>Sup Forums will defend this
>inb4 huffpo
Sup Forums will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
>can't deal with someone who was prophetic and turns around to say i told you so when they didn't listen
you're literally the worst type of person, even now you can't accept the truth.
Why would I defend huffpo using a partial quote?
They're getting baited into doing what they do every single time Trump says anything. And every time he comes up roses.
That wasn't the actual quote, was it? I don't think he mentioned radical islam, but it was clearly implied. What is journalism?
I'm not even a Trump supporter, but this is just gross that a media outlet would deliberately misquote someone in order to push an agenda, even if I may agree with the agenda.
Does anyone value truth and honesty anymore?
If you read the full tweet, you will become a Trump supporter. I welcome the lies and out of context attacks, it makes more Trump supporters.
Trump is the worst kind of person for exploiting death for an I told you so.
>People are dead but hey, at least Trump was right.
Liberals before terror attack:
> We need to keep radical Islamists out of the country cause they're going to start some shit.
Liberals after terror attack:
> I fucking told you so.
Have you been living under a rock
God damn the man hits every right button
half a quote
you're a fucking grade A autist. He was the first candidate to tweet about it and made several tweets both condemning Islamic terrorism AND praying for the victims before making this tweet (which has been quoted only in part to make him look bad).
fuck off libfag normie, Trump 2016 MAGA
.... .... How do you function? I mean I can't believe that I almost wrote a post pointing out how absolutely ridiculous you are. You're either trolling, or you should just never breed.
>"50 People dead and Donald Trump."
See the difference a misplaced period makes. You can't take anyone seriously who contextualises over the particulars this furiously.
Oh yeah let's just feign grievance for these people that we don't know/care about dying. There's no better time to say "I told you so" after muslims in FREEDOMLAND go into a gay club for the sole purpose of killing as many people as they possibly can.
You're a fucking retard if you actually believe we should be in some form of collective grievance before we start making actual points.
While initially I thought the tweet was poorly, the backlash against the tweet has made it obvious Trump intentionally worded it this way to bait.
50 people died due to a terrorist attack. One guy has been boisterous about it the whole election cycle. Harping on the guy for essentially saying "Thanks for remembering I acknowledge the problem, but I didn't want to be right" is going to amplify the message immensely
Even bernie sanders recognized this and subsequently made a tweet attacking isis.
>cuckington post
>taking half of donald trump's post and purposefully misrepresenting it
what else is new
Worded poorly*
Also, here's the aforementioned tweet
Sage in all fields. They don't even post the full text.
Absolutely unintentional.
Huffington cunts.
you're exploiting death more than Trump ever did. at least Trump proposed and is proposing to do something about it, instead, you are bitching about someone calling you out for your inaction, and still you do not act. you use their deaths for worse than "an i told you so", you use them for sympathy for your own personal feelings, and do absolutely nothing.
Who cares about the narcissistic display of public grievance. He was right and his followers will increase after that quote.
Huffington is a joke news outlet at this point right?
They don't even try to hide their absolutely crazy emotionally driven opinions.
Isn't that exactly what Huffpost is doing? Using this situation for their own purpose.
They edited trumps comment. Trump could have said ANYTHING and huffpost would have edited so they could use this attack to make people angry at trump.
>Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!
Huffpo bites every time and people trust media less and Trump more.
>the backlash against the twee
What backlash? Media vermin cutting off half of the tweet and linking to each other's articles?
For fuck's sake, it has 2x as many likes as Hillary's vapid 'hurrr stand together' or whatever her dumb cunt response to this was.
There is no backlash, only a media circlejerk that everyone who likes Trump doesn't give a single fuck about, and anyone who doesn't like Trump that bothers to look at the full tweet will quickly realize is utter bullshit.
yeah a muslim just killed 50 people, but whats worse is that donald trump expected it to happen.
Dont fall for the obvious bait just sage and move on
Defend this.
How about Reagan sons exploiting his death to hurt Trump?
When Huff Po crops the tweet to give it the absolute opposite meaning that the full tweet had. This is embarrassing that sites get away with this, I am for freedom of speech but stuff like this should be illegal
What a bunch of kikes.
Trump was the first to go on twitter and gave the whole "Prayers for the victims and their families" speech.
Then later, replying to a commenter, he said he appreciated the congrats on being right, but he didn't need congrats, we need to get tougher.
Every single news outlet completely missed the first tweet and zeroed in on the second because, alone, it can come off as insensitive and bragging.
Media being a bunch of evil twats as always.
Sup Forums is a piece of shit full of assblasted sperglords
This is a misquote. He did not have a period after his statement but a comma. Huffpo doesn't want to acknowledge that because what he says next completely invalidates the point they are making.
The point is you're supposed to learn from your mistakes faggot
Sup Forums has been defending it all day. This really is the epicenter of autism.
Should've said media backlash.
But you're giving people an awful lot of credit assuming they'd go through the trouble of searching for a tweet while staying open minded
Finally, someone who gets me
quoth the tripfag
It's like he can see the future
>implying >inb4 huffpo is a valid defense
Huffingpaint is garbage. The only redeeming quality of it is the comment section filled with histrionic leftist idiots.
Is he just doing it for recognition though?
yeah hes such an asshole for telling us something was gonna happen and then it happened, WHAT A DICK!@
I don't get it.
He was right.
but he was right
Huffington Post misquoting Trump and taking half of his tweet to try to make him look bad...again? Who could have guessed?
Anybody who still reads this website needs to be gassed.
Back to Huffpo, cunt. Maybe you can find a solution for that sand in your vagina there
The Left hates it when you're Right.
>Trump tweet: "I appreciate the blowjob I got from my daughter this morning. But I don't want blowjobs right now."
>Huffpo headline: "Trump tweets 'I appreciate the blowjob I got from my daughter this morning.'"
I completely agree but they have a funny front page like The Onion sometimes
It's probably the worst new agency in existence now or ever before in history.
Typical liberal propaganda.
That was not his first response, and it is taken out of context to make him sound bad.
>Donald ever turning down a blowjob from Ivanka
fuck out of here with your lies!
Scott Adams will point out how our lizard brains read headlines like this as "TRUMP WAS RIGHT ABOUT ISLAM"
all I see is "Trump gets worst enemies to agree on something"
Wew, leftists are world champion when it comes to mental gymnastics.
>when trump is making america great again and theres nothing you can do about it
>unironically being an apologist cuck
remove yourself.
>All those angry libtards with (((echos))) on their names
I'm glad to see Sup Forums has fucked with Twitter to the point where people have memed themselves into insanity.
You won't see huffpo complaining about Obama exploiting death to push a gun ban. You won't hear from huffpo about the left exploiting death to blame it all on white christian males.
Only the left is allowed to exploit death and does so unashamedly to push a political agenda.
I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. - Donald J. Trump, the following sentence in the exact same twitter post
Misrepresenting an enemies stance by cutting short their full quote is a fucking pathetic form of argumentation
but what else can I expect from the brilliant minds behind their diverse and holistic editorial board
I'll bite.
It was taken out of context as he told people to stop saying he was right and to take action to stop this madness.
>yfw Trump figured out the perfect formula to winning an election, no experience or even speaking skills required
First he had people listen to conservative talk radio for a year to find out what republicans were pissed about, and he swung far-right in those directions - knowing that immigration hardliners and mudshit haters will easily overlook his 'i dont care' stances on abortion/lack of zealotry when it comes to christian faith/etc, as long as he promises them a wall and no more mudshits. Brilliant.
Then he goes after Bush and uses him as his stepping stone for media attention and as a talking example of how 'out of touch' the establishment is.
Finally, he bases a large part of his platform on banning mudshits. he talks about it and security constantly.
why? because he KNOWS that mudshits arent going to stop being violent faggots
everytime one of them shoots up a place or blows something up, Trump looks that much better
fucking genius
you're missing the bigger point where leftists are still apologizing for terrorist scum.
They still think it's worse to say Muslims are responsible than to literally slaughter hundreds of faggots.
>not showing the entire quote
gtfo you faggot
>What backlash? Media vermin cutting off half of the tweet and linking to each other's articles?
Exactly. Trump structured it in a way so that the first sentence sounds really douchey without the context of the second. Media sees it, thinks "Hey if I leave the second part out and show off the first, I can make Trump look REALLY bad!" and further discredits themselves.
The thing is, months from now the minor details and media spats will be stripped away and people will only remember "A muslim killed 50 gays and only Trump knew it was a radical Islam problem"
nobody cares what the stupid fucking christians think. christcucks were the worst thing to happen to the republican party
I normally could give 0 fucks about Trump but this statement is just retarded. This is the kinda shit that cost Romney the election in '12 because he decided to pick on Obama about Benghazi went it wasn't his fault. This is even worse though because he is saying he is right about banning muslims but this nigga was from New York.
I know you like Trump Sup Forums, but use your brains, for once in your lives.
>New York
He was born here under a Muslim family, if we stopped Muslims coming in, these things would be a lot less frequent until it eventually died out.
Republicans trying to win the evangelical vote during primaries care, and Trump was smart enough to realize that he needed a way to appeal to them without trying to pretend he was a religious zealot, which he isn't (him holding up his bible during that bit in Iowa was ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS).
Borders and no muslims was his answer, and it was a genius one.
Turns out that evangelicals are willing to overlook your less than stellar religious devotion if you promise to kick out illegal spics and remove mudslimes.
>This is the kinda shit that cost Romney the election in '12 because he decided to pick on Obama about Benghazi went it wasn't his fault.
>this statement
You mean half of a statement that they cut off to make him look bad?
I know you meant the US, but your shit little country that is being run by Terrorists has no room to talk. Not only that what you just suggested is insane because we see mass shooting all the damn time, no matter the shooters background.
inb4 I am accused of being le ebin liberal for mentioning that people other than isis and niggers shoot people in the US
sorry OP but Trump warned us and we failed to listen
That's it. Trump has GONE TOO FAR. Using deaths to propel his political career? ONLY LIBERALS CAN DO THAT.
I now shill for Hillary. If you're not ready to stand with Her, you're on the wrong side of history.
It isn't bait. Romney lost because last minute he tried to trash Obama on Bengazhi and on Hurricane Sandy and he got BTFO by his own party so hard he lost. Go back and read archived articles from the later half of 2012, even fucking Chris Christie blew him the fuck out for his arrogant statements about Sandy. PBS Debate Hosts blew him out during the debate about Benghazi. These things are facts. They happened. Quit feigning ignorance because it goes against your politic views, it makes you no better than a filthy liberal.
I'm not talking about mass shootings, I really don't give a fuck about mass shootings, that's your own problem. But I'm talking about terror attacks, suddenly when you remove Muslims from the equation, terror attacks drop down significantly.
Are you fucking retarded? During the last debate they had, Romney mentioned Benghazi 0 (zero) times. He didn't go after Obongo enough.
It wouldn't have mattered anyway. Romney was a weak, milquetoast piece of shit.
This is still a mass shooting. This happens every 3 months here. Just because he is a mudslime doesn't automatically mean its different. All mass shootings are still just that, mass shootings.
What about the other half of the quote? You know, the part where he quite cpearly States he doesn't want congrats, he wants people to learn from this?
>He didn't go after Obama at all.
Are you retarded? Is the better question?
This is fact. You cannot feign ignorance because you are a fucking moron.
I know that we don't get as much news over here on America as you do, but I haven't heard of a mass shooting or attack that bad ever, over there.
Or anything really bad until it involves a Muslim. Personally I'd put priority on fixing the Muslim problem rather than the mass shootings that seem to happen regardless of what you do.
t. increasingly nervous man
>I'm here to distort truth and contextualize, and I'm all outta context.
where's the rest of the quote?
dishonest fucks
>(((Huffington Post)))
Thank god I save all these frogs
jesus no wonder romney lost what a autist
ur a fuckn idiot op.
people are dead because shit skin lovers like you are paralyzed by the fear of being insensitive
This is probably one of the worst, if not the worst on US Soil, ever. That doesn't mean ones damn near as bad haven't happened. Sandy Hook, Aurora, Columbine, Virginia Tech. There are plenty of them, but removing Muslims as a whole from the equation won't change any of these from happening. All of the ones I just labeled were carried out by White Men and Asian Men. The outlier Mass Shooting is the one that happened today. I typically don't care what Trump says, but this shit today is just bad. It makes him look like an arrogant uncaring asshole and it directly hurts his ideas that banning muslims is a good idea because this was, once again, a homegrown attack.
No dude lmao I am wrong the evidence is lying go away you liberal :((((((
If FBI were allowed to profile this Mudskin and cuck him, we wouldn't have this problem.
But that would be Islamophobic and discriminatory.
The FBI actually did profile him, multiple times, they let him slip through the cracks because just like any other vetting or flat ban things fall through the cracks because the system is flawed.
>why dont we ban guns so all of these false flag operations stop happening