Who else going to buy AR?
Wasn't going to get one until today.
Who else going to buy AR?
Wasn't going to get one until today.
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AR15 is a waste of money.
Probably going to buy one tomorrow
get an fal instead
Better hurry, they're about to get scarce
glad I own two and a stripped lower already
You can get it for under 600 before tax
Had used to have a few but sadly I lost them in a boating accident.
>not getting a p.o.s moist nugget
>not going full on RED when dispensing death
I might go for one chambered in .308, because the price sure as fuck just went up.
infomining reeeeee
Nuggets and shotguns will be one of the last guns banned by liberals
Why though? It would make more sense to get a good pistol and spend the money you would have on an AR for a conceal carry permit and some legit anti-terrorism courses from trained professionals. You won't be carrying an AR around in public
scared americans - the post
Aww, Mr. Fox don't want no sour grapes.
pistols arent on the chopping block currently by liberals
They want to ban "salt rifles"
picking mine up on Tuesday
>tfw commiefornian 10 day waiting perioid
I would do the same if we could get guns.
That's how people have defended their culture since the beginnings of times. We'd have to be retard to ban them desu.
Way ahead of you buddy. I purchased 3 Swedish Mausers this past week. Remington 870 last month. 2 months ago I got Tavor. 2 S&W wheels 3 months ago. SI VIS PACEM...:)
>tfw no SCAR 17 raifu
I live in MD and already have an AR, so I'm going to get a Nagant to cut down, a Vz. 58, and a Saiga.
Semi auto .308 is beast. I want one with a drum magazine.
How? I thought most of that shit was banned. Link to where you got it if you got it online?
trash tier
PARA BELLUM, love that phrase!
Unfortunately, I live in Cali, so that is why the larger bullet is so alluring. 10 rounds, no matter what size round.
just search california compliant AR. Fuck.
I want a bullpup Saiga but don't want a gas operated fail machine. Know any good recoil operated 12's?
already have a simple AR, a bolt .22, and a smith 4506
Which one did you choose? Asking as a fellow Californian who doesn't want to pay out the ass for a crippled rifle.
I've been looking not at an AR but an M1A. The inherent pistol grip on AR's force the rest of the AR to be feature-restricted, which is not the case with the M1A.
AR's are the best
I don't like anything about ARs
I love AK but sold my wasr a few years ago and now everything is shit expensive
ARs aren't banned silly, just mags are restricted to 10 and you got the bullet button, and you can't technically have any rifle under 16"
>tfw i own the mag magnets
>tfw school in OR so i've picked up 30 rounders
I traded a $200 Ruger American with a $30 crap scope and $10 chink bipod i got off Amazon for pic related.
Bastard wanted a last minute hunting rifle, desperate, so i was able to jew him, he even paid the transfer fees.
Jesus, just accept the bullet button.
My Uncle has a Benelli M3, it shoots great. Birdshot feels like nothing, but never checked to see if it will run magnum loads.
I'm waiting for another couple of paychecks. Moving expenses suck.
>crippled rifle
solution: $20 tool called the Mag magnet
Drunk /k/ here. If panic is going to be full swing (may or may not happen), what you ought to stock up on is lower receivers (80% or complete) and magazines. Doubtful some real legislation will come from this shooting, but if you are worried you can get a decent AR or AK.
>Buy M1A
>Buy tacticool stock for it later
Fuck the police.
>not going full operator-tier
Yeah that's my vote too.
Everyone loves the AR-15 but it's a 5.56. Only reason to use that round is because you're the Army and you need a few hundred million of them and you'd rather have soldiers be able to carry more bullets for suppression fire even though they are weaker.
For an individual looking for any sort of protection, I would go 7.62.
Although really if you figure on not needing to engage beyond like 30 meters (that is, you want it for home defense) go with a shotgun.
Remington 1100. Semi-auto shotgun. No pump needed, just pull the trigger repeatedly. Perfectly legal, you could own one tomorrow if you can find someone who carries it in stock.
I have a .38 revolver and an 1100 shotgun. I would get a 7.62 for a rifle but really have a hard time imagining a scenario where I would need one. (I don't really advocate the .38 btw. I wanted something small and easy to conceal but I don't especially like it. But .38+P in hollowpoint is still pretty good, and no jams in a revolver.)
buy three stripped lowers all other parts will not be affected by a ban.
This, don't drop $600+ on a full AR, just buy lower receivers or complete lowers, usually run $50-150. Commiefornian, so an Anderson lower on sale cost me $90 after fees n taxes
I already have a great lower receiver. i'll just get the rest and build an amazing AR15.
>Felony magnet
Fuck off DOJ
I'll check it out. Floating barrel?
That is a great way to surrender yourself to the CADOJ
>felony magnet
chicken shit babby, obviously you don't use it at the range or have it on rifle when transporting, idiot.
.40 s&w has pretty similar ballistics to a .357 mag. Get a longer barrel and the game is on.
it's not hard. Just go read the /k/ sticky section n AR building
Ok then explain this , boganbro.
They already have loose gun laws. You can buy a rifle if you want too, as this thread shows.
So uhhh.... if buying said rifles protects you, how come they keep having mass shootings where no one in the crowd fires back, or becomes a sudden hero?
They have had lax gun laws for a long time now, so why do they keep having americucks killed?
Shouldn't the logic be that countries with strict gun laws have more mass shootings?
This clearly isn't the case.
I am actually confused by this logic.
All these shootings take place where they don't allow guns, so the good guys follow the rules and the bad guys shoot them.
It's days like today when I'm happy about my freedom wall
>Not going featureless to use the pile of 30rd mags your grandpa gave you on new years' eve 1999
dude ARs are the cheapest platform in the US right now.
Thats why you always buy the scariest guns you can. You can always get a shotgun or nugget
Feeling pretty good about tricking out my AR last year, now that they're going to be hard to find.
I already got a 7.62 ak platfor a .308 bolt a glock 27c and a naa .22 supermag and my conceal and carry permit. Chiraq is a dangerous place, been shot three times. Got to get strapped or you become a victim.
Surely you're trolling.
You haven't noticed that every single mass shooting has been in a "no gun zone"?
Guns aren't allowed in theaters, schools, workplaces or nightclubs.
It's not a law, but business owners have a right to deny entry to gun carriers so a lot of them do. No fucking idea why, since it obviously not only doesn't work but leaves everyone in there open to being a victim.
Really the law should be that any place that bans guns must become responsible for shit like this, or hire their own armed guards to compensate.
why are your pictures sideways?
tell me how many mass shootings have taken place in a no gun zone vs how many have taken place in a not no gun zone. retard.
I prefer the grip wrap.
>tfw grandpa had a full auto ghetto blaster Tec 9 smuggled in from Mexico with several mags
>also had a well kept 50s Llama .45
>grandma turned them in to the gun buyback after he died
>she got like two $50 gift cards
The second they think they can win, they'll ban everything all at once
Why not both?
>Tec 9
>Full auto
Please, you'd get two shots before clearing a jam, then two more shots, jam, etc.
Nice irons nigga. Is that AR 100% BCM?
They've been that way for 10 years, I've learned not to question it
>grip wrap
This is what I would lean towards if I were committed to the AR. The bullet button and yes all of its little workaround tools are horseshit which I will not burden myself with.
The AR is obviously a pretty effective weapon if a useless snadnigger can cause so much havoc with one, It should be the choice weapon of a well regulated militia.
This massacre has nothing to do with the gun as such though, he might have had to use an AK or something else if not the rifle he used, can't stop mad cunts.
That's some real bullshit...sorry to hear that man. Even ghetto guns deserve to be passed down.
>not already owning an AR-15
Starving college student/intern here.
I don't have the money for a decent AR build. I'll just keep saving.
I did go out and buy pic related just today, though. The price was right ($270) and I've been wanting it for a while. I actually managed to snag the last one in the store... the place was packed. I guess that makes me a panic buyer too.
Me as fuck
It's a decent gun, they only make a .380 caliber right?
Do you actually believe this?
Do you really think these guys look up no gun zones? Ones that are actually enforced?
You haven't explained to me why there are not MORE mass shooting in strict gun controlled countries.
This argument rapidly bores me, and I kind of knew that was the response I would get.
I don't know why I am here. You guys do what you see fit, I will just keep sitting back here enjoying seeing you fuckers die on mass.
You can legally use normal cap mags on grip wrapped ARs too. Just make sure everyone knows they were bought before the ban.
those are empty frames
why anyone would hang empty picture frames is puzzling in itself
Consider a pump action shotgun. They are super cheap and very reliable and more than you will likely ever need.
I mean I would get a rifle if I lived on a ranch or something and expected to have to engage bad guys from 200 meters but in your house or even an urban environment, a shotgun is going to be all you need.
Well you can but you actually need to try. One guy in a small building shouldn't be able to kill fifty and injure another fifty.
I don't know what exactly went on in there but it's hard to look past the potential apathy and cowardice of the patrons.
>see the post
>see the flag
every time
Bitches, amirite?
>mfw when i paid 250 for irons.
stag arms stripped lower built from the ground up.
Mass shootings are exceptionally rare occurrences
You are more likely to be struck by lightning. Or raped to death by a kangaroo in your case
What made him so deadly is nobody could mount a meaningful defense. We've learned nothing from the lessons of France, Belgium, and we probably won't learn from Orlando either.
I think at some point people will wake up and realize the state cannot protect you, Americans will have to be willing to take responsibility for their own lives at a moment's notice, and defend themselves until law enforcement can arrive.
CORE is about a 10 minute drive away from me. Can't wait to go shopping there for a rifle.
Is this even possible to buy? I think it has a full auto feature and I thought fullautos were banned.
>yfw my grandma unironically still believes in the Reefer Madness hoopla that weed makes you crazy
>That feel when liberal
>That feel when bought first gun for defence against muslims and Sup Forumsfags
Well it was the definition of a soft target, a bunch of queens in a nightclub. The cowardice is all on the perpetrators side.
a ton of shit is legal if you have an FFL
>Is this even possible to buy? I think it has a full auto feature and I thought fullautos were banned.
iirc the engraving doesn't matter
the only thing that makes it FA is the sear
There's no need to "look them up".
If you want to shoot masses of people, you go to where the masses gather. Schools, theaters, clubs.
Most of these places have very lax security and if they ever find you with a gun they will tell you to leave and never come back. Since in all probability you will never, ever need a gun on you, people figure it's not worth the risk and leave it at home.
Now, try to do a mass shooting on a freeway in Texas, though, and see how far that gets you. Would be easy to do. Turn your car sideways and block 2 lanes in rush hour. Traffic will back up for miles with hundreds of easy targets. Problem is probably 1 out of every 5 people there will have a gun in their car and will shoot back.
Whether terrorists have thought of this and that's why they don't try it, or whether theaters and clubs are just easier is a matter of speculation.
Are we going to see homos get carry permits after this?
Auto sniper fag
Again, I don't question it.
Sad thing is I would bet a number of the victims had carry permits but left the gun at home because you can't have guns with you at the night club.
Florida is one of the easier states to get a carry license.
I guess I'll have to see if anyone around here has one so I can have it shipped and applied then.