What's next for trap?

What's next for trap?

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Trap is the final form of music. Honestly, it doesn't get more complex, syncopated, or HYPE than trap. What's the next for trap? The better question is what's next for MUSIC? Trap jazz, trap rock, trap folk, you can expect to see genres like this and more. It's the logical conclusion to music and it's happening now.
People like xxxtentacion, kodak black, lil uzi, pump, xan, these artists are comprable to Lou Reed, David Byrne, Paul Simon, John Coltrane, Marvin Gaye. Get ready, because trap isn't going anywhere.


Kill yourself

Agreed. I just love the beats! They're so hype and they're such fuckin BANGERS. They're like chchchchchchchchBAMchchchchchchchchchchPOW! I love it. You also have lyricists like X who are on the same level of darkness as Death Grips, so the people who say trap can't be intellectual aren't real trap fans.

death then resurrection in a few decades

all true

Dying and letting Suns-Tirade-esque cloud rap take over the mainstream.

hopefully irrelevancy