screencap this

tomorrow i will take a shit

screencap this


I'm in scottsdale.

should i be worried?

bump, i can feel it in my fucking bones, been looking into g4s after this Orlando incident and the fucking dots connect, i wont go into detail about this, or the memetic imagery used on the board today to warn of the attack.

I have filed the memetics for further studies.

i would stay out of shopping malls and other public places tomorrow, if i had to throw a dart at a map it would probably land between bethany home road, 24th street, 3rd avenue, and baseline

inb4 you're the next shooter

I'm in phoenix , in bed , but sounds like a lot of air traffic overhead

I'll screenshot this but I bet nothing will happen. We all carry out here open and concealled. If anything some hero will emerge from it. By shutting the 'terrorist' down with his 2nd amendment

Also 10:57 pm. So you got one hour till tomorrow technically homo

nice dubs, yeah i know the time but you catch my drift, perhaps another night operation like orlando?


lol i cant own any guns because im a violent repeat offending mexican felon, nice try lulberal

I was just at the bridal expo today downtown..if anything that was the place for a mass casualties to occur

I literally had a gun in my waist the entire time And even walked through the front door without presenting exhibitor creds.

Pic relatd

I live in Queen Creek. Eat shit memers.

If Phoenix gets attacked, my food prices are going to go up heavily. Fuck that noise.


tomorrow you'll be constipated

screencap this

Queen creek


How much meth did you smoke or inject today low life ?

ASU boyz we out here

>Queen Creek


>chinese nationals crashing sportscars into mexican women in tahoes, and the cops showing up and all 3 parties speaking different languages :)



Too many second amendment lovers here and the cops are itching to go weapons free on a terrorist down here.

Fuck off OP

It's AJunc you're thinking about. Queen Creek is where the poor whites and Obama-rich niggers live.

thank jesus im not there and im at home

Drunk frat bros to the side, hobos fighting on Mill, hotter than hell

Just your average night in Tempe


When do you go back to Ohio Scott ? This semester ?

>muh #1 partee skool guisd

Fug off

AJunk has dat gold though.

>mfw i live at 35th and baseline

I have lived in Arizona all my life

Sunny slope


Meth havens for any color or creed

Leaving this world isn't as scary as it sounds.

>35th & baseline


please donate bitcoin
I don't want to be a gay bar bartender in Orlando for the rest of my life

Weirdest thing today was seeing a Russian AN-124 approaching PHX. It's huge, bigger than a C-5 or the Virgin 747.

Semi finals

Pics or it didn't happen faggot

Thanks for the tip.

>Fuck You

>Sup Forums wants to start the fire
>faggots keep tipping the FBI and stopping anything from happening

Either you didn't do it at all or Sup Forums is really pathetic.

Surely OP did not anticipate that. Good job buddy!


I just read the article connecting omar to this company and the "otm" illegals they dropped off in az. You been spamming that or is this legit?

i honestly think something is up dude...

your a huge faggot, neither the fbi care they monitor this place anyway.

it could be logically legit, and op could have set this up or its just a feeling, its bull shit they don't catch these illegals and they kill people.


kek, burger.

i did not post the other threads, posted this after doing my own research. chances are you have read all i have on the subject if you know that much already tho.

>euro in my country

dude fuck off

The FBI is now monitoring this thread.

since were all memeing here


quints confirms something happens, if i dont get quints its not happening, did i shitpost good?

scared for my family now desu

talk about shitposting!