Just got a Sony record player for Christmas and was looking for some vinyl I'm interested in online. (Just have Yes Fragile and the Yes album) This shit is expensive. Where is the best place to get obscure vinyl without having to out pay middle age assholes? (Online or stores)
Pic related. Want to find this somewhere for less then $80
buy a ticket to japan and shop at a random thrift store you may find it cheap
Levi Perez
Depends on the album. If you're buying imported you'll always be fucked. Imported AND out of press? Au revoir to your wallet.
Being a collector is about picking your battles. Discogs is usually at least partially fair.
Mason Scott
Wait 5 years or so for the bubble to burst
Asher Evans
>$900 bucks for the ticket alone Would love to user but I don't have that kind of money as fun as that sounds
Jeremiah Lewis
Discogs, Cdjapan, Amazon.jp, HMV Japan
Adrian Edwards
I just want some good jap music from the 70s and 80s.
Also is the "older the vinyl is the better it sounds" shit a meme? My cousin insisted that it's better to get original then repressing
Christian Ross
Thanks user. Still trying to hunt for something not $200.
Is shit like this even here in the states? I don't know shit about shopping for this stuff. Can you guys find imports like Sunshower here in stores for cheap? also where? Is one coast better than the other? [spoiler]in Chicago[/spoiler]
Blake Mitchell
Older pressings are more likely to be analog which is what vinyl is made for, but usually official repressings are made with those same recordings so that should matter for something released in those decades.
Brayden Thompson
Vinyl hunting you gotta pick your battles, it's silly to think you'd find that one easily. Last year I picked up an og pressing of Beach Boys Love You for cheaper ($11) than some of their Smiley-Smile Era reissues ($15). There's also some guy in the DC craigslist that's been trying to sell Bowie's Low for $30 or so for a couple months now.
John Gutierrez
My goals right now are to try and get 80s jap stuff. Been into that lately.
Ultra Easy mode is to find Huey Lewis Easy mode is getting more Yes vinyls Then try and get some Tatsuro Yamashita and so on.
Adam Jenkins
Online stores jew you with price guides and brick & mortar shops have too much overhead. The trick is to find a guy who works for himself and sets up a few tables in a seemingly random area every once in a while. There's this one guy who shows up at my local university campus once or twice a month and sells everything for 5, 10, 15 or 20 dollars each. He knows he has to price things low for the students, but people will come from all over town and he ends up moving things at a high volume. Plus he travels around, so no one town gets sick of seeing the same shit everyday like a regular store. I saw some lucky sonofabitch pay 15 for Let It Be by the Replacements, while I'm at the other end of that section of table fishing out this bad boy for the same price (seen it listen for over 150 on Discogs). Other killer finds include New York Dolls, the Dirty Rotten LP and London Calling for 15 each, as well as...And Justice For All and Reign In Blood for 20. AJFA plays kind of rough, everything else sounds fine to me even if the sleeves aren't always great. Also, don't forget to check out every thrift store as often as you can.
If you want a good collection for cheap, it all comes down to luck and persistence.
Nathan Wilson
look outside of youtube recs 2 find better 80s jpop
Nolan Green
Damn sounds like a gold mine. My 2 Yes albums are apparently in perfect condition because the sleeves are perfect according to my old man Do stores stock 80s Jpop? Thinking of heading to the big city to hunt after the year ends and I get paid. Are they going to jip me for the 3 albums I may find?
Jeremiah Torres
in my experience it's very difficult to find, even in major cities. your best bet would probably be in L.A i guess, i've heard Amoeba Music has some stuff. youtube can be good also I was just being Sassy (:
yahoo auction JP is a great website i used to use them all the time for CDs, only problem is that you have to use a middleman. they have officially patterned with a company called buyee tho so oversea people can now purchase buyee.jp/yahoo/shopping shipping will be a pain in the ass but better than discogs or actually flying to japan
Jason Adams
>Where is the best place to get obscure vinyl without having to out pay middle age assholes?
Help Sup Forums, I want expensive shit at bargain prices. Christ.
Zachary Green
Rad. Will check it out user.
Sup Forums is a cool place.
Lucas Torres
Yes and no. In reality it's a case by case thing, but originals are usually preferable, especially for recordings in analog, when the analog tape is still fresh. Unlike what most people say though, there's nothing wrong with vinyl cut to digital, provided that it's mastered properly and it's sourced from ultra high fidelity files, and tape transfers made properly
Juan Gutierrez
Hey man. I just want some plastic discs for listening to some sweet music. Shouldn't cost me hundreds.
Is there a way to tell before you buy? I'm guessing online reviews are the best trial and error
Easton Rivera
Forums like Steve Hoffman, even Discogs reviews (though they're not as many)
Ryder Mitchell
Thanks user!
You guys got any recommendations for Japanese records? Really loving the sound. Shit sounds like magic
Elijah Bennett
Only Japanese records I have are either enka or Yuzo Katana though, and they're actually Brazilian pressings. Also check out snowrecords.com for used Japanese records
Joseph Rodriguez
Check thrift stores (goodwill and salvation army), 99% of the time they won't have jack shit but check often enough and you'll find something good occasionally. Check local record stores (the ones that sell used records), obviously depending on where you live they might not be very good or could be overpriced, but sometimes you'll find ones that have cool stuff for cheap.
If you want something specific then ebay or discogs are best, but it's not going to be cheap.
Bentley Stewart
>99% of the time they won't have jack shit You mean 99% of the time they will, right? I've never been to a thrift store that had nothing I could flip for at least $10.
Charles Diaz
What kind of pressings are a big red flag? Guessing anything chinese
Bet I could find some Huey Lewis at a thrift store cheap
Sebastian Foster
I'm at the point now where I have so many classic rock records i've found at thrift stores for $1 that I don't even bother going through the trouble of flipping them anymore. Earlier at Salvation Army I saw a bunch of Van Halen, Dio, Judas Priest and Deep Purple. Not really my type of thing but could easily flip them. I always get too lazy to sell them and already have thousands of records taking up space.
Thomas Sullivan
>Hey man. I just want some plastic discs for listening to some sweet music. Shouldn't cost me hundreds.
You don't know shit about vintage stuff if you think a relatively rare album that's in demand should be cheap.
Bentley Reyes
What the fuck, I've never found a single worthwhile thing at a Goodwill, turntables or records. I've been checking multiple stores for more than 9 months
Lucas Wilson
depends on the record and the source material for the repress. If they repress it from the original tapes, granted they don't fuck up the mastering it sounds pretty much the same. If it's some ultra niche stuff, like the tapes are dead/lost and they have to use a vinyl instead it will definitely sound less good than the original if you're talking about that nami shimada track the creme organisation repress sounds okay. It gets repressed relatively often, if you wait a bit shits probably easy to get in chicago, in a house oriented record store like kstarke or something
Lincoln Rogers
>tfw classical and jazz vinyl collector >thrift stores are full of it >plebs take all the pop and rock shit that is worthless >meanwhile i have $5000 worth of Decca classical LP's
John Williams
I found Sports on vinyl at a thrift shop, so yes. Yes you can.
Cameron Bailey
i bought all of my ymo and sakamoto records from ebay. just randomly do searches from time to time. i've never payed more than like $20 for them and they're all original pressings. i even bought an original (US tho) pressing of BGM sealed [not promo or cut] for $18 a few years ago. the seller even threw in some album cover fronts. i think he must have been a label or marketing dude from A&M because they were clearly printed on the same album cardboard for records and had that aged look on the black backside. just make sure to set your searches to only show you US located stuff. most of the expensive stuff rarely sells, i see every year the same Hosono SFX vinyl for $100+ that has gone unsold for like 5 years at least now. all that you want pops up from time to time, you just have to search.