ITT we post people who blame the muslim attack on something besides muslims.
>pic related
>I'm green.
>red is a fag
Gays more worried about their bathrooms than being murdered
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't wait to see one blame Trump.
Damn he called it the no pulse nightclub thats harsh
Top Kek
>posting Jewbook screenshots on Sup Forums
I will say it's refreshing to see someone so proactive as to preemptively virtue signal against white men for future violence, though.
the sand nigger is a (((Democrat))), just put that to end this bull shit mental gymnastics.
This person once argued with me face to face for 15 minutes that I was racist because I was white.
>she has blond hair and blue eyes.
She is the one that started the conversation too saying "well user your a racist"
Delusional FeelTheBern libtard on my kikebook page who reposted the tweet somehow shoehorning the blame against the Christian right.
Two things
>200+ anti lgbt bills
Source in that?
>Using old testament as anything else than history
Even if what they are saying is true, how is blaming Islam wrong? Was he not motivated by Islam when he pledged allegiance to ISIS? Even if you are against gay marriage how is it factually incorrect that this guy killed because of his belief in Islam? Are people really this desperate to dismiss what happened?
Islam relates to only islam people they don't care about others. That's why they kill you if you get out.
Fucking hell this is unreal
I might be a fedora but thinking that the old testament is the basis for christianity is some next level retarded. Old testament was for the jews you god damn retard.
Why are these people complaining? There already are toilets for disabled people.
>Old testament
Niggers get ready for a chimp out on her part.
if there's something i hate more than commies, is queer commies!!
I've got a question.
If you're transgender, why don't you just go into the bathroom with the gender you identify with? I know some states have laws to go in the ones with the gender you were born with, but who's really going to know? Unless you're a really ugly looking drag queen
if they aren't going to choose the correct side it's hard to bother defending them. jesus christ all the right wing christians want is for them to quit with their pride parade shit. the arabs are 10 times their enemy yet they get shot by one camel fucker and not 24 hours later they're bitching about christians again. fucking morons. i'm sort of between straight and bi too so i really don't fucking get it. idiots, pick the better side fucking morons.
That crushed my Thomases
We need the Pink Pistols.
-Gay gun advocacy group
-encourage homos to arm themselves and train in shooting and defense
-slogans include "Armed gays don't get bashed" and "Guns are for faggots"
If I were flamboyantly gay I would feel much safer with a weapon. If I lived in a rural redneck area I would feel safer with a pistol. If I lived near a black ghetto I would feel safer with a weapon, gay or straight but especially if gay. If I were gay and lived in the Caliphate of Detroit I would certainly be armed at all times. If I had a gay son I think I would feel better about the whole thing if I knew he was armed, trained, and able to defend himself if someone decides to fag bash him.
As always, the rest of the LBTQIABCs are just leeching off the gays and their actual struggles.
Fuckin triggered.
>Comparing the Old Testament, which is hardly practiced at all, to the Quran, which is practiced by all of Islam.
Kek I know right. And now she is trying to talk about Iraq. Like wtf bitch????
>Back the hell off
Jesus the cringe
> Be Christian
> Dislike homosexual lifestyle, think it's a deviant and unhealthy lifestyle
> Murder gays
> Dislike drinking, murder alcoholics
> Dislike drugs, murder addicts
> Dislike extramarital sex, murder prostitutes and swingers
So her logic is that if you hate something you must want to kill it? Does she hate Christians and wants to kill them?
Well I'm about to get back on and see if they are trying to get me fired yet.
In God with trust on your currency. Not a religious nation..
Lol this old thing again
Came across this. It surprised me. I didn't think he would be that dense.
Had to end it on a good note if I could. My cucked school might try to throw me out if I push to hard.
Point out that the kebab was a registered democrat.
That's called "Civil Disobedience" where you break specific laws you consider unjust in protest. Like the Civil Rights sit-ins and Ghandi making salt.
As opposed to what most people do now to protest where they block traffic while screaming and chanting or going full-blown chimpout riot and attacking the police and local businesses.
This made me cringe t b h
>"It's illegal to be gay in Russia!"
They also don't have mass shootings.
>shooter is muslim
>sharia says to punish gays with death
>sharia law to kill gays is implemented kn Muslim countries all around the world
>imam in Orlando is known for preaching to kill gays
>shooter pledges to ISIS
You literally can not make this shit up to be more obvious
What the shit.
The shooter was on the FBIs list multiple times and they never investigated further into him, yet the GOP is to blame?
I don't even like the GOP, but this is some shit.
Lol now I kinda want to send her that in the private chat.
If i was in the us i would convert to islam so i could talk shit about these people and the best part they would Defend me
I think it almost made her cry. Soo consider it even???
Fags need to realize the time is coming where they will have to choose a side. If they choose to side with the people that massacre them then so be it.
It's the perfect solution!!!
>also I really enjoyed that. It's not often I go in on people about their retarded ideas.
In a way this is pretty based. People always pretend to actually care and excuse them selves from any actual effort. Doesn't matter if it's starving kids or some gays full of bullet holes, people will say everything, but actually do nothing. This guy is respectable.
Why did you even attempt to talk to somebody that brainwashed on kikebook to begin with?
People like that won't ever accept reality unless they are the ones being shot at.
It's shit like this that makes me love living in the bush. No muslims or faggot LGBTOMGWTFBBQ sympathisers, they just get bantered into moving to the city.
>le old testament meme
Because your average tranny is obviously a man pretending to be a woman. It isn't subtle and isn't pretty, and such folk tend to be unimaginably fucked in the head in more ways than one.
>"I'm trans. I'm also depressed, autistic, schizoid, a feminist, a vegan, a political asexual bisexual, I have headmates and respect Islam. The real problem is society and labels, I identify as a wymon therefore I am."
The original post was a 38 out of 5 on the retarded scale. And a blatant lie. I wanted it countered for everyone else to see.
You suck at debating. She sways away from the point and you follow. The lack of arguments discusses me.
>very progressive
Please inform her that in Jordan a man can get away from a rape charge by marrying the victim. Better yet, a man can get away from a GUILTY VERDICT by marrying the victim.
“If a valid contract of marriage is made between the perpetrator (of any of the offenses mentioned in this section) and the victim, the prosecution is suspended. If judgment was already passed, the implementation of the punishment upon the sentenced person is suspended.”
The Christians are trying to protect faggots from Islam because they have known forever that the flamboyant public faggotry is haram and will get them killed in that culture.
>its the hateful conservatives
>the only people who are truly outraged about this attack are 'hateful conservatives' while these straight betas apologize to islam for 100 gay people being attacked.
Its like she doesn't understand that solidarity can't be empty by definition if it leads directly to conflict free lives.
Response while salt mining today.
you again SAVED
>Not a Christian nation
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Literally before our Constitution, our founding fathers declared a Creator that has given people their natural born rights, and later declares that government should secure these rights.
This stuff is so utterly clear that I see these threads and read what people say and I am baffled, you can believe what you want but it's there, and in print
>there are more ISIS members out there
>I bet they aren't even muslim
>This had nothing to do with his religion. He did it because he hates gays and the reason he hates gays is because of your religion.
Shit EU flag I should move there Ill have like 30 wives. And I'll make sure to kidnaps stupid tourist in turkey after they join the Eu so I can smuggle them back, marry them, and get off scott free.
>mfw I'll have an army of descendents
Except, making faggotry even more public and pervasive will just lead to more attacks and escalating rhetoric.
we arent a true christian nation. even our most devout christians break most if not all the rules. christianity has been bullied into being completely lame and lawless.
We aren't a christian nation though we once were. I know it seems like a copout, but its true, Christianity in America is on its last legs on a legislative and even cultural level.
Islam on the other hand, follows its most archaic belief structure and sharia law is practiced in many countries.
Inb4 no response, or they take 2 days off to come up with a coherent response.
Hebrews 8:13 crashes the Old Testament laws with no survivors
yeah but for the fact that many normies actually believe on what the gurl was saying, it makes me wanna kill myself
Dammit Tim Whatley, you know its immoral to convert for the jokes.
>small terrorist group
Do people really think this? Theyve almost conquered an entire country.....
Chase Strangio sounds like the parody name of a guy who lives for pussy.
Top Kek that one should have 1000 replies telling her how stupid it was.
>pagan joins Isis
>confused when asked about mohommad
>Isis fighters think he just has brain damage
>think his rituals are just OCD.
yeah im sure there are tons of non Muslim Isis members.
Shit. RT this video OP:
Enjoy the reaction.
They left Jesus in the wreckage brother.
Witnessed, and thanks for the (you).
I think this is the first macro relating to religion that has ever made me lol
it sounds like a character from a Leisure Suit Larry game
Fight back mate. Don't have to do huge arguments like me.
>slide some red pill ideas
>ask questions about their stupid ideas so they have to try and explain it to you.
>ask a few but not to many.
>be friendly and curious
>make them confused about how to explain it reasonably.
You just sowed seeds of discontent with their ideology.
But he walked out ;)
noice fucking response against people who say that Christianity is just as bad as Islam thanx matie
Saved that image ty big dog
That is leaning on the Protestant vs Catholic debate
Jesus didn't have a layout for governments, render unto Caesar etc, he only cared about the Church, whether the Vatican is that church or not is debatable, but what isn't is that Christianity puts the kingdom of God above all else.
I say that leans on the Church debate because that's what Catholics use to argue, that America is a Protestant country and so is lost without a Church. The argument for are the millions of churches and Christians.
So to say we aren't a "true" Christian nation implies there are "true" Christian nations, and that implies a true Church, hence Protestant vs Catholic.
Same, which is why it was saved
Kek shall make this come true if I get repeating digits
This guy has the balls to publicly say something against the status quo.
You don't get to say GTFO you basement dwelling little shit.
>duel double 7
What fucking kill the gay rallies? If they mean the WBBC they forgot how many Christians spoke out against them.
it already is a real group. They just don't get any press because they would be kryptonite to the gun debate. No leftist would dare question a repressed minority's right to self defense.
I think this is Pink Pistol's big moment, and I hope they jump on this tragedy and use it to push their agenda as hard as possible.
>leftists use WHOLE GAY COMMUNITY to call the right a bunch of angry gay bashers
>Conservatives say "Hey, we have some gay people who agree with us"
>yeah im sure there are tons of non Muslim Isis members
There are elaborate, complex prayers that all ISIS members must know and recite on command in flawless Arabic. If you fuck up one of those while you're praying in front of your unit's religious officer, the commander literally comes up behind you while you are kneeling and facing Mecca and slits your throat.
The only non-Muslim ISIS members would be highly trained Mossad and CIA infiltrators. They are difficult to penetrate, difficult to get to know, and the very fact that ISIS so quickly took credit for this attack means that Mateen had links to them on some level, most likely through someone else, probably someone serving as his handler/secret Imam like they do here in Europe. You don't get sucked into that 72 virgins stuff overnight, it takes hardcore indoctrination and a network of people psychologically reinforcing you. These people are everywhere in Europe. Finding the next potential Mateen here is almost impossible.
>jew rule
What in the absolute fuck is going on?
Why are these people ignoring the fact that the overwhelming majority of people in the Middle East think homosexuality is fundamentally wrong, and somehow convincing themselves it is the West's homophobia that is to blame? Somehow the same countries that promote gay pride walks, same sex marriage and all of that stuff are encouraging homophobia more than Islam is?
>Not making the point Jesus said we were free of old laws when he died upon the cross.
>Turkey and Jordan are progressive as one carpet bombs towns and the other tries to fuck over the infidel.
>Ethopia is poor because its led by Christian leaders.
No Ethopia is poor because its led by NIGGERS.
>She spelled the Quran as "Karan"
>specifically talks about the Old Testament and not New Testament even though Old Testament is only followed by the most radical of Jews and a few Christians.
>Genital Mutilation in Ethopia is Christian
I swear to fucking god.
Do you want to see something funny Sup Forums?
This guy was a presidential candidate in our last elections, look at this tweet. He sais that the victims of Orlando shooting and two woman that were killed yesterday by their husbands in Spain have his full suport because they are all victims of the same scourge, the heteropatriarchy.....
It's a trick of the left. Gays here are the same way about same-sex marriage, they claim that America is more progressive towards homosexuals because they allow it.
When people plead for tranny rights they always use this dramatic "BUT THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED AND KILLED" argument to shut down any discussion of transgenderism. It is absurd, and there is little to no proof that trannies are being targeted in any significant number. There IS a large body of evidence that homos in general are targeted for violence based on their gayness, so they have as much or more of a valid claim to that argument. If someone questions their right to arms they can simply say "fuck you its about my safety, gay bashing is real, I am marginalized, check your privilege shitlord and I'll check my fire as long as the toxic, problematic shitlord Muslims stay out of my way."