medicating them for ADHD with amphetamines, they were medicating them for Anxiety with benzos.

There aren't anywhere near enough of you, OP.

>He can't afford health insurance
I wonder if this is his veiled way of asking us, the fans, to put him out of his misery.
I will do your bidding, Sam m'lord.

Wow, people mentioned it once or twice a week max. Really makes you think, Schlomo

As a consumer of his content I still preferred if he spent doing youtube. WP was okay, but it really pales in comparison to his other stuff. He already gets a few bucks every month from me.

ha ive never seen it but the redditors shitposting about it make me want to. ill check out and support anything that triggers them this hard.

The alt right is literally the "SJW" of the left, it's a meaningless buzzword.

Nah world peace was ahead of its time. Guess we'll just get more of Tim and Eric pretending to be public access people. That shit sure is funny after like 10 years

It's better to just stop watching Adult Swim all together. There's literally nothing of value to watch now that Rick and Morty season 3 will have female writers.

he'd still have a show if enough of us actually watched it

I know I never watched it on whatever channel it came on

Awesome Show ended 6 years ago you bitter cunt.

big fan of mde but i thought the show was a bit tame. didnt have the up-to-date spirit their youtube stuff has

Shill thread


World Peace actually got way more viewers than I think anyone expected.

Marilyn manson and Eli Roth presents MDE world peace. Now with 100!% more nazi uniforms and starlet rape accusations

Adult swim has been making bad decisions since 1999

its a shit show, its really mediocre i dont understand the appeal.

the jew is named

who got da e-book warez???

And both further push internet culture into the mainstream and cause whiny millennial liberals victory by demonstrating yourselves as a retarded band of underaged morons? Fuck off.

two big filthy frank super-fans, know the lyrics to most Odd Future songs


>"see what happens"