How do you get your fresh drinking water?

How do you get your fresh drinking water?

Examples: Plastic water bottles or water gallons bought at the grocery store, refillable water tubs that are refilled at water stores or reverse osmosis water vending machines, water fountains, boxes of water, tap water, handpumped well water, river water, lake water, collected rain water, harvested snow, etc.

My water filter system, SmartWater™ by General Electric, filters tap water from the city.

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Straight from the tap.

Fuck y'all with your gayass filters.

>his "city" doesn't have pristine tap water from rainwater reservoirs and glacier runoff

What state do you live in?

i have RO system

its good

bottled water is shit with chemicals added (just like tap water)


The tap

I encourage you to view your county's drinking water violations. Just select your state of residence and the next page loaded will show counties within your state with a presence of violation and z-score

Filtered tap water

That is good. Do you know if most of the people around you also have filters or do they get drinking water another way?

I would not drink tap water in america

retards buy bottled water
normal people drink tap water
we actually had okay tap water but they built this new water-supply station thats using "le top notch european technology" (ozonation) and the tap water is undrinkable now for me, it has so bad taste (unfiltered)
they're also adding this toxic waste for "helping your teeth :)" here

You are a smart man.

Ah they slipped fluoride in.

Bump. :(

>we actually had okay tap water but they built this new water-supply station thats using "le top notch european technology" (ozonation) and the tap water is undrinkable now for me, it has so bad taste (unfiltered)

Same thing happened here. My city touted a big new upgrade for water treatment around 2012 and I haven't been able to drink it since, it tastes vaguely of chemicals. It's passed inspection but the taste is revolting. Tried a filter but it didn't really help.

Just been buying discount bottles since, the $2 for 24 pack ones that go on sale every week. Might give a higher end filter a try soon.

>Tried a filter but it didn't really help.
>Might give a higher end filter a try soon.

RO (Osmosis) filter filters everything that isn't water (99.999%)
mine is drinkable after the membrane, and its not expensive actually, you only have to pay for filters like $30/year and replace them

there's also evaporation/destilation thingy, you can use it instead of RO if you don't like it for some reason, or if water pressure is too low (tho you can use a filter with electrical pump)


Do you collect it in huge water jugs?

Bump again.

Another bump. Is my thread failing? I was hoping more people would answer.

tap water ofc, cleanest in the world

Tap water