Nazis on Aztecs

I read on a panflet that Aztecs themselves were a Nazi approved aryan race.

If this were to be true, what would be Sup Forums opinion on based aryan Mexico

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I have no native blood tho

>bloodthristy totalitarian state loved a bloodthristy totalitarian state

what a surprise

Must have been hard to be stomped by the japanese

spot the nigger

I'm Maya n shiieett
We're bros with the Aztecas tho. You just have to be patient with them, they're somewhat impulsive

If You are going to be natuonalist dont do it appropiating yuropoor culture


right, and im a fucking indian. you wish friendo. aztecs are ugly fuckers anyway. they would sacrifice all the good looking people. thats why mexico is so ass ugly today


we let them come, then we set up a guerrilla movement and fucked their shit up and then when they got BTFO by the allied powers we got a free pass for technically being on the Axis powers side because we were such an important part of the war effort in East Asia. Japs are pussies. The spanking didn't end there afterthe war, jap karatekas decided to come here to test their "superior japanese art" against the locals. They ended up getting destroyed by superior Muay Thai warriors. They took these lessons back to japan with them and modern kickboxing was born.

spot nigger #2

Most of the Aztecs were killed. Only a small sliver of Mexicans have Aztec blood.

The Nazis just wanted their gold so they could do their Nazi spells with it.




Have you ever been outside of Alabama?

mexican women are top qt m8

im 100% chichimeca n shit

Have you ever looked up what happened to the Aztecs?


Get it right culero

Aztecs were fucking savages and cannibals, their polytheistic gods encouraged them to do atrocities beyond comprehension, the tlatoanis and high priests were just a bunch of fucking peyote junkies, you should be ashamed for praising them, the spaniards did nothing wrong when they conquered them.

You fucking chairo

This makes it worse, you know what else was characteristic of the aztecs? Respect for your ancestors, so don't disrespect them by praising his enemies.

They were insane, remember that time when they sacrificed 3000 in 3 nigths just because they couldn't stop the spaniards so they killed all those people for their gods?

Regardless we should totally bring Aztec sacrifices back. That sort of death penalty would certainly stop a lot of people from doing bad things.

Have you ever been here?, the south is full of mestizos

Have you been to their "neck of the woods" billy-bob?

They weren't
Was a ploy by the Nazis to persuade the Mexicans to attack America to alleviate the stress they were putting on them

1/3 of that post is ok by me desu

>If this were to be true, what would be Sup Forums opinion on based aryan Mexico

Just stay in based aryan Mexico, Paco. That's all anyone wants here.

>Randomly taking an innocent girl from a tribe that they defeated and eating her heart just because "If we don't kill 20 peoples per day the sun will not appear any more"


and the only tribe in all of Mexico was Aztec right? Now who helped the Spanish invade the Aztecs again?

Yes. I wouldn't need to though to know that the Aztecs were slaughtered by the Spanish and their enemies.

That's not how you do it in 2016 (TM), nigger.

Just "sacrifice" all degenerates (Narcos/Cholombias/Nacos etc.) to the "sun god" of non-degeneracy. there, how hard can modernizing a healthy custom be?

They were all the same race, but yes, you are kind of right I guess

You make it sound easy, even though I'm all for executing the corrupts and the criminals, I don't think eating their hearths is a proper way of doing it, we are not animals

We should do it like great Franco and other regimes have done

Putting them against the wall and shooting them

A civilized and yet a exemplar way of doing it

they always blow up friendo. the ones that dont are distant mixed mexicans at the very most.

>I wouldn't need to though

Then you're an absolute idiot, please proceed to your nearest railroad track and lay there

I don't even know what point you were trying to make.

t. numale tourist visiting cozumel

Or we can offer them for free labor hand to build THE WALL and pay less for it

That you are clueless and speaking out of your ass like a Sup Forumstarded hillbilly that's never been anywhere other than his local circle K

Says the African american who's ancestors came from sub-Saharan Africa
Says the Mexican who's existence originates with the extinction of pure Aztecs when they where breaded out of existence (or killed) to create the mestizo raze.
So in conclusion; Yes, we wuz aztecs and shit indeed

Is Aztec > Mestizo?

What do you say?

I never said who was better m8, I was pointing out that unlike the "WE WUZ KANGS" meme a mexican saying "WE WUZ AZTECS" is like an american saying "WE WUZ MAYFLOWER"

I guess we can be more civil and just sterilize them and make sure they don't procreate. but yeah, I'm down to Make Latin America Grande Again (TM)

>mfw estare destruyendo la escoria de la sociedad para mejorar al pais que me dio vida (Colombia) con mis queridos Mexibros, que tambien estaran en la misma limpiando su gran patria de degenerados

Let's make this happen, user. let's truly put Hispanics on the map

I am more Mexican than nopal, and because of that I can tell you that Mexico is not the ancient tribes that inhabited these lands 500 years ago.

Mexico is (used to be back when the virreinato and later with Iturbide*) a perfect example of what is called "latinoamericanismo" or "Iberoamerica", the mix of two cultures that united to eradicate a common oppressor enemy. The first functional and open university in the continent was founded in Mexico and a lot of cientific papers were released here under the virreinato, the Indians and Spaniards were alike (see the orden de los dominicos for more information).
It wasn't until the independence that everything went to hell

Forgot how to mention the sterilization process

Graph is cute and accurate at the same time

Jews are fucking crazy, don't take them as an example

I already told you that I've been to Mexico right in the post you are responding too. I've been to Mexico City. Even if I didn't I could still read this information in a book or online.

According to this the modern Aztec population is over a million.

While Mexico's population is 122.3 million.

I'm looking for a better source on Aztec population.

House Nigger Uncle Tom mother fucker

Stay in your country
Practice nationalism
We can be friends who shitpost on the Internet
Just don't come here

Por Mexico, so far from god, so close to the united states.

My father is from colombia :D

What!? Again?
First Wilhelm II tries to anger the Americans with telegrams and an invaded Columbus by a guy with a mustache as big as his. And now this? Aryans are sure Machiavellic to say the least
>WHAT THE FUCK?! I hate aryans now

Which is the same as being close to Satan

The Second Empire was very liberal, but somehow it was a shit ton better than the republic.

>stone age tech in the 16th century
we wuz aryan

This is literally what Hitler wanted. He died in vain brehs :(

Goblin race of goblin women


That is nationalism, it is not really that hard to do, some countries need a wall tho

I don't praise Maximilian, he was Freemason scum just as Juarez, I heard that the whole deal with him was just a dispute between masonic houses, the Scottish rite and the English rite, yet I do believe that the second empire was better than the republic, hell everything is better than republic

lol aztecs were a fine example of master morality. the reason why mexico is shit today is because of the spanish culture and roman catholicism.

r mexicans really this stupid? are they this ignorant of their own fucking demographics?

I'm pretty sure "liberal" in that sense is just talking about leftie-commie ideologies, not "classical liberalism"

I encourage this, Mexicans need to love their countries.

You can see the high class people acting like Americans and the poor people acting like Aztecs.

We need to redefine our national identity

You know I actually pity you mexicans sometimes for the shit you have to deal with.

Don't you dare make me cry! MUSLIM!

"Voy a morir por una causa justa, la de la independencia y libertad de México. ¡Que mi sangre selle las desgracias de mi nueva patria! ¡Viva México!"

>I am going to die for a noble cause, for the independence and freedom of Mexico. That my blood seal away the misfortunes of my new motherland! ¡Viva México!

mestizo is shit. spanish mongrel blood mixed with pure aztec blood = shit

What do you mean, isn't the 80% of south mestizo? aren't Veracruzianos mixed up with africans? Aren't some of the norteños mixed with arabs and jews?

>Nazi Mexico
Its like my paradox games

Just throwing the sterilization idea out there kek

fuck, I really want Latin America to mean something. you just know that if we really put our mind into it, we could be influential, like a better Europe without that technocratic EU/Cuck maximum crap, just a bunch of 1st world Latin comfy Nations. We're just too fucking lazy, stupid and backstabing. but oh well, one can always dream :)

stfu you know im joking dummy

ITT: mexicans who couldn't get across the border licking the white man's ass

t. spic anchor baby


>I already told you that I've been to Mexico

No you haven't. I've been up and down both coasts and inbetween numerous times. My family originates not far from there, I'm not white so you can take those stats and stick them where Jerome had his penis in you last night, cuck

Go ahead and be autismal with one of your own, you won't get anywhere with me


Norteño Chink here, im op

yurope tried to conquer and colonize the americas.

but it ultimately failed

Oh well at least we got a shit ton of their gold and precious gems :^)

Why would I want to cross the border? Life is more relaxed here, it is pretty east to make a good and quiet life, the U.S. is too much of a mess for me

>and he calls me stupid

My argument was the false claim that most Mexicans are descended from Aztecs. Barely 5% can claim this. It's like Americans claiming to have Cherokee blood.

Just curious are there blue eyed pale skinned girls in mexico?

The only thing hispanics will ever do is mindlessly say "VIVA _____!" every now and then and never EVER actually try to get anything done because "eww user, que asco la politica, mejor vamos al antro wey no seas tan puto"

>tfw we might have to nuke half of the LatAm population to try to get back on track

not sure if I can press the button lads. fuck it, might as well

and ur still poor. only white people are stupid enough to conquer the entire world and take everything of value and still be poor.

Fuck you, all indians are subhumans

No, that's why my life is so miserable. They're strictly imported material, or amish like communities.

You dont know anythign about me, stupid spic mestizo mutt boy.

I'll press it for you then amigo

Yes, we call them "güeras", they are usually in the north and a physically European but mentally a combination of mexican and southern american.
If you do not mind the eye color then there are a lot of very pale people, but obviously nothing to brag about

>living in a mud hut is a good and quiet life

Pls nuke Colombia, It would really help. and make it work this time, don't turn us into fucking Japan please.

you live in poland and you think racial slurs over the internet are must be really poor:(


stop lying. pale skin doesn't mean that you are white. there are no real white people in mexico. white mexicans are white like middle eastern people.

>Aztecs gone a long time before Hitler existed

Mfw @ the realization that Hitler only gave the Aztecs some leeway because they were already extinct

The little word that says Mexica is the Aztecs. Then there is allll these other tribes.

you just called me white, you fucking racist.
damn you shitskinned beaners are fucking stupid

hearts of iron iv

He asked for pale girls, stop acting like bait for >American education

>be anchor baby
>complain about being in America and all the great things white people built

Statistically you're probably under 18, so you're going back

Thanks I love strategy games

Colombia just needs a good old fashion conservative military coup. Surely that will fix colombia rigth?