YLYL: Sup Forums holocaust electronic boogaloo edition
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What a shit thread
A match made in heaven
>That knight
>Sturm Brightblade with a Dragonlance
>We wuz Solamnic knights!
>Praise Huma!
>It was real in my mind!
I thought only Amerilards believed fantasy novels and tv was canon European history.
Lost hard
more tay tweets
What the fuck is she thinking?
About muslim cocks apparently.
Do other countries not have obese people?
I miss her Fritz ;_;
pretty accurate tbqhfjjkfmfkam
Those are some nice clocks you have there, want to bring them to the white house?
did he died?
what? No.
>Sup Forums meetup
Best forced meme
I feel sorry for the white SA everyday.
Holy fuck what a smug piece of shit. What did Margaret Thatcher call Mandela? A terrorist?
Kek at NATO closing the door.
I would fuck that chubby though. I would smash that lardy pussy.
What romania did is actually impressive good job.
you realize not even universities see that as a legitimate source
I'm going to drive through your state on my way to New Orleans, you live near Valdosta?
Fuck off with your Sup Forums thread, you kike.
Fun fact, she was arrested but now she's free again
edgy Sup Forums tier
what ever happened to the clock boy, seems like he's gone into obscurity
The Brothers Karamazov has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. And Martin Luther's works are better examples than a self help book.
the fact that someone actually put all of that garbage together and decided to take things out of context while his only source is wikipedia is amazing 6/10 you made me reply
>le wikipedia is not a valid source
people who have enough time on their hands to write Wikipedia articles are generally well researched.
They also tend to be leftist echomachines.
Lefties know nothing and do not care about medieval history. Sign up to a history class at a university and tell me how many liberals you find. It's a conservative male dominated field.
at my university libtards organize from 7 up to 24 people groups that get together casually to edit and write wiki articles frequently and I'm sure they're not the only group as well as this is probably common in other universities
wikipedia unless you are sifting through math and scientific articles is pretty much garbage that's only good for overview and sometimes sources, anything that is in soft sciences you can just stay away from
That's pretty terrifying, but what sort of articles do they edit?
> It is one of the longest structures in the world and is the world's longest fence