Do not accept that the stages of dominate civilization is doomed to failure. We are Western Civilization, we are the people whom bring about the third epoch. We are strength, logic, and love, wrapped in a continuum f power and domination.

It is only the misconception of domination that warps us into a misanthropic culture accepting of it's dissolution.

I love you, I love my people.

We will prevail.

Other urls found in this thread:

nah mate
what Western Civilization has become is doomed to fail
all of it must burn down before we can start all over again

Do not go gentle into that good night

Dylan Thomas

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Western cultural and political dominance ultimately became its downfall.

Globalization only exists as a phenomenon because of Western civilization. Every other nation was isolationist, especially China and Japan, until they were literally forced out of it, oftentimes at gunpoint.

European and American mercantile drives demanded that these nations trade with them when they were content to be left alone. Americans imported black slaves from Africa who otherwise never would've migrated to the New World.

The Middle East is fucked because of all the retarded borders left behind after Europe withdrew, with an added fuse in the form of a Jewish state just to further destabilize an already volatile situation.

Asian nations meanwhile realized that to avoid endless unfair treaties and coercion, they would have to modernize and rekindle a drive to innovate and expand that had gone dormant during their isolationist phases.

Time and again, the West has repeatedly prodded at the East, forcing it out of one self-imposed isolation after another. And now they're crying about unfair trading practices, about steel dumping and outsourcing.


The West made this bed.

Time to die in it.

Is it time yet

>what Western Civilization has become

But not what we will be.

We will harden. We will balkanize. We HAVE to find strength in each other, but more importantly, strength in ourselves.

God I love you. I love such a people as accepting and as assuming as the best of you.

You just said a bunch of things everyone knows are true but you haven't given any relevant information or thesis other than
west bad
now it die

>we will balkanize
then it won't be western civilization anymore friendo it will be something new
let me tell you what Western Civilization is:
It's blatant consumerism, loyalty and devotion to corporate businesses
It's unrefined capitalism, where greed and schemes know no bounds
It's weakness, children aren't intrested at all in their country much less in defending it while the adults advocate for more diversity
It's globalism, uniting very different cultures under the same roof built with shoddy construction materiels
It's degeneracy, young being engouraged to "express themselves" sexualy while being exposed to propaganda about "non binary" gender systems

>west bad

West Good. It is the most accepting, tolerant civilization in this, the year of our lord, 2016. it embodies strangth, prosperity, tolerance, and love.

But we must protect ourselves. We must prevail. We are the epitome of the balance of strength and tolerance.

You do not provoke the race that created that atom bomb, yet also a race that fought amongst itself to end slavery.

The self is the whole.

Because that's the only thing to take away from this.

There is no "fighting against the fall" because every step the West takes brings it one step closer to the fall.

It is only emotional folly and wishful denial that prevents the denizens of the West from accepting its inevitable, nihilistic end.

Nothing can be too powerful or too beautiful without disaster befalling it eventually.

Time. The Greatest Equalizer.

That is true my ching chong ping pong friend, but when something falls, it can get up again

When it rises again, it will be nothing like what it was before.

It is reborn into something else.

Something different.

Something alien.


It will have lost what it once was and the bloom that yields will be twisted.


Transcendent and unprecedented.

It has already happened and it came back greater than before

See: Roman Empire followed by the Barbarian Kingdsoms tansformed into Modern Europe

And it will happen again

fuck off westfag

we'll make a new civilization without the integrated autism ty

Time to make western civilisation great again

What will the outcome i keep feeling that the globalist and nwo fagz will win because they always play the victim card and we have no foot to put down without looking like the aggressors

well, you're assuming that the way westerners see the world will stay the same over the following years, but I assure you it's not


you can't fight them, unless you are literally Jesus

Dat statue

Jews are running the west now

a total failure is imminent....

dont you know what happens to civilizations when jews get at the wheel?

Decay,rot,corruption,degeneracy,tyranny,collapse of order,injustice,DEATH AND BLOODSHED EVERYWHERE!

history repeating itself

you are speaking the language of demoralization and surrender, my friend. but you recognize the darkness. Now you must become the light.

you must seize upon your heritage and uplift your fellow man, let your strength shine forth and rescue the West from the forces of subversion and degeneracy!

Pretty accurate, except for the Middle East, since the antiquity the middle east was always a massive battle ground and an unstable region.

We will overcome this.

Nations are doomed to fall eventually, but another will rise to take its place from the ashes.

Always a better one.

I don't know if western culture can be saved at this point. There is no spirit, no willingness to fight, everybody just thinks about themselves.

But not all is lost, eastern europe will pick up where west has failed.

That's the way it looks like because of practically police states with political opression being heavy.

As always, people are afraid to speak against the main narrative, especially now when they could be shamed nation wide within hours for an offline comment.

Yes it is truly dreadful that in some western countries you can get arrested for as much as posting comments on the internet.

Why did they let this go so far ?
